

  • arlenekae
    I was diagnosed with colon cancer December 27, 2018. In Feb 2019 I had surgery and they removed all of it. I was put on chemotherapy pills for 6 months, beginning April 15, 2019, and ending October 13,2019. Since then I have had a PET scan, which showed no cancer anywhere. I am truly thankful for this but I, too, find myself wondering if the cancer will come back. I am so thankful to have this website but I have to admit sometimes I feel guilty because I have done so well, while so many others have not.
    January 2020
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks again for helping others on the site by sharing your own personal experiences and answering their questions. Newly diagnosed members find it comforting to know that others have been where they are at and have made it through and been able to move on with life. We appreciate you!
    July 2019
  • knightwingfire
    MYB : seriously RE Try the Nordic track to help the CIPN and Go lighter to start and rebuild your intensity. I truly believe that this CIPN hell will get worse to begin with no matter what exercise we try However I believe that Getting the Blood flow thru the Part of the body that Hurt is the true KEY.
    BLOOD HEALS and does not discriminate against the type of cell its healing. Nerve or SKIN.

    REDUCE intensity of length of Exercise.

    Best regards

    November 2018
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for dropping by and sharing your good news and also thanks for commenting and supporting others going through the same thing. It truly helps!
    November 2017
  • Nyphrodel
    I too suffer from CIPN & I'm just checking in with you & others to see what kind of improvements everyone is feeling as time goes by. I am MISERABLE, but I know that nerves can regenerate over time, so I am hopeful. How are you feeling now? Any improvement? I hope & pray that you're feeling better<3
    September 2016
  • Nel17
    Dear myb - Pardon my delay in responding. I am confused by how to respond because there is no comment section showing up when you or others responded to my question. Until I find another way, I am now clicking on to each person's wall to communicate with them. Your experience at least clarified that SOME doctors are ordering upper and lower ct-scans for their colon cancer patients. The one time my husband let me meet the oncologist, I asked if he was 3A. She said yes. Before that, my husband had not told me what stage he had and judging by the way he stopped the surgeon from telling him survival statistics, I think even he might not have known. It's good that your doctor has included them in your routine treatment. Hope it wasn't too hard getting him/her to do it.
    August 2014
  • alohadeb
    Myb- i was reading your profile & you and I are so similar in just about everything!!! I was diagnosed back in 09/13- same way....routine colonoscopy! No symptoms either... your side effects are just about identical as well! I have my first appointment w/ my oncol after chemo... had my bloodwork done yesterday... hoping all will be alright. When did you have your first CT after chemo? Have you had your first colonoscopy since surgery yet? I still have my port = 3 mos out... it doesn't bother me so i'm ok w/ it staying in like yours was- 6 mos right? Anyways- any thing you can share on how you've done since chemo & such would be very appreciated!!! Kinda weird after it's all been done and nothing "happening"..... anyways! Hope to hear from you soon!
    July 2014
  • banditwalker
    I did not know the Y had livestrong programs. Thanks, I will see if my local does.
    January 2014
  • Justellen
    I just read ur bio and if you don't mind, I will be picking your brain! My greatest fear from this "wonderful" journey is the peripheral neuropathy, as I am an artist and losing feeling in my hands.......could you tell me about the supplement you took for this so I can ask my onc next week. I had the first treatment and after a meltdown, he agreed to reduce the oxi (even tho I never had before) to 65 instead of 85, however that works. The only thing I experienced was a slightly numb tongue. (exhaustion, depression anxiety, nausea....and driving my husband nuts, did occur tho!) anyway, I may be ahead of myself, but I can do that.
    August 2013
  • punker1976
    I love it girl. Best of luck. The worst nausea I had was on day 3 after chemo last time. ugh! One day......I feel very bad for people who battle that crap everyday.
    March 2013
  • mamab
    Hi myb, I am taking oxaliplatin, leucovorin and fluorouracil (5fu ?) every other week for 52 hrs and was wondering about hair loss, did you experience any ? I will be starting treatment 4 on the 27th and am noticing more symptoms with each treatment. having a lot of trouble with hands and feet tingling and finding something to drink without having a nasty after taste.....any advice would help...thank you....congrats on port removal !!!!!!
    March 2013
  • IKickedIt
    I have just read your post about your journey (the question posted about how we all fought and survived) and realize our journey was quite similar. I had my treatments at UPenn Cherry Hill since I couldn't stand the thought of making that trip into town and walking through that enormous hospital every other week. Was Dr. Sun your oncologist? We met with him and liked him very much. I will share my story shortly. I work a 12+ hour day tomorrow. Congrats on your success, much like mine. I'm happy to connect with you.
    March 2013
  • punker1976
    were you rediagnosed with cancer?
    February 2013
  • punker1976
    boy if you can give me any tips I would appreciate it. Thought it was Crohn's, otherwise I feel fine....
    February 2013
  • FROG1210
    Thanks for answering my question. I am only two treatments in and forward to the last one lol. God has been good to me!!! My side affects have been mild so far. How was you cancer discovered?
    February 2013
  • woody
    I am going on 3 yrs cancer free, and they have some numbness but i am starting to get a little feeling in feet and hands, and that feels funny also lol but we are ALIVE and SURVIVORS! so it is a small price to pay!
    Yes the oxipilatin is a very radical chemo drug from what they say and when i had the reaction to it I dont remember anything from that day except what the nurses and my fiancee at the time told me! She has since left because like most people that have never been thru cancer she couldnt cope with a couple of my side effects and didnt understand. You will be fine, just somthing we have to live with until it is gone. Good Luck

    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Welcome to the site! If you have questions please ask, be patient sometimes it takes a little while for someone with the information you need to see your question.

    There are others on the site that are a wealth of information that you will find valuable, so ask what you need, someone will have your answer. Also, please feel free to chime in on questions that you can share some of your experience with.

    Hope your doing well!

    3X survivor = 2X Hodgkins 1X Head and Neck
    American Cancer Society Hero of Hope Speaker
    October 2012
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

    2) Go to our Questions page to see what's been posted, ask a question or give some advice. Here is a link to our most popular questions:

    3) Complete your journey profile to share your experience. You can do this by clicking on "Add Experience" in the box next to your picture above.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    October 2012