

  • MarcieB
    Hi, Pauline. I am not offended by your question, I meant to respond, but do not spend so much time at the computer any more. I was vaccinated (both shots), but I did not get the booster. And I have not worn a mask, unless at the hospital, for at least a year.
    March 2022
  • MarcieB
    Pauline, I just saw some handwritten notes you posted on PinBoard. What is that about? Are you okay?
    January 2022
  • legaljen1969
    Pauline, you are my earth angel today.

    She has very strong beliefs, even if everyone does not agree with her. She lives out her faith unapologetically and stands strong in her beliefs. She has been very kind and compassionate to me on a number of occasions. I have had discussions with her that show me that her heart is for the good and healing of humanity in general.
    We do not always know a person's story that led them to where they are, or why they speak or behave as they do.
    I realize it is very unpopular in today's world to say anything positive about anyone who holds any sort of belief even remotely associated with Christianity. I realize it is not popular to be associated with anything conservative.
    Is Pauline "guilty" of both? Perhaps.
    It saddens me that people all pile on her, so I just want her to know that I do see the good in her. I see the struggles she has had to get to where she is. I see a heart longing to help a struggling world. She is a kind and loving person. Yes
    August 2021
  • mwfd
    Thank you for your posts PaulineJ.
    August 2021
  • MarcieB
    Pauline, I am just wondering how you are doing? Are you still participating in this site, because I know a lot of us miss hearing from you. Colby, the new moderator put out a survey to help this site be more efficient, did you take it? You can go to Questions and see his link for the survey. While you are there you might also want to answer some of the other questions? I know a lot of us would be happy to hear from you.
    July 2021
  • MarcieB
    PaulineJ, are you getting a bunch of past notifications? I just saw your post from April 10 and I know you felt like you were being dropped out, but now you must know that NONE of us were getting notifications? And now it seems we are getting caught up? Crazy! I hope this site settles into some semblance of normal soon.
    April 2021
  • MarcieB
    Happy Easter, Pauline, He is Risen, indeed! I hope you have a lovely day.
    April 2021
  • MarcieB
    Pauline, I don't know about legaljen, but I have stopped using Facebook. I encounter so many differing opinions there about things I care about and I find it difficult to ignore some things. I often want to *slam* someone with a sarcastic remark, but if I did it would reflect on my husband, so I have to bite my tongue and let it pass. It is easier not to even go there. I am reading and painting a lot more. And I come here to chat with this group of caring people.

    You have, indeed, had some hard things in your life. How are you finding peace now? I know you find great strength and peace in the Lord, but I am wondering how you spend your days? Do you read? Any hobbies? Is your health stable now? What are you doing while waiting for the Rapture?

    You are so right when you point out how much we all miss Greg here. I think we owe it to his memory to try to keep things active and good between us. This is a positive, helpful group, I am so glad I found it. I will be thinking of you today and hope you have a pleasant day - winter is finally loosening it's hold.(yay!)
    March 2021
  • MarcieB
    Hi, Pauline, I am just checking to see if you are all right? We haven't heard from you in a while. It feels like it has been such a long winter, but now we are seeing some signs of spring. The Lenten season is my favorite. I hope you are well?
    March 2021
  • KB2013
    I can relate. I've had bowel disease since my early 20's and that's forty years of it now. I get the bathroom trips, too. On days when I fear I'll not make it to the bathroom, I take prescription Lomitil (slows bowels) and I can go without having to run to one, if there is one where I'm at, you know the drill.
    As for teeth problems, I've hit brick walls too. One surgeon says, no problem, we'll do posts and denture for $20k while another says, too severe of bone problems, nothing to be done, just live with the pain.
    It sounds to me like you have a myriad of worrisome issues but I will tell you this: a woman, aged 75 had full implant dentures installed and has done well, she's now 93 so, these dentists who focus on our age are full of it. In your case, you have heart and anesthesia related concerns so that's different.
    I want you to know I completely understand the bathroom routine but I haven't found any doctor interested in trying to alleviate the symptoms.
    April 2017
  • KB2013
    Pauline, I feel like what I'm reading was written by me for the most part. I also have bowel problems for most of my life and understand the bathroom runs. I also know how frustrating it is to go to a doctor or ER on the worst days and have tests done that provide no answers. Right now I have something going on with the gut but all I get is 'head scratching' from the doctors. Oh, yeah, the dental problems are driving me nuts but no one seems to want to do anything about it. What's your experience been in that area?
    April 2017
  • legaljen1969
    Pauline, I want to try to help you find any other resource available to help with the situation with your brother. I cannot get the form to upload here. If you will write to me at fighterjen2019 at gmail dot com I will send you anything I can find.
    January 2021
  • Carool
    Pauline, thank you for following me. I just followed you.

