

  • meyati
    I just received a book club notice from Marcie. She posted it 4 months ago. It wasn't there 10 minutes ago--
    January 2022
  • Bookinhand
    Hi Carool! Thank you for the welcome and support- finding others who know what your going through has been so encouraging- just the other day the woman who was fixing something with my insurance asked how I was doing and said she’s a 10 year survivor- and that little connection was so nice- she told me a little of her story and just that commonality connected us-
    September 2021
  • Molly72
    New York area flooded? Hope you are ok. Stay cool & stay dry.
    Mother Nature is really displeased with the entire human race.
    August 2021
  • legaljen1969
    Oh my friend Carol, it's your day in the sunshine my dear. You are being nominated as today's earth angel. You are a remarkably talented woman and I love your New York state of mind. You are incredibly cultured and diverse. You have many facets to your kind personality and I love to learn more about you. You are a timeless classic personality- resilient and funny. You are a northern Steel Magnolia.
    So we will never see each other at the House of Mouse, but I still think you are the best. LOL
    August 2021
  • meyati
    Hi, I went to pancreas to see if I could learn something. I saw where you talked about your mother dying from pancreatic cancer.

    I liked your answer-it was measured and well thought out--the question was hospice facility or home hospice. -Just jogging your memory.

    I took my time and went through it. It doesn't seem that WN currently has any pancreatic cancer patients or caretakers.

    I have one bile duct that disappears in the calcification, and the other one is enlarged. Ming says that could be cancerous. I'm thinking that my body figured out a method of draining the pancreas. It's still the normal size.

    I need to go to bed. I was horribly over done from working the last 2 mornings. Today I got up late-drank coffee-napped a lot-- I'm feeling good-just tired.

    I think that I'm gaining weight. It's an ounce or so every few days. I went down to 127--and I'm almost 132. I do it after breakfast and bath- bare *ss naked. I think the stress and fear was and is a factor. I'm not taking the new Creon. I'm scared of the pain-It's pretty stiff and feels like my bones are fractured. I eat Cream of Wheat almost every morning.

    Of course a person loses weight when you lose lots of blood. It takes a while to replace the blood and have the body settle down.

    Then it dawned on me with all of the ignorant nagging by the medical world, that I was slowly eating junk food that didn't supply me with calories-SALAD--AVOIDING carbohydrates/sugar.

    I'm back to fried chicken potatoes and gravy, pork chops with caramel apples and broccoli, baked chicken rice fried okra, pork curry with lots of rice, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Hamburgers and fries. butter sauteed mushrooms with toast, Filipino fried rice that has eggs meat tomatoes celery peas and the kitchen sink,

    Anyway, I need to let the boys in. I put them out so they won't wake me up at 3:30 or 4 am.
    July 2021
  • meyati
    What survey? Do you mean the the one that said --Survey? and nothing else, and then there was an argument about sending out something in another person's name. I just went to my Home Page-wall and it has stuff from 6 years ago. I searched for you and found Legaljean, then I found your reply to LJ. I looked down your page and found the survey from 13 days ago---it's been about that long since I received anything from WN. And I think that I dropped out for a few days---How does Friday Funk? sound.
    July 2021
  • Journey
    Hi Carool,
    Thank you for thinking about me. I am doing well, but my computer died so I have been unable to get online. Hope you and everyone at WN are doing OK.. I have missed you all.
    We have gotten our vaccinations for COVID19. It is nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we are not out of the woods yet, so we are still wearing masks and distancing. Thank you so much for writing.
    April 2021
  • Ydnar2xer
    Carool--I haven't been on this site for months. Has Greg P lost his fight? I am really concerned! Please let me know. Thanks.
    December 2020
  • legaljen1969
    Carool, Regarding the "Whine" post- about those water beetles. At least you know what they are. We call them Palmetto Bugs down here in SC, and I am pretty sure you can strap an engine to them and fly across the world sometimes. They get HUGE.
    June 2020
  • Bengal
    Just checking in. I haven't noticed any posts from you for a few days. Sure hope everything is alright. Or are we just following different threads right now? Gotta keep tabs on my fellow New Yorker. :D
    April 2020
  • Bengal
    And just to clarify, I think that idiot in the White House is a barely literate, self-aggrandizing, sociopathic, lying, misogynistic, piece of crap. But I won't post that for general viewing.
    April 2020
  • Dozenelk
    Carool, thanks bunches for the suggestion for comedy.
    August 2017
  • Dozenelk
    Thanks for such a good list of funny movies. This community is the greatest.
    August 2017
  • Russ
    Hi Carool,
    So good to hear from you. I have been busy battling my new cancer, and the fact I got a new computer. Hope you're doing well. My best to you...Russ
    February 2020
  • LiveWithCancer
    Wow, Carol, that's pretty exciting news that you and Bernard are going to get married! That's a big step, even if you've been together for a long time. Congratulations!!!
    December 2019
  • meyati
    Hi Carool-I guess that you missed my last Email. This is the year of I can't believe it happened.

