We are lifting quarantine How to you feel ?
Bengal, how do you feel about the contact tracing? I guess if you have no choice, that's one thing. I just feel like they want to make it sound very innocent like "we are looking out for you and wouldn't you want to know if you were near someone with COVID?" The reality is that they are "tracking" programs and apps designed to pinpoint our every move at any and every second. Such programs are already being proven to be used by domestic abusers to track and harass their victims and others associated with them.
I want this virus to end as much as the next person, but I have some serious concerns about what is being done in the name of "safety" and "public health."0 -
KB2013 Thank you for the article. It was most interesting. I can't say I totally understand immunology but just after I read your article I saw a segment where a Dr. (Phd Biologist) was talking about using similar techniques to develop a vaccine0
legaljen unless we have testing and contact tracing there is no sense in lifting quarantine. And if criminals already have the technology to harass people why refuse to let that technology protect us.0
I think contact tracing is a very necessary part of getting ahead, and staying ahead, of this virus which as yet has nothing medically to stop it. Intercepting those who have been exposed and isolating them so they cannot infect others, stopping that chain reaction, is our best defence. Here in my home county, when cases started increasing at a per capita rate higher than NYC, there were instances of people refusing to cooperate with tracers. One adjacent county has 17 confirmed cases. Another has only 14. This county has 194. Can't help but think that if contact tracers had been able to get their job done there wouldn't have been this high rate including deaths. I do not subscribe to paranoia.
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Legaljjen.-- nI don't understand why you are against primitive medicine that works, and it certainly is practiced like it used to be. They did contact tracing for TB, I know because on of my teacher contacted TB, and everyone she knew- students-other teachers, etc where talked to, for finding out who we were in contact with. They did this for bad measles cases, etc. and especially for sexually contracted diseases. It was federal law to answer--if one refused- they were guilty of a federal crime. Again I blame the ACLU for the craziness we have now and it is not impressed on people that public health is everybody's responsibility.
For what it was worth-my teacher was court ordered to enter a TB sanitarium. She had no choice,
Some military in Viet Nam contacted contagious and incurable diseases-mostly gonorrhea. The military and feds had 2 hospitals for the infected to live out their lives. One was at Alamogordo, NM, on a military base, and the other one was at a military base in Minnesota.
If enough people refuse, and I hope COVID 19 spreads to the ACLU leaders if the government might pull out that old federal law and dust it off. good share of the homeless need mental health care. I still greatly resent how the ACLU destroyed American mental care. I used to volunteer in a food kitchen for a very long time, and every so often I would have a young male student that was developing schizophrenia or other problem. Males usually develop that in their teens into there late 20s. Women develop schizophrenia in their late 30s.0 -
Meyati you and I are of an age when most people were as aware of their responsibilities as they were of their rights. I remember being quarantined for measles (before there was a vaccine). The county hires several nurses one of their duties was to check on families under quarantine not only did they see that the patient was doing well but they also brought our groceries to us. No one thought there rights were violated by quarantine in fact they viewed it as their civic duty0
Those big yellow quarantine signs with huge black letters.. My grandsons know that in almost 6 months, my German grandmother buried 3 children from the Spanish Flu in 1918. A 3 month old son, a 5 or 6 year old son, and then the only daughter she had-18 years old-the week that she should have been married. Her beau was so distraught that he enlisted in the Army so he could die. My grandmother was very proud of me, because I was one of the very few that asked about him.
I want my children to know the pain of this, which I think is helping them to understand this new pandemic. People today don't understand a mother locking herself up in a room with her sick child. One time that I know of, my grandmother stayed locked in for over 6 months. The several doctors that came couldn't agree on a diagnosis, but she stayed locked in until the fever left and the appetite returned.0 -
I think the concept of contact tracing is quite appropriate.
I object to the way it’s being implemented. With the technology we have today and the speed with which hackers overwhelm it, our entire medical histories will be on the evening news soon.
We are accepting far too much government control when our government can’t even keep its story straight for more than a day or two. They don’t have a clue how many people have it or how bad or improved things are. The moment they say things are improving, the hysteria dies down and they have to whip up a frenzy again.
I am doing everything they tell us to do. I’m not getting part of the problem. But for us to just roll over and accept this incredibly invasive form of contact tracing is going to be a hard sell for many. The mandate to allow the government complete control over our cell phones and the fact they are contemplating microchips for people? That doesn’t bother you at all?