    I’m really touched by your saying how lonely you’ve been. It’s a brave thing to speak about. Many people are lonely but won’t admit it, even though it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve had periods of loneliness throughout my life. It’s no fun.

    I noticed that you’ve suffered from depression and anxiety (and PTSD). I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety and still do, especially anxiety. I’m on a med for those. And the turmoil and uncertainty we’re all experiencing these days sure aren’t helping.

    I know your faith is strong and it will comfort you. Please also know that I and others on WhatNext are also here to talk to, as distant as we are geographically.
    November 2020
  • legaljen1969
    Pauline, with your amazing faith, I feel certain you know that Greg is with his Father with his glorified body free of pain. We never like to lose the ones we love, but Greg lived every day with as much positivity and joy as anyone could do. He inspired us all so very much.

    Please don't develop a distrust of hospitals. Even with all of the negative stuff, there is still a lot of good being done in these hospitals where they find new treatments and possibilities for us all. The fact that Greg was willing to keep trying experimental treatments gives me so much hope because he wanted to live every day fully.
    October 2020
  • Carool
    Pauline, thank you for following me. I just followed you.

    I’m really touched by your saying how lonely you’ve been. It’s a brave thing to speak about. Many people are lonely but won’t admit it, even though it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    I noticed that you’ve suffered from depression and anxiety (and PTSD). I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety and still do, especially anxiety. I’m on a med for those. And the turmoil and uncertainty we’re all experiencing these days sure aren’t helping.

    I know your faith is strong and it will comfort you. Please also know that I and others on WhatNext are also here to talk to, as distant as we are geographically.
    November 2020
  • GregP_WN
    Here is a link to the newsletter
    June 2019
  • GregP_WN
    You should be getting emails from the system. I cleared your email address again. Let me know if not.
    June 2019
  • Carool
    Pauline, I just saw that you are having to undergo tests to see if your cancer has spread. I'm sorry that you're having to do this, and I'm hoping that everything turns out to be only a scare - and we all know how awful even scares can be! I'm sending you hugs and best wishes. Please keep us posted.
    February 2019
  • Bug
    PaulineJ, you mentioned on another page that the cancer may have possibly spread. I'm very sorry to hear this. I'm wishing you the very best. Please keep us posted.
    February 2019
  • Carool
    Pauline, I just saw that you are having to undergo tests to see if your cancer has spread. I'm sorry that you're having to do this, and I'm hoping that everything turns out to be only a scare - and we all know how awful scares can be! I'm sending you hugs and best wishes.
    February 2019
  • meyati
    Really- I think that Russell would have found one of Boise's or my PINBOARD posts and complained about that, especially with the Holidays coming up. . Then people write and ask for prayer or offer to pray.

