Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy

Msmary247 Member Posts: 1
edited 2022 10 in General Discussion
I have had severe nausea, vomiting and colon cramping, which is a hindrance to intake nutritional value from food.
The arm "PATCH", along with nausea pills that dissolve on my tongue, have been the only thing keeping me out of the hospital. Have gone through severe dehydration. My experience is that I have to keep drinking a minimum of 4 (16.9 oz's) of bottled water every day, to move food through the stomach/colon.
Through FAITH and perseverance, along with my husband care giving me; I will endure and be well again.
Update 5/10/22: Started 3rd round of Chemo (which included "5 bags" of drip for "6" hours. First bag, definitely gives you "Chemo brain", which means you get dizzy and unstable to get up and walk comfortably without worry of falling. Best to stay put or call for assistance if the need presents itself". My Oncologist is excellent and provides all the necessary item to keep the patient comfortable, ie. (TV Internet access, with headphones, remote, blanket, pillow, phone/tablet chargers. I always bring reading material of choice and a bagged lunch also, so I am set for the timeframe.
I am also taking the "Ondansetron" ODT Dissolving tabs twice daily, for as long as needed. Also, water intake is
essential daily!!! Thumbs up to "cohorts on this journey", Feel free to communicate, if you wish, encouragement and prayers always bring comfort and strength.


  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    I was on arimadex and had radiation in 2012.Had to stop taken the arimadex in 2 years, because of all the side effects,but I have many other symtoms from falling down a flight of stairs on Sept 8th the Feb.5th outside.I haven't been able to see my doctors Primary,Cardiologist,GI ,Foot ) since 2019 because I refuse to wear a mask or have that jab.I prefer trusting my Lord and Saviour than man having control and going into the NWO soon.The tribulation is coming quickly and the Church of God>The Body of Christ is going oHOME soon.I just feels so sorry for the unsaved that will not accept Salvation before it's too late. I will be fine soon.PTL ! Jesus has been protected me and taken care of me.

    I never heard of drinking boiling water every and why? day so I don't know what to tell you
  • Ashera
    Ashera Member Posts: 94
    Dear Msmary - I had severe multi-times a day, diarrhea with my chemo - and really couldn't stand most things I had to chew. I exsisted on high protein (MuscleMilk 34g) a day and Kozy Shack tapioca pudding, and watered down lemonade to get my water intake. I can out with really good labs. Try to rethink eating the usual foods. Jello, broth, reg salt, as sea salt can taste metallic to many, use plastic spoons (metallic taste of metal) plain noodles, etc. Sending you healing energy!
    Continue with your bottled water only try to add a splash of juice to make it taste better.
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    VERY IMPORTANT TO >Watch the Water – Full Movie – Forbidden Knowledge TV
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    they're poisoning the water....