Greg Pierce
Member Posts: 5
Just thought I would let everyone know, our fearless leader Greg Pierce passed away early this morning surrounded by Family. You don’t need me to tell how remarkable he truly was. He and I became friends back in 2012. I don’t look up to many people but I sure looked up to Greg. Love you buddy!!! Rest Easy...
Oh, what heartbreaking news. My deepest sympathy to Greg's family and dear friends.
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Oh, yes, this is indeed heartbreaking news. He was such a great person. I am so sad. Sincerest sympathy and love to Donna and the rest of his family.0
And thank you for letting us know, ticklingcancer.0
That’s terrible news. I know he did so much good in our world and in the world in general. He will be missed greatly — he already is. I send my deepest condolences to Donna and all of his other loved ones.0
This is heartbreaking.I was always checking his posts and comments.My deepest symathy to Donna , DeanaBeana and family.0
Hope For The Broken Hearted
ihiAhpturSitepolea on2s7orded, rc20h17r ·
A Prayer from Debbie Kay for hurting hearts and healing watch/?v=101553125973199390 -
I’m so sorry to hear this! Greg has been Superman to us all here and he will be truly missed! Sympathy to his family, especially Donna. A sad day for the world.0
This is devastating news. It is going to take me a while to process it. My deepest sympathy to his family - he was a lot to lose.0
Hi TC. Ok, my heart hurts a lot. I joined this site back in 2012. After my diagnosis but before my hysterectomy. And Greg was by my side since the beginning. Greg was always a cheerleader when any of us got good news or was hopeful about a new treatment. And he was there to virtually handhold when we got bad news. I am so sad today. And my thoughts are with Donna and the family.0
I am so heartbroken to read this news. Greg was an incredible leader for all of us, caring and humorous, always with a good attitude. He will be missed more than i can say.0
I am sitting here, having just read this news, and I am crying. I haven't been on the site for as long as some of you, but this hurts my heart. I thought Greg would live forever, or certainly longer than me. I'm sure that like all others on the site, it's going to take a while to truly understand he is gone. My prayers go out to Donna and the rest of the family and his many friends. We've lost a warm and humble leader. We'll miss you, Greg.0
This hurts. We all have lost a great friend and cheerleader for our issues. Greg, you will never be forgotten.
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I am heartbroken. I have worked with Greg for the past three years. We would "huddle" together via email, deciding on article topics. He was so dedicated to all of us at WhatNext. My thoughts and prayers go out to Donna and his family.0
So, so sorry. I have only been on this site for less than 2 years but I always enjoyed his input and I can tell he was greatly loved. Praying for his family.0
Eternal rest grant him and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his family and loved ones receive consolation in their time of sorrow. Amen.0
Greg will be missed so very much. He has set a great example for all of us to follow- to be uplifting and encouraging. He has rallied around us all and encouraged us to do the same for each other. I know that I am still a relatively newbie compared to most of you, but I took so much hope from Greg's optimism. I had been thinking about trying to find a way to get in touch with Donna so I could send him a little booklet that encouraged me. I guess this is yet another reminder that none of us have unlimited tomorrows. Now he does. Fly high with the angels Greg. We love you and miss you, but know you are still on our side.0
Greg will be missed on here. Sympathies to his family.0
Sorry to say this ,but I now I don't trust hospitals even less.God only knows if it was his time to go Home.He suffered so much throughout the years on so many occasions and kept going .Yes God is Worthy to trust 100%,but especially today (the days we're in this world is in no way to trust) We are in the last days and I hope and pray Greg was called Home ,before things get worst.God Knows what He's doing and it was best to call Greg home I guess?Yes,I hurt so bad ,because he was always there for me and everyone.Never left .anyone out in other words.He 's sure a Godly man while he was here and now he's with Jesus.
Philippians 1:21 King James Version (KJV)
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain0 -
Donna and I set up a surprise visit to see Greg in late March and then Covid hit. In the interest of keeping Greg from the possibility of getting sick, we decided to postpone the trip. Never in a million years would I have thought that in just a few short months we would have to say goodbye. Greg’s ability to make someone feel good about their cancer diagnosis was truly admirable. We wore our Cancer diagnosis as a badge of honor. On our birthdays it wasn’t so much that we would say happy birthday, it was “hey man, made it another year”. I’ve spoken with Donna and as much as she misses him and as sad and she is, she celebrates the life he lived, and boy did he live, but also finds comfort in knowing that her Superman is no longer in pain. I’m sure gonna miss that guy.0
So sorry and heartbroken to hear this news. My sympathy and love to his family during this difficult time.0
I use to like coming in this site everyday,but I'm having a very difficult time now to read the comments.This is really heartbreaking for Donna , family ,everyone in here and everyone involded knowing him and Donna.You don't find people as sweet and loving/caring like them >I don't anyways.0
I was trying to post the link to his Obituary but the link is being difficult. Just copy and paste the entire link and it should work.0
ticklingcancer, thank you very much for posting the link.0
If you hit the green it should be fine.And you can copy and paste in google if you have problems.But I didn't have a problem clicking on the green.Thank You for the link...0
Thanks for posting the link to Greg's obit, TC. It worked for me.0
Just now read the sad news of Greg’s passing. What a kind and wonderful man he was, so beloved by all; his fortitude in living with cancer was an inspiration for me and so many people here at WhatNext. Greg was a titan within the cancer community and will be greatly missed. R.I.P. Greg.0
TC, thank you.0
Ticklingcancer, thank you for the link to Greg's obituary..0
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