How is everyone doing with the pandemic?

Member Posts: 335
I live in Georgia, and our state now has the highest rate of infection of any state (according to the Washington Post and reported today in the Atlanta Journal).
So I'm erring on the side of caution and continue to order groceries for pick-up only. How is everyone managing?
So I'm erring on the side of caution and continue to order groceries for pick-up only. How is everyone managing?
I’m in NC on the coast. Still have masks in pubic places, stores, etc with distancing, gyms , movies, buffets closed. The beaches are open, no masks out there, but people keep their distance anyway. This area has very few cases, only 5 deaths in the county. I’m concerned about all the tourists coming from other places. I don’t go out much, especially on weekends when it’s more crowded. I keep busy though and go crabbing or fishing in quite areas near me. Now we just need to keep hurricanes away!0
We are still staying pretty much quarantined too. I also order groceries and go pick them up. It will feel really weird to get to pick my own meat and produce one of these days...
I was distressed watching the numbers in my community skyrocket. I quit following them, but last time I looked we had nearly 700 cases in our town of 60,000. I felt a lot better about that number when they finally posted the number of recovered cases along with the total number of cases. We only had about half that number who were actually sick at that time with the virus. The other half had already recovered and resumed their lives.0 -
I'm in New York, far Northern New York, just shy of Canada. Our Governor got on this early and was able to convince most New Yorkers to cooperate. We've gone from being the early epicenter to bring in fairly good shape now. IF people have the patience to continue to play by the rules we can keep it that way. Worries for many locally as students at four local universities return to campus this month. I talked with a cashier at our local Wal-Mart. She needs to work. She was terrified at the prospect of a flood of students from every part of the country plus many foreign countries. Many people here share her fears although many merchants are eager for the business the bring. There were surges in cases after Memorial and July 4th weekends but seem to have been brought pretty quickly under control. Patience and acceptance that we are going to be somewhat inconvenienced in an effort to save people's lives will get us through.0
Jane A and I live in the same state. Our Governor refuses to mandate masks. He said that he felt that people would do the right thing on their own, not have to be forced. Needless to say, our numbers are off the charts. There were seven Mayors in our state that mandated masks in their cities. Six male and one female. He sued one of them, the woman, Mayor Bottoms of Atlanta for mandating masks in Atlanta. He had every intention of taking her (no others) to court because he was the Governor and didn't authorize that. Long story short, the two of them were mandated by the Judge to mediate before the hearing date was determined. He told the Mayor that he would mandate the masks if she wouldn't enforce citations. She wouldn't agree to that. She felt that would accomplish nothing. I agree with her. He ultimately dropped the suit after pressure from fellow Republicans. And, now, even after having been spoken to from Washington about mandating for the entire state, here we are - flourishing as if our rains were actually Miracle Grow.
I was taken for my scans on the 6th at my hospital in the next town. I could not believe what I saw on the way down there and back. 70% of the people had no masks on walking around, in shops, and even some restaurant servers. Outside dining was very close at a few places. There were a couple of places that didn't understand the concept of social distancing at all. So, I just stay home in my own little world and do all that I can not to become ill. I hope and pray that all of us remain strangers to Covid19.0 -
Sweetie and I are still on lock down. We could throw away all calendars, phones, or any device used to keep up with time and we would not know the difference.
I have another attempt to have a throat stretching scheduled this morning, and in order to have that done today I had to have another covid test done Friday so I would be in this 48 hour window prior to surgery. We had to drive 2 hrs. one way to one of their testing centers that would be sure and have the results. I checked on the facility portal Sat. morning and the results were there already.0 -
Am proud to live in Massachusetts where they take it seriously. Everyone wears a mask and social distance. Bars are still closed as are gathering sizes. I still only go to one or 2 places a week, get in and get out quickly though. I hate Covid and want it gone0
I'm in illinois. Our numbers have been rising since the 4th of July. We still are being careful where we go. Mask wearing and hand washing is important. And we seem to be on a somewhat self imposed lockdown. Only going out when we have to.0
I'm in NJ and avoid going anywhere due to underlying condition of being a colon cancer survivor and celiac disease which is an immune deficiency. My husband goes to Sams Club early morning every other week for produce, dairy and meats and we order non-perishables online. We upgraded to Sams Plus membership for free shipping which is so worth it. This is getting old though. My girlfriend and her family were in from Colorado and usually meet at her sister's house in LBI, but not this year as too scared. We have a camper just north of Lake George, NY and I haven't gone as afraid to stop to use rest rooms. I did get my surveillance colonoscopy back in beginning of June when NJ in a lull.0
In Michigan, most people take Covid seriously as does our governor. She has stressed distancing and masks are mandatory. It's pretty well worked when you see what has happened in other states where many people are clueless, and refuse to take this seriously, especially their governors!
But the young and dumb are partying in all states, even ours. One can not understand what might be running thru their collective, undeveloped minds. Did their parents talk to them? Do they watch the news? Or is a bottle of cheap beer and a chance to meet some hot young thing more important than spending a month on a ventilator? I guess it is!0 -
@Bengal, it's so interesting to see your take on the fact that New Yorkers are willing to play by the rules and are compliant. It would seem that they wouldn't give anyone any trouble about requests to mask up if they were out of state if that were the case.