    Jax and Ryder got into it-Jax won. Ryder was limping-no blood or cut--next morning he was limping worse-so I took him to the vet--muzzled and on a leash. They X-Rayed him and called me in. Ryder was standing next to a tech. OK- The vet shows me the X-Rays-no fractures. She starts talking about a bruise and he's in pain.

    We hear a dog fight in the waiting room. I scan the room and Ryder is gone-- I scream-- Ryder- it's Ryder Where's Ryder? and I start for the door. They scream- No- we'll go liability---So they bring him in and say- Here take care of your dog! I grab his collar- and I say-- Where's his leash? He had a leash on when I left the room. No wonder he got out-No Leash. It's red nylon with a snap on each end. I stoop down and look under the furniture- pulling drawers open-moving all of the X-Ray protective gear to see if the leash is underneath. I'm saying Thank god he's still muzzled- where's the red leash- I brought him in with a red leash. Everyone is checking exam rooms, kennels, waiting room. I think the vet is ready to cry., then a real tall female tech remembered that she stuck it on top of a top wall cabinet. The poor vet says--I can't remember what we were doing.

    I told her that she explained the X-Ray and started talking about his pain.. She said-- OH, so she prescribed a painkiller-anti inflammatory. I asked if the bill was ready, they said- do the bill here so the other patients don't see Ryder again. it took a few minutes- they brought the bill in- and the stress caught up with me-I forgot my PIN-the vet just about passed out- really- and I said- run it as a credit card-that works. Then we went out the back way.

    I don't think that I've ever heard of a dog-cat running loose at the vet because nobody put the leash back on--Leashes and collars break, more often a collar isn't buckled up right, or the collar is so loose that it slips off. Those old leather and web harnesses were notorious for a dog-cat slipping out, but it happened.

    I'm not mad-even though I spent the whole time saying--TG he has his muzzle on-- TG he has his muzzle on Anyway, when Missy was a high 80 lb girl, we went in to a vet-- about 2009- and they put us in an exam room. It had a small hole in the drywall. They showed me the hole- and said we aren't letting cats or small dogs in here. Somebody said that a dog that's 45 lbs is too big to go in the wall.
    Missy always sits under my chair-seat- and the chairs were anchored over the hole.

    Missy sat under my chair. When the vet came in- Missy crawled in the hole, so deep that we couldn't see her. So we waited til the handyman came from another VCA clinic, and cut the chairs out. Then they started way above Missy-cutting the drywall . Over an hour later Missy was cut out and had her exam. That is legend in Albuquerque, and a matter of discussion at vet conferences. Ho animal goes into a room with a hole in the wall. There is a long list of how vets could be sued from a pet in the wall---Missy was calm- didn't cry or fight. Missy wasn't cut, wasn't nervous, didn't develop heart-lung trouble, nobody got bit- I didn't have a hysteria attack, cut, or sprain anything--etc.

    Vets and vet clinics learn and improve. That tall tech won't place anything high up again.

    I decided- what do I expect from a year, where we spent New Years Day in an ER exam room watching foot ball-while I coughed up blood and calcium from a stuck calcium pill? I don't care to tell anyone here about Ryder and the vet, because with 4 dogs--Stonewall, Missy, Jax, and Ryder-about 4 years- and wonderful and compassionate care--why would I start talking about this or have anybody think badly of this? ruin their business-reputation? I'm sure that they are having to do damage control with the people in the waiting room, and it's not like Ryder was trying to maul a teacup Yorkie or something or anybody got hurt--lots of frail old ladies go there.

