

  • LiveWithCancer

    I just read about the trials and tribulations you are having with your health. My son passed away from heart issues and my husband recently had a stroke so I really sympathize with your heart problems. I hope they have been resolved and am so glad that the medical care team was good and that they were kind! (We didn't exactly have the same when my husband was in hospital after his stroke.)

    I am also so, so very sorry to read that you had to put your kitty to sleep. That's so hard, especially at a time when you probably need his or her love even more than usual (when you're facing your health challenges, I mean).

    Big hugs and warm thoughts are headed your way.
    October 2020
  • leslie48240
    Thanks, Lorie. Site has glitches now and again...but Greg always gets everything back on track. Even tho I have tested clear for over 9 years now...I keep checking in on WhatNext. It was so helpful to me and now I hope to help others...even if it is just to let them know I lived thru stageIV. I have 3 friends/family just diagnosed in the last couple months with BC. It is relentless for sure.
    August 2018
  • geekling
    Hi. So I guess, Whitesboro is a place from your past? So relieved for you Irma wasnt so awful to you.
    Boomer also was able to return home today.
    One of my neighbor's has elec but not sure I do yet. Will trot down there again tomorrow. Was there today. Too tired now. Neighbor says my place is still dark. I have been wearing a mask inside there. Cant take chances.

    Have decided to mortgage the place and repair it after stripping it doen to bone. Will see what I can do.

    Have a lovely evening. Sweet dreams.
    September 2017
  • meyati
    Welcome-- we all have different routes to Whatnext----Somehow I was sent an Email to join---I was suspicious-and half of the time I'm out with FaceBook. I think that this will help you when you're sad, and it will help you when you're glad--- I'm sorry that you are here.
    February 2017
  • geekling
    Thank you very much for the lovely things you said about me. I want you to know it is very very much appreciated. xoxox
    October 2016
  • geekling
    Hi, if your nails are chipping you are short minerals. The most likely suspect is zinc. Either eat cucumber (organic is important for cukes) daily or, sigh, pop a pill. Or try pepitas (pumpkin seed) or, if you eat living creatures, try oysters. Celery is very nice as well.

    Other than that is could also be a dearth of vitamin Bs or general anemia from, oh I dunno ... chemotherapy?

    Best wishes for a happy summer
    June 2016
  • geekling
    I havent actually ever been on a cruise ... as a passenger.

    You are lucky to have gone so many times.

    I hear it is pricey. If you know a way, lol, I would be thrilled to join you some time.

    Feel better. Feel good.
    June 2016
  • geekling
    Hi! Just this morning found your notes. No longer remember just what we were speaking about regarding your other questions but tea can usually be drunk either hot or cold or what my reference was regarding chicken soup ... except maybe how they say it cant hurt you.

    Wishing for you what it is that you need from the neurologist.
    May 2016
  • geekling
    But it is a light tea and will likely taste fine once cooled. Had you written, I would suggest a mix. As is, try "oatstraw" tea. Brew it strong (1 1/2 tablespoons of tea for very two cups). Just buy a little bit to see if you will tolerate it. If you dont like it, we can try something else or a mix. You also need to eat more dark greens which are rich with magnesium. Trace minerals can be had from dried "nori" sheets used to wrap sushi. Im so sorry the prolia is giving you such a hard time. Best wishes.
    April 2016
  • geekling
    I use the same nick at yahoo for email, if you will. In truth, I usually drink tea hot (even in summer) so I cant guarantee taste :D
    April 2016
  • geekling
    I am in So Fla! Where are you? All you need to do is to brew and cool in refrigerator and drink as you like throughout the day.
    April 2016
  • geekling
    "heal" was an incorrect word. Help or help alleviate symptomology is a better description.
    April 2016
  • geekling
    Ha! It isnt exactly chicken soup but like chicken soup, it wont hurt you even if it isnt enough on its own to heal you.

    Bones are made from and repaired by the body with (mostly) minerals we ingest as we go through life. About 70% of adults are a little short on magnesium and silica (a very common element..like sand). Id like to suggest herbal tea. For building bones they are very powerful but not a magic bullet because
    they take time to work and need be continued once they do work.

    As teas, the herbs taste fine ( sure, add lemon and honey). You would need to drink 4 cups of particular tea each day for a month before a slightest improvement could be noted. What the heck? Tastes better than water anyways. Are you game?
    April 2016
  • geekling
    BTW, let me know when or if you want to try a chicken soup (cant hurt even if it turns out not to help enough) remedy for bone weakness. Thanx again
    April 2016
  • geekling
    Hi; Yep, Lorie, compared to when I first noticed the tumor, I feel pretty good. Compared to when I went through the cancer treats, I feel awesome! There is, however, a ways to go. Im working on it.

    I can hardly thank you enough for what you said about me being a cause for you to eat better. Often, when I am bummed or otherwise hurting, Ill wonder what the heck I am doing alive. Thank you for a reason.
    April 2016
  • TXHills
    Good morning. I wanted you to know I'm doing well right now. My tumors markers are both in the normal range and my body is normalizing after the chemo. Plus, my bronchitis is nearly gone. I'm able to travel with my hubby for his job and am working on two different blankets with my new hobby, finger crochet.
    Thank you for thinking of me. How are you doing?
    February 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Just wanted to let you know that after warning this "Dr. Suba" person to not be posting quack posts and offering medical advice, (however bad it was) that I deleted their account. Please let me know if you see any posts re-appear that look like they may be coming from the same person under a different name. Thanks for looking out for the best interests of those on the site. -
    November 2015
  • DorisT
    Hi Lorie; hope by now you are in treatment. I was diagnosed less than a month ago and my docs have already scheduled my surgery. I cannot imagine waiting as you are. The sooner treatment starts the sooner my life will be normal again or as normal as can be. Good luck
    April 2015
  • Nonnie917-89591
    I hope they started your treatment within the first month? If they didn't, I would be looking for another doctor. Three months is a long time to mess around with cancer as it spreads to other parts of the body. Get a second opinion and find yourself another doctor. Treatment is crucial to your survival. In the meantime, welcome to the site. I am sure that you will find this a friendly place to come when you need someone to talk to. We are all in the same boat when it comes to emotions and feelings about our health. Just know that no question is to silly to ask and if you need to vent because you are having a bad day, we are here for you. I hope you find this site as helpful to you as it has been for me.
    April 2015
  • happydyad
    Hi, Lorie! I tried to post this answer to your recent question about mastectomy for Stage 1 cancer. I tried for a 1/2 hour+ to get it to post without success. So, here it is: I had a stage one cancer. It was invasive intraductal carcinoma with lobular features. I did a double mastectomy immediately so that I would never have to face that decision again. Also, because of the location of my tumor, I was able to get immediate reconstruction in the same surgery and preserve my skin and nipples. I will not ever need surgery for reconstruction again (unless the unexpected happens, LOL ). It was a one stage surgery and I am done… Praise God! I had to travel to Atlanta for a surgeon that was able to perform this type of surgery but it was well worth the inconvenience. My health insurance paid for any doctor that was in network so the cost was not different......Other than the travel expenses and hotel room which I am now claiming on my taxes. I have the option of having fat transfer in the future but at 7 months out my result is good enough that I'm not interested in doing even that simple procedure. Lobular cancer increases your risk of recurrence in the other breast... I had already been mammogramed, tomosynthesized, MRI'd, biopsied & scared to death! I wanted it over & done to whatever extent I could achieve that. Good luck!!! Judy in Ky
    April 2015
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: http://bit.ly/10BQKCi. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    March 2015