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I’m fine with staying closed down a bit longer. I’m enjoying the quiet life. I just worry about the slippery slope that’s going on. Mark my words after the election, the true numbers will finally come out and I think we will have a lot of shocked people either way. Either it’s not way worse than we know or it’s not nearly as bad.0
Oh, dear lord, they have been talking about chips since Star Trek was on in the 1960s. Sometimes it helps to have a bit of history in hearing these things. Politicians and scientists know that we'd bare our breast and charge the ramparts like the French Revolution. I turn my phone and car GPS off. If I leave the county or state IN NORMAL times, it is nobody's business, because I'm not on probation or parole. These are not normal times, and I'm staying home because times are not normal. .
Did you read how I stopped at what's supposed to be a better class grocery store over 2 weeks ago? A woman-same race-went in with her face covered-she was in front of me-6 ft-and I saw her when I was getting in line. Once inside she pulled off her face covering, and went to the right. I went straight ahead to hunt for Lysol spray. I have a bad knee-so I walk slowly. She came down the aisle-bare face- I made sure that my cart and me were not in her way. She coughed on me. She didn't turn her head, she didn't put a hand up or cough in her elbow. if this ever happens again, I'm calling 911, because that is a felony assault since HIV. I'll let the police harass the
store. would you really mind that probably crazy, demented woman be tracked before she really does hurt someone?
Those red spots for cell phones on that Florida beach were reading GPS coordinates,. They did not read who the phones belonged to or where they went because they picked up the general signals, not individual signals. In Thailand they are doing what you are scared of, tracking individuals. The people gave their individual consent, and they had to get a special card in their phones. They swipe their phones when the enter a store, mall, library, clinic, hospital, and it leaves data that Jane Thai was there. When they leave, they swipe the phone again. Then if Jane Thai gets COVID 19, the Thai health department notifies everyone that was at Good Thai Shoes that they were exposed to COVID.
look, I keep saying this, but cancer and cancer therapy makes people very anxious, fearful, sleep problems, worry, Me I was fearful, distrustful, etc. super suspicious. Things change, our temperaments change. A chaplain told me that cancer could be called the anxiety disease.
Me, I still have my GPS turned off. What I'm doing is voting Democrat all of the way down, as hopefully we should get an administration where someone is head of the CDC that isn't under political pressure or worrying about being fired. The USS John McCain won't have to put out to sea, so the president won't get mad if he-she sees it. I think some stability in the government will help all of us. I know it will help me.0 -
meyati I just had a phone conversation with my sister who lives in Eastern Idaho. They are opening up but she told me she will continue to shelter in place she said she doesn't know which scares her more the Covid-19 or the nutjobs with their AR-15s. Her friend had a similar experience to the one you just explained only her assailant was a big man with an AR-15. I really don't know what has happened to otherwise kind and intelligent people0
I'd be scared to even call the police, but I'd do it later, where I didn't have my head blown off.0
Meyati, I couldn’t agree more with what you said.
legaljen1969, as for not trusting the government, “the government” is a very broad label that covers the present-day federal government and all of the state and city governments (I know you of course know this). I distrust and fear the federal government we’ve had since 2016. I trust very much my state and city governments, as well as those presided over by other Democratic elected officials.
At present, this country is in effect two (or more) countries, and we seem to be splitting further apart by the day. But this site isn’t, say, Facebook, where we can be fully political. I wouldn’t have again talked politics here had “the government” not come up. I trust and need my government’s help and support. “My government” just now happens to be only my state and city governments, not the government that takes our taxes but plays partisan politics by refusing to use our taxes to help us here in NY when we most need that help.0 -
Oh, one of my friends was almost kicked off of FB for making one of his regular comments.