    Anyway, I got about 200 lbs of foxtails out of the backyard. A foxtail sticker can go through flesh into the eardrum-brain or in the blood from sticking a paw and go in the heart or brain. Now to start on the ally or the side yards. I pretty much got the front yard in shape---drought-water restrictions-so xeriscape- cover everything with gravel, rock, bricks, etc.. Records rains- so I pulled occasional weeds and poisoned grass.
    May 2019
  • Bug
    New photo! Cute! :-)
    October 2019
  • BoiseB
    Hi Carool I am not completely back on WhatNext. I am struggling with a number of non-cancer health issues and one iffy cancer issue. I am still limited in my amount of screen time. My daughter is coming to visit over next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so maybe I can spend more time the next week
    August 2019
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol! Again, I can't find our previous conversation. :-/ Anyway, good luck with the MRI on Monday. How have you been lately? No more episodes I hope. We're on Maui right now. You might remember that a friend (my husband's best friend actually) passed away last year from lung cancer. He and his wife have a timeshare on Maui. She didn't want to go by herself and asked us to go with her. So here we are. It is bittersweet - feeling very lucky to be in this lovely place but it's sad at the same time. I'm just hoping she can find a little peace.

    Again, good luck on Monday. Looking forward to hearing how it went and the results.


    March 2019
  • Lkeith
    Hi. I just saw your post at the site, and think we have similarities. I am just starting my treatments this week, first of four. Very scared and uneasy about all of this, so overwhelming. Wondering how sick I will be and all the side effects. Any advice?
    August 2019
  • Molly72
    Hope geekling is doing ok.
    I do wish that religion would not be brought up, but--- I guess to many people it is important. Yes, I know it is a sensitive subject, but
    sometimes I like to play Devil's Advocate, bad me!
    So, that's all for now-- feel free to write anytime.
    March 2019
  • Molly72
    March 2019
  • Bug
    Carol, you have a new photo. Cute! But where’s the dog? ;-)
    December 2018
  • Bug
    Carol, how did the MRI go today? When should you have results?
    February 2019
  • Bug
    Carol, I don't know how to find our current conversation :-/ so I'm creating a new post. I received the results of my breast MRI and all is well. Yeah! : )
    February 2019
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hi! It will be obvious to Grace, but not to you, that I ended up starting a new conversation on Grace's wall. For some reason, the system wouldn't let me comment any more on our long conversation. Weird, since it lets you and Grace ... but instead of keep messing with it, I started a new thread.

    I'll go ahead and briefly (am I ever brief?) say how sorry I am about the lay-off. I typed a ton more on the post on Grace's wall.

    Take care, sweet Friend.
    October 2018
  • Molly72
    HOO HA!
    We made some good changes with our votes, things look a little better after yesterday. Not as good as we had hoped, but better than bupkes!
    Congrats to the women and the young ones who turned the evil tide!
    November 2018
  • BoiseB
    Hi Carool I wish I could believe like you that nothing continues after death. But I am afraid the my belief system is more like Pauline's. I believe that I am probably condemned to swimming in the Firey Lake forever. Pauline is a better person than I am so she believes that her's will be a happy eternity but our theology is the same
    October 2018
  • LiveWithCancer
    Ugh. Saw your post to carm and banditwalker about the Geek. It has been more than pleasurable with her gone. I hope she won't want to ask to come back. I would be so happy if I never saw another post from her!!!
    September 2018
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hey. I saw in my feed that you are in touch w/Geekling. I know she's not everyone's fav and wasn't mine for awhile. I'm not sure if she toned down or if I just got used to ignoring her when I didn't like what she was saying. Who knows. Anyway, if you talk or text or email or whatever with her soon, tell her I said hi. I'd heard she got her knuckles whacked again. I didn't hear about the time frame thing though. Problem I have is that I like LWC and Geek has kinda grown on me, so sometimes it's easier just to keep my mouth shut so I don't end up in the middle of something I don't wanna be in. Those 2 are truly oil and water.
    September 2018