    There's a fair share of us that say we pray instead of meditating or whatever. That knowing Jesus kept us calm during treatment and after diagnosis. You certainly aren't alone here.
    Take care-- i honestly have been thinking of you a lot.
    October 2018
  • BoiseB
    I hear you on the problems with Microsoft. It seems that I am interrupted by my computer updating. My computer takes almost an hour to update then I have to get used to a whole new system. Most annoying
    October 2018
  • BuckeyeShelby
    I'm the happy little pagan, and you do what you need to. I know your faith is an INCREDIBLY important part of your life. Do I roll my eyes sometimes? Sure. I roll my eyes at lots of different stuff that gets posted. But I would NEVER go off on you or deny you the expression of something so important to you. Hope you don't mind that I jumped in here. I do support you.
    October 2018
  • meyati
    Dear Pauline----Preach it !! This Russell person is completely out of line. I think that everyone supports you. Some people seem to be waiting to be offended by something.

    There have been several times that people offended me---and I blocked them. I did not respond to any of their questions, to turn the other cheek. If there was a question, where they answered, I didn't answer. That worked pretty well with one person, until they called John McCain a traitor, said that he was released early by the North Vietnamese. i did ask that person-that claims to be a liberal Democrat, why she would repeat things that far right extremists said- . Then the war was on. I am ashamed of how that degenerated on my side--I apologized to Whatnext- and to Greg before he stepped in.

    Anyway, others have told DMARussell to look at something else, if Russell sees something that she's not interested in, like the rest of us. Several of us also told her that she can block anybody that offends her sensibilities.

    I hope that you are doing well.. Write me sometime. Love meyati
    October 2018
  • GregP_WN
    I deleted it for you. When you want to delete something, look under the post for the word "More", click on it and you will see the word "delete", click it and you will delete.
    March 2018
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for participating in the conversations and adding your own experiences and point of view. Your input will help many others just to be able to read about it. We appreciate you being here and helping others!
    January 2018
  • Isasunflower
    Pauline, I would send you a card, if I had your address!
    May 2015
  • meyati
    Pauline, thank you for sharing on the Pinboard. I appreciate your voice.

    I lost it when they started blaming Christian missionaries for all of the world's problems overseas. Buddhaists, Muslims, Taoists, -every group sent out missionaries. I guess this younger generation doesn't know what Christians did to protect orphans from the Japanese, Nazis, and mostly from the communists.

    I guess they think Mother Teresa was not a Christian because she was Greek.
    August 2017
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Good heavens! Read your comment. What is small cell disease? Never have heard the term. At seventy, I am right behind you lady.
    April 2017
  • meyati
    Happy Easter Pauline!!! I hope that you're doing well. Have you been able to be around your family? Sometimes that's over-rated. My son is in bed with the flu. My grandson got a concussion- and he's sort of weird.

    He's the one that ruined an Easter Egg Hunt for little kids, and had a reward posted on his head. He was 10. He and a neighbor kid sneaked out of the house at dawn, and walked around, down to the river to throw rocks at wild ducks, cranes, and geese. They walked home by the park.

    They saw all sorts of bright things-PINk, YELLOW, etc. So they went and found hundreds of Easter Eggs and wrapped candies. Now the police arrested a sicko for poisoning Halloween candy. They told kids to be alert. Levi and friend hadn't seen anything about an Easter Egg Hunt. There weren't any signs or banners up-nothing. They called their friends, and they didn't know about any egg hunt.

    So they were alert and they picked up every egg and candy, so no dogs, raccoons, or kids would be poisoned. They took the eggs over behind a mall, where they smashed the eggs and put them in the dumpsters.

    That night, we were watching the news- and we saw these crying small children that just got off of busses and vans for their Easter Egg Hunt- and all of the eggs were gone. VANDALS took the eggs-smashed them. Put them in a dumpster. The Sheriff and Police Chief were promising to catch the vandals and throw the key away. This was viewed in 2 states.

    Levi told me about this on Monday. he's 30 now, but he halfway expected me to be mad.

    The following year, they put out the eggs, and left somebody with coffee and doughnuts to protect the eggs. Levi and friends spent months being scared of being arrested. That was 20 years ago.

    Anyway, there are some cute pics on the pin board-- so Happy Easter--
    April 2017