Something else funny ironic odd. Almost every week day- That Traitor Devon Nunes in Stockton-Fresno CA calls my house. I looked it up Friday. it is his office or home butt dialing me. What do you expect from a congressman that is suing an imaginary cow for 2.5 million? I know most of those dairymen are Russian conservatives that escaped communism by going through China. Would you believe the US Navy and Marines managed to get them out of China after WW2? CA helped
You'd think their history would be having Nunes tarred and feathered, instead of being elected and re-elected over and over.. The modern GOP and its supporters are difficult to understand.. Nunes is the one that says Russia is a model country that tries to help us, and Putin is a real role model for integrity. And these people fled to China to escape Lenin and Stalin.0 -
I will not get dragged into a political argument but just want to say this. Don't know where you get your information legaljen but in my county contact tracing consists of a handful of overworked public health employees on their phones trying to get paranoid people to talk to them and attempt to come up with a list of anyone they may have been in contact with during the period they may have carried the infection. Period. No apps, no phone tracers, no subterfuge. Just please help us find and protect other people who may be in a life-threatening situation. It's about respecting other people's right to be protected from a potential killer. The same reason we are asked to wear masks and avid contact..0
If people are so worried about hackers stealing your precious smarty phones info, then don't have one! I don't, & have managed quite well without one sticking in my face 24/7.
I think some here are getting very paranoid about government plots and control and such.
We do have a potential dictator as current president, if you voted for him, then there should be no surprise and in November, vote him & his cronies out. Perhaps then, we can get our country back to normal.
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Please express your political opinion in the voting booth in November, not here. I’m disappointed that a question here became political. This site is for support and comfort for those feeling anxious and worried about our cancer. Political arguments can be found all over the media. We don’t need that here.0
Molly72! I thought I was the only person left in the world who does not yet have a "smarty" phone. Off subject but my family members come to "visit" me and never put their phones down. They are on them continuously. I ask them why they even bother to come. They even take them to bed with them! (Well, they have a built in flashlight.) First thing they do in the morning; last thing they do at night. It's an addiction. It's also incredibly rude.0
Agreed, Teachertina. Sorry I allowed myself I get dragged into that. What was this thread about?0
Bengal-- You perfectly described the contact tracers in my state..I think they are the same everywhere in the US. They are only trying to stop deadly and crippling diseases.0
Teacherina--unfortunately- quarantine is now a political question, especially in any question forum.
When we find questions and threads that we aren't interested in, most of us say---La (very French) la, this isn't appealing to me, and we don't hardly read any of the comments.
The first year that I joined, a dear member was wearing a track suit that had a sock or 2 stuck in the sleeve. His wife saw that lump and she thought he had a new cancer. She was very distraught, until they found the sock. This dear member told us this and made some funny comments. We replied with concern and jokes about the poor lost sock. Then we started writing poetry about it-some doggerel.
The member that shared this sock event participated, and then someone wrote almost the same words as you just did. Then those that say this needs to be solely focused on cancer and the cancer experience. That is OK for Whatnexters that have a common type of cancer, such as prostrate or breast cancer, but what about us that have/had rare cancers? The thought of only talking about cancer is exclusionary for whatnexters that have rare cancers. All of us, each and everyone one of us are far more than cancer. We almost never talk about politics. I think the last politic one was several years ago
I don't know anything about breast or chest expanders. I read one and the comments because I was curious. I certainly didn't have anything to say, except maybe I wish you well. I don't have the slightest idea of Chemo, but I do know about radiation, and people have agreed with me or disagreed. When it comes to head radiation-other head patients agree.
Now, I'll say-I wish you well. if you have a question that I'm not interested in, I won't comment one way or the other, and I'll find something that gives me comfort or I understand.0 -
Teachertina, this site talks about all subjects relating to our cancer, our health and our comfort & support. We talk about all sorts of interesting things & many times get off subject. No big deal!
But when our government gets involved in our health, and turns it into a political football, it needs to be addressed. We need to stand up for each other, ourselves and our healthcare.
As meyati also noted, there are some subjects here that I do not understand or agree with. So I don't enter into the conversation. Again, no big deal ---- live & let live.
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This is a health forum Unfortunately the world has been hit by the worst health crisis in 100 years, maybe 700 years. That crisis is far from over. We as cancer survivors are particularly vulnerable individuals. Laws, legislation, guidelines, and information generated by all the governments from the UN to the mayors of the cities affect how that health crisis affects us. It might be noted that the word "quarantine" originated from that health crisis 700 years ago. And yes it was imposed by governments then. So I say as cancer survivors we have to be aware of the health crisis and that also involves how the government is directing their attention to the crisis to help or hinder us as vulnerable individuals0
Thank you, Meyati, Molly, and BoiseB for what you just wrote. Yes, our governments’ policies affect our health. And Trump, McConnell, and others have politicized the availability of devices protecting us from the virus, so some of us feel compelled to bring up politics when a discussion centers around lifting quarantine. Trump has also very vocally encouraged his supporters to protest against Democratic governors, and some of those “protestors” — they’re terrorists, in the opinion of many — are carrying high-power rifles. And unmasked people have been insulting masked people (and vice verse). Our federal government leaders are not encouraging people to think of others rather than only themselves.
