

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi lady. Like you I have not been receiving regular WhatNe t newsletter. Recently, after several months received the newsletter along with notification of an Ovarian cancer survivor coming to the site. Everything has deteriorated since Greg’s death. Seems nothing was put in place to carry the site forward as backup should Greg , for any reason, was unable to carry on. I know Greg and his family would be very saddened to see the state the site is in today. However, all the things Greg was so smart to put in place, the videos, blogs, and general information about various cancers are still part of WhatNext and hopefully will be useful to any survivor who visits the site. The question page however, remains a mess. I think of you , and all the other wonderful contributors of the WhatNext community frequently and are so grateful to all of you for the support I received these past eight years. Perfectly understand your need to step away and always wishing you the best.
    August 2021
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna. I saw your post to the Broken and Sad question. I wish you well. Miss you. Hugs to you.
    July 2021
  • Carool
    Hi, LWC. I haven’t seen any recent comments from you. andreacha wrote, on her renal cancer post of awhile ago, saying that she fears that WhatNext may fade away. Some of us have offered to take a day each week to post a question (“How is everyone doing this week?” That kind of thing). I wanted to let you know, and mainly to see how you’re doing.
    April 2021
  • Carool
    Hi, LWC. Thinking of you during the electrical blackouts in TX and elsewhere. I hope your area wasn’t affected, and that you’re doing well.
    February 2021
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! I've seen some posts from you lately and wanted to check in. How is your husband doing? I really hope he is doing/feeling better. How are you? Caregiving is a tough job. I hope you can get a break now and then...?

    Not much is new here. We don't go out much. My husband got his first shot. Currently our county and medical group are vaccinating folks 65 and over. I'm 60 so it may be a while yet - especially since I just learned today that both our county and medical group are either out or running out of vaccines. It looks like our local drugstore is giving shots as well but are also out of stock. Sigh.

    Thinking about you and hoping you and yours are well. Hugs, Grace
    February 2021
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! How is your husband doing? Also, I want to wish you Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you have a nice day.
    November 2020
  • KB2013
    Yes, lung. The bladder cell type is squamous while the lung is adeno. Will have to wait another week for biopsy results. I wish it was summer all year. Hope you are doing well.
    July 2016
  • Carool
    Hi, LWC. How’s your husband doing?
    November 2020
  • IronMom45
    Hey just catching up with those I've often spoke with and wanted to say hello. Hope you doing ok.
    December 2015
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna. How's your husband doing? How are you holding up?
    September 2020
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! I thought I'd check in. How is your husband doing these days? How are you doing? Caregiving is hard. I hope you can get a break now and then.
    August 2020
  • Carool
    Hi, LWC. So is your husband having home physical therapy now? Sending best wishes.
    July 2020
  • Bug
    Donna, I'm so sorry about your husband's stroke. You've told me for a while that your husband's health is not good. How are you doing? I imagine it's hard to come by with the virus but is there anyone around to help you?
    July 2020
  • Carool
    Hi, LWC. How’s your husband doing? Sending hugs and best wishes.
    July 2020
  • Bug
    Donna, I saw the "experience" that you posted. How are you holding up?
    June 2020
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! I just saw a post where you mentioned that you used to be outside with your dogs doing agility and it reminded me of your pups. How are they these days? : )
    May 2020
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna. I just wanted to check in and see how you and yours - including the pups - are doing. We're okay. I'm exercising a lot more. I have found that it helps me mentally as well as physically - helps keep the anxiety at bay. I have successfully avoided going through boxes of old photos for years but am now doing that as well. I'm not interested in some of the photos but others have brought back sweet memories.

    On a sad note, our beloved Murphy (the little guy in my photo) was euthanized on Friday afternoon. It's a long story but he had been ill with a variety of issues for several months. We saw the vet again on Thursday and the prognosis was bad and the few options were bad as well. So, we said goodbye to him on Friday. We are heartbroken.

    I hope you and yours are well. Take care.


    April 2020
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! I just wanted to stop by and say Hello. I have not seen a post from you in a while and wanted to check in. How are you? How are the pups? Thinking of you.
    January 2020
  • MarcieB
    I am grateful for your kind, supportive message. I am also saddened to learn of your own loss because I know, full well, the impact. And it has been so recent for you - it is hard when grief of such a huge loss is new. I don't have to tell you life will never be the same, you already know that. But, I can tell you there will be joy again. It has been a long time for me - my son died in 2002, but even now there are moments when something will make me stop and draw in a quick breath, and feel the sting of tears right behind my eyes. Even now. But, most of the time I can smile at all my memories, and be grateful for the things about life which I learned from him. Thank you for reaching out to me.
    April 2020
  • Dozenelk
    Thank you for the encouragement you give to me as I search for ways to encourage a dear and precious cousin with cancer. Your ideas are wanted and needed. Having never been there myself, I need feedback from those who have and are there. Hearing from those who care for people with cancer is awesome. God Bless you!
    August 2017
  • PaulineJ
    Like Bug I've been missing your comments for a long while now.Saying hi,thinking of you.
    January 2020
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! You said that your scans were coming up. Did you have them this week?
    November 2019
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! How are you doing? I haven't been on WN much lately - just so much going on. I miss the folks here. How are you feeling? When do you go for scans again? How are the pups?


    October 2019
  • meyati
    I think it's a cognitive test to see how suggestible a person is after brain injury, surgery, stroke, coma, or part of dementia screening. My daughter did that all of the time at the VA so the family had an ideal of how much supervision a patient needed after discharge.

    An example is that when my son was 5, he was playing with 2 other 5 year olds. Housing was next to a field. They found a match book--Look matches lets pick it up-- the next boy, let's see if they light- my son apparently said-- Cool-- and he lit the match burned his fingers and dropped the match-- instant fire in the field. The neighborhood put the fire out- I had a shovel and was throwing dirt on the flames. So if somebody says---I really need $50 do you have 50, What is the chance that the patient will empty their account out because of the suggestion? or light the match?

    My daughter and friends would bring a new test home, and ask me to see how many objects- what they were--then they'd tell me to look again- like I missed a camel-and there wasn't any camel because it was cognitive to see if I was suggestible.
    September 2019
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! We're back from Japan and I'm trying to catch up with folks. How are you doing? What's new with you? I see you have a new photo. Are you wearing a mask these days or...? I hope you are well.


    September 2019
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna! I don't know why I have such trouble finding previous conversations - but I do! So here's the start of a new one...

    How are you doing? You have a scan on Tuesday, yes? Is your husband going with you? I'm thinking of you and saying prayers, my friend. Let me know how you're doing afterwards if you feel like it. Hugs to you.
    August 2019
  • irishrm
    what a journey you have been on. I had posted a question about keytruda and a gentleman mentioned your posts.

    I don't see where you have taken keytruda but, you have had immunotherapy for quiet a while!

    God bless you! Ruthie
    August 2019
  • Bug
    Hi, Donna. I'm checking in on you, my friend. How are you doing? Hugs to you.
    June 2019
  • GregP_WN
    Gumpus' Wife passed away about a month ago.
    July 2019
  • Newby2Cancer
    Gumpus' wife passed away about a month ago
    July 2019