

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi there lady. Very sorry to read about your ear problem and hope the surgery is a total success. See you still have your colorful hair , my hair is colorful too- still gray with white highlights. I have been wondering how you have been doing , I saw your post asking about another drug for treating your recurrence but I have never heard of it so no information to share. Also saw your post about unfriendling someone, don’t know how to do that either. Like your mask, my masks are varying designs and colors. Finally, the stores are buckling down and requiring patrons to wear masks upon entering the stores. Costco has been doing this for weeks and I do feel safer in a store when the percentage take of people wearing masks is high. Wish we had a magical spray that you could squirt and turn that virus visable. Much the same as far as weather down here- hot and dry. Paul and I are up in the mountains in the RV for ten days to reconnect with nature and lift the spirits. It is so different up here- kids running around, packed sites but people seem to all be practicing social distancing and I have not seen one mask. I will be putting mine on though when we go to the marina to resupply our larder. So my friend, As always, I wish you better days ahead . I will be keeping fingers crossed for all good things to come your way both with your ear and your treatments. Stay safe Teal Sister.
    July 2020
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi there kalindria. I have thought about you several times over the past few weeks but I am somewhat of a procrastinator and forgetful to boot. Glad to see BoiseB has been touching base with you. How was your Easter? Different world. Husband and I kept in touch with loved ones by phone and even had a virtual campfire cookout via Zoom with my daughter, granddaughter , and son in-law. It wasn’t perfect but then it was the first time we have tried it and like so many new things will get better with practice. Spring has definitely sprung here in Northern California. I hope you are getting out and enjoying some nice weather also. Take care.
    April 2020
  • BoiseB
    Hi Kalindria,
    I am exceedingly worried about you as you are right in the center of Coronavirus ground zero, Are you taking care of yourself? I have a friend who lives in Redmond. He fell on the ice during the last storm and had a TBI which he neglected That resulted in brain surgery. He was released from the hospital where the first victim died.
    I am in what I call a state of "functional panic" I listen to every press conference the governor gives, I am convinced that he is doing everything he can to manage this crisis
    I have gone into an obsessive washing mode. I carry hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes with me everywhere. I wipe every surface before touching it. The bus drivers think I am nuts, I also met my grocery delivery at the door with a Clorox spray cleaner. and I wiped down each grocery item before putting it away.
    I am thinking of you and sending you my thoughts and prayers
    March 2020
  • Cryssie
    Hi Kalindria,
    Just wanted to thank you for the encouragement and wish you the best with your journey. We lost my mom on the 16th of Jan very sadly. It looks like heart failure due to complications from the tumour restricting circulation to her legs. She has been with her creator for a week now and I often imagine what she is like now that she is restored and whole.
    Love, Crystal
    January 2020
  • Lynne-I-Am
    kalindria, dropped by to wish you and your loved ones all the best in the New Year.
    December 2019
  • Cryssie
    Hi Kalindria, your story is so inspiring :)
    My mom starts aggressive chemo this week, she’s 62 and has a 12cm large tumour on her ovary as well as two small lesions on her liver and lung. Some family have suggested that chemo isn’t worth it. Plus I ask if you underwent aggressive chemo? Would you recommend it for someone with my mom’s diagnosis?
    December 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    So, hi there lady. Glad you are feeling ok. What a dose of endorphins it must have been to see the grandkids. Always wonderful to be surrounded with family. I have been good. Getting ready to possibly be without electricity for two to five days because of the red flag warnings being issued by the weather service for Wed. And Thurs. due to very high winds. PG&E shuts off the power to some areas in California now when red flag warnings are issued. I received a notice yesterday that my address is among those that may lose power. So, doing all my washing today, buying some dry ice for the freezer. Thank goodness my fridge is low on food. Since the fires last year it’s a new reality that we live with . Certainly you Washington residents do not have to worry about this happening up there. Thank goodness,

    Will be attending a cancer walk and awareness event this weekend unless canceled because of the power outages. Hopefully this is not the case. Wishing both of you well. BIG CONGRATES on 6 year survival too.
    October 2019
  • BoiseB
    Hi Kalindria I definitely want to meet you. How is your knee doing? I believe that our first step is to message Greg then he can put us in touch with each other. I am really looking forward to meeting you.
    July 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Good thing you posted this picture lady. Last time we saw each other I believe you had purple hair , I barely recognize you with the pink. Either way you look great.
    July 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Phone number ending in 3335 is Paul’s and he always has it with him. I am a bit hit and miss. Hope to see you tomorrow.afternoon.
    July 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    kalindria, if you are feeling up to it, you can watch the conference, they are live streaming it. Go to ocrahope.org for further details. I slept right through that earthquake this morning. Seattle reminds me quite a bit of SF. Take care.
    July 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi. How was your birthday celebration? I bet it was absolutely beautiful on the island. I will be thinking of you and your treatment next week. I hope everything goes well and that cocktail gives the cancer a one- two punch.
    July 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Well, you have to do what is best for you and certainly I do not want you to physically stress yourself. I understand about side effects. You will be missed but they have a conference every year and another conference , another time, could very well be in your future.
    June 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Ok, definitely not adept at posting yet. Please check my wall post to you kalindria.
    June 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Also I am wishing you a beautiful and Happy Birthday. We are in our RV down by Marysville at a place in the oak foothills called Collins Lake. Hot and dry here, nothing like the San Juan Islands with their ocean breezes. What a wonderful place to have your celebration. Hope you post a picture with you wearing that tiara birthday lady.
    June 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi there. Just wondering if you are still interested in attending the OCRA conference in Seattle on the 12th - 14th if Juky. It is being held at the Hyatt on Howell St. - early registration closes tonight, it is 185. 00 . Regular registration a bit more includes several meals. If interested go to OCRA hope.org.
    April 2019
  • macfightsback
    Hi Kalindria,
    Thanks for the videos. I could relate to much of what you said. I was diagnosed stage 3 C in July 2015. I am probably beginning my 2nd reoccurence. Last year I got chemo for mets to 2 inoperable lymph nodes for my first reoccurence. I will get a CT guided needle biopsy of my right lung next week to determine what is happening. How are you? Did you decide to go back to work? I did go back to my full-time job as an ICU nurse when I finished initial surgury and chemo. After working 1 year, I retired. My job was too stressful to do full time. I returned part time 4 months later. Had my first reoccurence January 2018. (Quit, I can not work during chemo.). I am currently still on a PARP inhibitor until we sort out the 2 pulmonary nodules in my right lung. It took a while to find the right dose for me. Right now I do not want to go back to work. I want to continue to reach out and support people with Ovarian Cancer. I discovered this site on a Facebook advertisement last year during my first reoccurence. I love it! It is my favorite Ovarian Cancer site, I have been on a few. I hope you are doing well. You are working on year 6! Congratulations!
    April 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hey there lady, are you really ready? How is that knee doing?Have not talked to you for awhile although I frequently think of you. So, are you prancing around yet? I hope your results are everything you wanted and needed a,though I also realize the healing process is often slower than we would want.

