Not Cancer Related - Happy Holidays
Member Posts: 394
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to everyone! It's a tough year for everyone to one degree or another. I hope everyone has the best holiday possible and can find moments of peace and happiness. Love and hugs to my WhatNext friends.
Bug, you have an uncanny way of knowing when our spirits need lifting. Thank you for your Holiday wishes. You are a much beloved fellow WhatNexter. It certainly has been a tough year for everyone in many different ways. Becoming a proactive patient has given me the gift of encouragement, for myself and others. I truly believe that 2021 will be a better year for all of us. Encouragement, fueled by faith and prayers, can make that a realization. Much love and many hugs for you and yours. I'm proud to call you my friend.0
Thank you, Bug for thinking of all of us. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday celebration. Sending hugs and love to all Whatnexters. I hope that everyone has a great day.0
MERRY CHRISTMAS ,, TO ALL HERE ON WHAT'S NEXT. I agree it's been a different type of year. I've tried to do my normal duties,, with less people around of course,, but I totally refuse to live in the confinds of my house. I enjoy being out an about. I've kept as far away from people as possible, but at the same time going where i need to.
Everybody,,, have a great day,, Happy New Year!!0 -
Hi guys, Merry Christmas to all of you!! We have had 4 family members with COVID so we had a scaled back holiday season but all are recovering and we are ready for a new year and new beginnings. There are many who are still reeling from this past year and I am thinking of them today too and wishing them comfort in the future. Stay strong and well!! Hugs to all!!0
Merry Christmas to my WhatNext family. Continue being the best you can be for yourself and others. You have been so important to so many at critical times. Stay safe. Hugs!0
Merry Christmas to all. Thank you Bug for the encouragement and a little joy in this season.0
Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy Birthday to legaljen! Jen! I hope your father is home and doing well? Isn't it his birthday too? I miss all the laughter and craziness my grandchildren bring, but I am counting on this vaccine kicking in so we can do it right next year. Meanwhile, it is still Christmas and a reason for joy. We always try out a new waffle recipe for Christmas. This year it was *lemon ricotta.* Whoa! I highly recommend it!0
Merry Christmas!!0
Wishing everyone good things for the New Year.
Lorie0 -
Bug, thank you! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah (or just a Happy Thursday)! I wish everyone good health and fulfillment in 2021! Goodbye to 2020!0
I wanted to share my Christmas message with all of cancer "family"...
Christmas Eve 2020, it's been a strange year for all of us. Many of you have struggled not only financially but mentally and physically. Isolation has taken it's toll as we miss our family and friends. The hugs and warm greetings that make us smile sparsely given. Life events missed and plans changed or abandoned. Christmases past of spending time with family and friends adding to the mixed emotions of the day. Yes, it is different this year yet the meaning of Christmas still shines bright as we prepare to celebrate.
The wonder of Christmas affects us all in a different way. We have our unique traditions as we prepare our celebration. Midnight mass for many, candles lit, prayers said, stories told of days gone by and songs sung. Joyous times, happy times with family and friends. For some sad times, lonely times, times of fear, hurt and desperation.
This year more than many other years we need to reach out, making sure that our family and friends know that we care. That we love and miss them and that we are thinking of them. That is my wish today, that you all know how much you are loved and missed.
To all of you...I am so blessed to have you all here in my life and I thank you for always being there for me! I tell everyone about this wonderful group especially the newly diagnosed and their families. The love you all show is beautiful and the knowledge you all have is so helpful. God Bless You All!
Greg's legacy is felt everyday as we continue to support each other! How special he was and how lucky we are that he touched all of our lives.
Wishing you a healthy and happy New year!0 -
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!
May the spirit of the holidays ease the losses we've had this year. Peace and warm wishes.0 -
Thanks Bug for the holiday wishes. I did have a nice Christmas despite the virus, just smaller and safer. . Wishing all WhatNexters and their families a much better and brighter New Year. Hopefully 2021 will be the year Covid gets kicked to the curb!0
@Marcie, thank you for the birthday wish. I appreciate it. I have been trying to just lay low and fly under the radar this year. I have always loved having a Christmas birthday until last year and this year. Nonetheless, it came and I am another year older. Yea me. LOL And those lemon ricotta waffles sound amazing.
@Omaalyce, your greeting was wonderful. Yes, this has been an important year to try to reach out and preserve whatever traditions we can. It has been more important than ever to reach out to those we love and let people know how much they mean to us.
I appreciate you all so very much. I hope that everyone had a peaceful holiday.
@Lynne-I-Am- I hope COVID is kicked to the curb in 2021 as well. I am encouraged by all who say they have spent a smaller, quieter "safer" Christmas this year. We are all trying to do what is best for us all and keep our loved ones safe (and keep ourselves safe). That said..
I think 2021 is going to be the year of taking risks for me. If we can just get COVID kicked to the curb- this is my "Might as well" list for 2021-
* Get a tattoo (which may get me disinherited from my family- but at this point I am the family screw up anyhow so WTH- LOL)
* Learn to SCUBA dive
* Try to organize a skydiving trip
* Go rappelling on a steep mountain
* Try snow skiing again (I haven't been since I was in my teens)
0 -
I hope everyone had as good a Holiday as possible. I, too, pray that 2021 will bring safer times for all of us. If only people would listen to the science and stop spreading this Covid19, we'd be in a much better place far more quickly. I finally gave in and allowed my niece from TN (the former nurse) to come to my house not on Christmas Eve but last night, Saturday. We had some brutally cold and black ice days here in N GA, so we changed the date. We took precautions but one never knows. With this new diagnosis it's possible that I won't be here next Christmas, although I plan to fight to be. My daughter and her fiancé got me a new stove which I needed desperately. It was actually used but it is in great shape. My whole stove would get so hot when I used my oven, I began to look at it as a fire danger. Got lots of other great gifts and everyone enjoyed theirs from me. It is still so incredibly cold here. My heat can't decide what it wants to do. On and off. On and off. And I am well insulated! I am so looking forward to going back to life as it was, as I'm sure you are as also. May He guide us and give us strength through each of our Cancer journeys. My wish is for a Happy New Year for us all.0
andreacha, thank you, and I wish you and everyone else here a healthy and fulfilling new year. And I hope you’ll see many more years to come.0
Merry Christmas ... a few days after the fact! I hope everyone enjoyed their time. We spent Christmas with just me and my husband ... and I talked to my mom on the telephone. It was okay - definitely not our traditional Christmas though!0
Happy Belated Birthday, legaljen!0
Happy New Year everyone ... here's to 2021; may it quash 2020 like a bug on a windshield!!!
And happy birthday @legaljen1969 - some ideas: I found scuba diving in the Caribbean is nicest (clear, warmest, most sea life; Pacific Ocean too churned, open Atlantic boring ... but then there's Europe ... oh and Asia), and climbing in Western Washington near Seattle is high on the difficulty scale (I hear). Have fun! Keep us in the loop!0 -
PS @legaljen1969 ... skiing ... I lived in the Sun Valley, ID area ... best skiing for the money - UTAH BABY! Clamp on them boards and hit the slopes ... can't wait to hear of your adventures!!!!!0
Bug....right back at ya! And to all above - you have been, and will continue to be part of It's as if I really know this amazing group of friends that are there in the best and worst times of my life. So happy to share each of them. We celebrate the highs ... and sit quietly there when we have valleys. Amazing friends we are! Next holiday season...who knows what comes next?? But we will be there for each other no matter what. Much love...Ashera. Oh...Ashera is a Hebrew name...meaning 'blessed and fortunate'...which I truly feel on this site, knowing you all...0
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