Hello from WHATNEXT!

NGonzalez (STAFF)
NGonzalez (STAFF) Member, Administrator Posts: 36

Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to look around the website and follow us on social media. Also, keep an eye out for our new WHATNEXT newsletter.

The process of building interest and engagement with our forums may take some time, but we are committed to getting the conversations going again, and we'd love your help! Please invite your friends, families, and community members to join the conversation. Are you in a support group on another social media platform?

Share our link with them! It takes a village to build one!

We are looking forward to great things here at WHATNEXT, but we can't do it without you! While we will be monitoring the forums to make sure everyone is playing nice, we will also be sharing the latest cancer news and topics of interest, as well as opportunities to share your story. We encourage you to share your journey with us all, the good stuff as well as the bad. Let's be a source of encouragement and empowerment for each other!


  • LAnTX831
    LAnTX831 Member Posts: 1

    When I was first diagnosed in 2016 the forum had a aqua blue/orange icon. The community was very active and had sections for patients and caregivers. Is this the same forum?

  • NGonzalez (STAFF)
    NGonzalez (STAFF) Member, Administrator Posts: 36

    Hi @LAnTX831 and welcome back! Technically, this is the same forum. We acquired WhatNext a while back and updated the site, so it does look different. During the update, we unfortunately were not able to keep all the past posts, but we kept what we could. We are glad you are still here and hope that we can get conversations going again!