    I am doing ok. Just babysat my granddaughter for a couple of days in Fresno. We are now on our way to my port flush. Last port flush I was plugged so they had to put a solution in to unplug it. For five years, no problems. Now instead of every six weeks have to go every four weeks for the flush.Afterwards, we are headed to Reno to donate some money. The mountains should be beautiful , wearing their white winter coat. Sending oodles of good wishes and support your way.
    March 2019
  • BoiseB
    Hi Neighbor,
    I am so glad you made it to and from your surgery. I have a friend who lives in Redmond who couldn't get out of his garage. I didn't realize that the city was not prepared for this amount of snow.
    February 2019
  • BoiseB
    Just checking in to see how you are doing. I am snowbound the staff could not make it my apartment complex so the snow has not been cleared
    February 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi there, I guess you are home now, safe and warm. I joked with BoiseB about her bringing that Idaho snow with her to Washington when she moved. She agreed that snow tends to follow her around. You people have been slammed with snow this year as have the Sierra here in California. No worries for a drought this summer at least. Anyway, liked your hospital picture and I am glad your surgery is in the rear view. Now your going forward to healing and physical therapy . Still keeping my fingers crossed for a great result . Sending my wheelbarrows of support your way.
    February 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi there. I am riding in the motor home heading to good old Bullhead City. We just left Tehatchapi headed to Mohave for the night. Weather quite windy and wet, but we need it. Have the fourth of February stamped in my memory. Will contact you a week or so after to see how your doing.
    January 2019
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi there. So, your going to start off the New Year with a knee replacement? I think I remember you talking about a bum knee when we had lunch. When is the surgery?
    December 2018
  • Lynne-I-Am
    kalindria, you and your loved ones have a good Thanksgiving .
    November 2018
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi there. Well we survived the cruise. Hurricane Michael made the captain have to change our route, so goodbyeGrand Caymen tours, another day at sea. We are noe in NewYork City. We had a shake, rattle, and roll trip up from Miami. My hubby, who showed cold symtoms on the last day aboard ship, has a full blown cold now . First order of business after checking into our hotel, was a walk to Times Square, then a walk to a CVS pharmacy for some cold medication. I had forgotten how it is, “ everyman for himself “, when walking these big city streets. Hopefully the cold medication works and he will feel better tomorrow. How are things in your neck of the woods?
    October 2018
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi lady. Glad you had such a good time. We were in Cabo today where I rode a camel. A fairly tame ride ( the camels were tied together and led by a handler) but still a good experience. Also had a loud and very wet thunder storm just as we were finishing our outdoor lunch. All in all a good day for me, but not the case for Paul. Paul was suppose to go deep sea fishing but the activity was canceled because of rough seas, so he sat in the room all day. He took it pretty well though. We are now waiting for room service and dinner. I am too tired to adhere to their dress code tonight and my hair is a mess due to the humidity and the hat I wore to shield me from the sun. Our plan for tonight is to hunker down and watch a movie. Tomorrow we are at sea and I booked a back massage for late morning. I will keep you tuned in from time to time. Take care.
    September 2018
  • Carool
    Hi, Kalindria. I just watched your blogs 1, 2, 4 (I'll find 3 and 5). Thank you for these. I look forward to watching many more.
    September 2018
  • Carool
    Hi, Kalindria. I just watched your blogs 1, 2, 4 (I'll find 3 and 5). Thank you for these. I look forward to watching many more!
    September 2018
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi lady. Knew you would opt for the clinical trial . I gather this would all start after your trip to Montana if you qualify? The treatment sounds very promising and nothing like getting a head start on the newest advancements. I will keep fingers crossed for you. Keep me updated.
    September 2018
  • Mtyndal34
    Thank you for your videos. I am new to all of this. I have one more chemo 9/11 to finish my initial treatment plan. Had 3 chemo cycles, debulking surgery and now finishing 3 more cycles of chemo. Find my anxiety levels are going way up as I near the end. I have a CT scan scheduled for October. My CA 125 levels fell from over 1000 to normal range last month. Hoping they will be single digits next bloodwork.
    September 2018