I have personally run into several tourists here at the beach when I am chatting with people who have told me they are from New York and New Jersey and they refuse to abide by our mask mandates or requests. I know many places that have the rules that if you have a medical reason not to mask up, they can't "force you" to wear a mask. So all of these people from New York and New Jersey have come down here and developed "Medical reasons" such as not being able to breathe. Well I have two explanations for that.
1. They brought the Rona with them and intend to spread it around down here and head back north once they are done; and/or
2. It is humid here. No-one can breathe. It's oppressive heat and you feel like you are drowning sometimes when you go outside just breathing humidity.
The tourists from New York and New Jersey will curse you out in a quick minute if you dare ask them to wear a mask. The signs says it is the law and most of them tell us that the only laws they are subject to are the ones in New York and they have no intention of obeying the laws here. I have had at least two tell me they are pretty sure they came here with coronavirus but they don't give a **** if they give it to someone here, they are NOT wearing a mask.
They may be playing by the rules at home, but when they leave the state- all bets are off.
I am not saying ALL New Yorkers are like that, but they are certainly not ALL so compliant, and the ones who have come here to vacation have no intention of giving a care about anyone else. Our usual Ohio and Michigan crowd is low this year. New York is "in the house" loud and proud and cursing us all out.0 -
House is paid off, the 20K monthly meds are covered. Amazon delivers non-refrigerated food. I can ride my therapy motorcycle, therefore, life is good.0
I have found that the pandemic has done a number on me mentally. I am a functioning Haphephobic and an Agoraphobic. My New Years resolution was to become more social. That all ended on Feb 29. with the first death. I sort of went to ground after the first death. Then all the things I feared were forbidden. Since hair salons are closed, I am not expected to have my hair cut a ritual I endure twice a year ironically I got a hair cut on the week before. Before the pandemic I never went to movie theaters or sporting events, I ordered my clothing from catalogs to avoid shopping malls. My groceries were delivered. Church was the only place where I was bothered by panic attacks not church services are still being streamed although there are two services that have limited seating and must be reserved. My church is planning on having some zoom prayer groups and Bible Studies. All in all I think the pandemic has pushed me further down to becoming a recluse. It will be difficult for me to reconquer my fears. I will have to learn to shake hands all over again.
Our county is in stage 3 of reopening but cases are spiking so the health officer modified the regulations so we are now sort of half-way between stage 2 and stage 3 and if conditions don't improve we will have to go back to stage 2, We have had over 95 cases for a month now.0 -
OMG we are in the Raleigh, NC area and it's out of control! UNC and NC State opened last week and as of today, UNC is having cluster outbreaks at the college so decided to move back to online only. I watch the videos and am just horrified. So now what, the kids leave and take that back to to their homes states and we start all over again? I haven't seen my mother in 3 months now because she goes to church and grocery shopping and it makes me feel like a lousy daughter, but I know I can't take the chance. We still have our groceries delivered and we're still in Phase 2, never moved past it. I can see why!0
Scary, Jayne. Like I mentioned above, many here are holding our collective breaths as 4 colleges/universities start to reopen. The administrations claim they have "a plan" but it remains to be seen how you control the actions of thousands of college kids. We have no active cases in our country right now. Why mess with that by inviting in young people from all over the country. And like you said, if there is an outbreak and they're all sent home it just serves to spread it more.
Shut down! Get ahead of the virus. Reopen gradually. That was the plan but we didn't follow it as national policy and look at the mess we have created. America is being laughed at by the rest of the world and from my vantage point it is well deserved.0 -
Same here, Bengal.....they supposedly had a plan, but clearly didn't expect the young folks to carry on the way they are - check out this video from UNC, hopefully this will resonate across the country that college and covid don't mix!
m/news/local/education/article244768252.html0 -
Here in NYC we’re no longer the epicenter of contagion, thanks to Governor Cuomo and those New Yorkers (the majority of us) who followed his advice and that of Dr. Fauci. @legaljen, those NY and NJ covidiots who are happy to spread the virus if they have it are rotten people, of course. No one said that every New Yorker is being considerate of others. I walk down my Brooklyn streets on my way to the supermarket and I inevitably see some people not wearing masks (we’re supposed to wear them outside when we pass anyone). Usually they are young men, but not always. And when I took the subway into Manhattan to see my dentist or have my annual breast exams, I’d always see some mofos who didn’t care about anyone but themselves and signaled that lack of empathy by not wearing a mask or by not covering both mouth AND nose. Idiots. Again, almost always young men.0
Carool, I know some great people from New York so I know that not everyone there is awful. I have just been so surprised at how vehement people are about not following the guidelines since your state was the epicenter and you have seen firsthand how helpful it is to wear the mask and curb the spread.
Listen most days it is well over 90 with at least 50-60% humidity and a heat index between 95-102. It's oppressive wearing a mask. I understand why they don't want to do it. I don't really care if they are spread out and outside. I understand.
I guess I am just noticing it since that seems to be the primary area of tourists we are drawing this year.
