I was on Revlamid for nine years but in my case I was never in complete remission. I changed to my current treatment which I’ve been on for a year. I know that if and when it stops working I’ll have to go on another treatment. I w have always been til MM is treatable but not curable so I understand that I have to be watched closely.
There are charities that help with grants to help with copays. Normally you get help finding one of these charities. I have not yet paid my copays.
I have neuropathy as well and take Gabapentin to reduce the numbness. It works pretty well plus he helps with my insomnia.
If you can go off Revlamid without endangering your remission and your Drs agree I’d sure try. Good luck!!0 -
I was on revlamid for 4 years after my stem cell treatment in 2015. I stopped taking it because of cost to my family and also the neuropathy was terrible. I ended up stopping all pain medication and nerve medications also after. My numbers was very low for years and this year my M spike went back up to prior levels but only active was showing in my hip. So I am going back on full cycle. I dont know if i stayed on the medication would have kept it at bay or not but I also felt at the time I did not want my body to build up a resistance to meds and not have it work. I was never in full remission either. Lowest spike was just under 1.
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