So, yes, politics matters immensely now, as all of it can determine who’ll live and who’ll die. Politics isn’t the only factor, of course, but Trump and what he’s doing is adding confusion and stress to an already very stressful situation. He’s harming us, not helping us. And, again, when the topic arises here, as it did, giving our opinions is appropriate.
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The government has a role in the healthcare systems in this country and we all have a role in how this government works. We the people, need to understand the legislations, regulations and rules that effect our lives every day. We have the power to change the things we disagree with. Arguing or name calling won’t change the hearts and minds of most people. I hope everyone with ideas and opinions will VOTE. If you decide not to, then you have lost your power to make the changes you want to see. Who you vote for is up to you. We all have a choice. Healthcare issues are higher on the agenda than ever. Whether we agree with how things are being handled during this crisis or not, we have choices to make. I hope we can be part of the solutions to the problems we are facing today. Take care of yourself and each other. Wishing you all better days ahead soon.0
Teachertina, whom we vote for is what is most important now. Btw, no one here called any other WN member any names. Insulting elected officials or Trump works for me if those names are warranted. What also works for me is labeling as “terrorists” armed groups wielding AK-15s and entering a state capitol building.
Voting is hardly the only way to effect change. Before we vote in November we talk amongst friends and on social media. We listen to commentators we trust. Our minds and hearts CAN be changed through discussions, though often most of us adhere to our beliefs no matter what. Voting is the end result; deciding whom to vote for happens before we vote. In my case, the two candidates are so unequal that there’s no question whatsoever whom I’ll vote for. To me and myriad others — the majority of our population — the future of our democracy depends on voting out a dictator and all those elected officials who enable him.
I’m sorry in advance for pontificating here: My father fled Nazi Vienna. He lost his sister and mother in the Holocaust. And now we have another Hitler here in our country, and many who support everything he does and says. The lines are drawn. I and my secular-Jewish husband don’t want to flee to Canada. And my friends of many or no religions, who loath Trump, may also have to flee — if we’re not murdered first. This isn’t hyperbole. It CAN happen here and seems to be as I type this. Many are saying this. The upcoming presidential election results are a matter of life and death for many of us.
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Just to clarify; I have no problem with discussions of issues that effect us and our health care that have, unfortunately, become very politicized. Where I draw the line is when the vindictiveness and name calling start to creep in. Let's not get sucked into the us against them game. Whatever our politics we all belong to the same exclusive club. On top of everything else we are facing with the pandemic, the government, whatever, we have a mutual enemy we face to varying degrees every single day. So, discuss? Yes. Express opinions? Absolutely. Disagree at times? Sure. But play nice.0
Of course we will vote, and we will fight in our own way to free our country from injustice and a corrupt government.
We are not fighting each other, as some here might believe. If you disagree with some of our beliefs, we are open to listen to your opinions. But we expect the same in return.
That's the American way, and we hope to keep it that way.
P.S. Bengal-- several months ago I tried to buy a "Smart" phone. It was so intimidating and hard to use, I had to return it to the store. The 20 year olds working there are still laughing at me. The dam thing asked me how much I weighed when I finally screamed at it "go away". Did you know the device talks back to you?0 -
Getting back on topic; we got through a whole week with no new Covid19 cases confirmed. Yay! It must be all over. Not quite so fast folks. Today we had 3 new cases reported. And with relaxed restrictions I expect to see cases start to climb again. This thing is far from over.0
The Navajos are still being hard hit. Unfortunately they lead The First Nations in deaths when something hits. The Navajos don't want the Norrhwest open. most of the people don't want that open, but 6 state senators from the Southeast of the state want the whole state opened. The Southeast hasn't had COVID very bad. I do not understand why people in one part of the state want to force something on a region that is struggling to stay alive. Of course, this is also along party lines.
my county and the school district rented a nice small hotel for 3 months and they are housing students and their families -trying to give the parents a chance to go back to work and get their own housing- most of the students seem to be middle school. The school district is also providing a tutor to help the students. That's good. With us being on the border, the voters authorized emergency funds. Usually these funds and hotels- etc are used during the fire season.0
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