Truth be told, vacationers suspend all of the rules no matter where they came from when they are here. Speed limit? Never heard of such a thing. Turn signals? Never heard of such a thing. It's like everything they ever knew they are required to forget when they come to our area. I am completely convinced that there is something like these infrared thermometers that temporarily disables the tourist brain for the entire trip they are here. They are required to put their brains in a box and get them back when they depart the island. LOL It is NOT just New Yorkers by any means. There are just more of them than usual this year. I think that's why I am noticing them. There was a huge influx in the beginning of the pandemic too because we have lots of "snowbirds" who decided not to go back north OR they decided to turn around and come back to their homes down there. Shelter in place? Nope. Stay home? Nope. Complain about restaurants being closed or grocery stores operating on limited staff? Yep. It's crazy living in a vacation area because it's like a stage show every day- put on a happy face and risk your life to bring in the almighty tourist dollar.
@BoiseB, it has done a number on me as well. I am becoming far more reclusive and suspicious of people. I am completely overwhelmed with the news as I am almost always fearful of either getting a COVID infection or being killed or attacked by accidentally crossing the wrong person who may have an axe to grind in this age of protests and riots and whatever else.
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@legalgen1969 - I knew you weren’t saying that all New Yorkers are inconsiderate and harmful. Maybe it’s mostly those types who are visiting your island! LOL.
We here in the Tri-State Area are worried about snowbirds who came back here from hard-hit Florida and other Southern states. Governor Cuomo has a list of states from which people coming here must quarantine for two weeks. So far, though, there hasn’t been an increase of virus cases here.0 -
Not to add fuel to the fire but I can't understand how the Sturgess festival was allowed to continue either - we have to get our stuff together better to move beyond this. I'll get off my Covid soapbox now since we all have other stuff to deal with as well! Hope everyone stays as safe as you can!0
I was verbally attacked about a month ago by a couple of middle-aged anti-maskers at a doctor's office. And no, I did not reprimand them for not wearing masks. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time--- the man, a crazy dude, said things that a drunken sailor might regret & then threw a mask that the doctor's office gave him in my face. Very scary, typical behavior of anti-masker types!0
Molly72, OMG. I assume he was tossed out. Yes, typical of many of them. Disgusting people.0
Carool-- The crazy anti-maskers were not let in the dr.'s office-- this happened in the parking lot.
Glad he didn't have a gun! You wouldn't believe what he said to the poor nurse at the door!
Boise-- Wow, a sighting of a murder hornet-- Be careful, the news reported that they have actually killed people in Japan. How close were you? How big was it? Tell us more, please!0 -
I saw the big bug about a week before the actually 1st sighting was published on CNN. Although I am careful around nasty insects or spiders, they are not a thing for me.0
Molly72, these people are scary. They are sooooo angry, some of them.
BoiseB, I have a fear of insects, any insect big enough to be seen clearly in OUR space, so to speak. If it’s tiny and in its own world, fine. If it’s as visible as a bird, even a tiny bird, unfine. Of course, many microscopic things (viruses, for instance) are far more dangerous than many insects we can see, but as long as I can’t see them....0 -
The Sturgess rally ? Beyond ridiculous. But it's all about the $$$$. I saw the mayor of Sturgess interviewed on CNN. Those bikers bring big bucks into town once a year and they weren't about to lose that. "Precautions are being taken". And then they disperse to every part of the country. These anti-maskers use the U.S. Constitution to defend their greed, ignorance and antipathy.0
I was raised in the woods, so insects are more natural to me than humans. Social distancing is about two feet shy of my personal bubble. When I go to places like fairs I am very uncomfortable. As for shopping malls, I used to only go the anchor stores I could shop then leave without going into the mall proper
Carool you would definitely not like the Murder Hornet was about 4 times the size of a yellow jacket. .0 -
Bengal, I so agree. And I agree with you, andreacha, re your governor (I was so disappointed when Stacey Abrams didn’t win, though she’d have had to be superhuman to win such a tainted race).
BoiseB, I certainly wouldn’t like those jumbo hornets! Until we got rid of the huge cockroaches (waterbugs, we call them here) we had in the bathroom, I was scared to go to the bathroom at night, and those insects are harmless. A few squirts of Combat in targeted areas, no more giant roaches!0 -
Hi all from Northern California. Hubby and I are doing ok although like everyone else getting tired of being housebound. We did escape up into the mountains for a week in the RV. It was like a different world at the campground we went to. Sites were spaced far apart and even though the campground was full social distancing was no problem. Children playing with scooters and skates and both children and adults riding bikes. No one was wearing masks and you were briefly able to forget about the pandemic. Both Paul and I wore masks when in the small local store but we were the exception, not even the store clerks had masks on. Currently , the county I live in is on the cusp of being placed on the governor’s watch list which would mean closing back up hair and nail salons, gyms , and other businesses. For the most part inside dining has been closed after opening briefly a few weeks ago although there are several restaurants thumbing their noses at closing and the employees are not wearing masks. Whoever thought that a trip to the grocery store would be the highlight of my week. Of course I take all precautions. My daughter in Fresno still orders her groceries delivered. I tried that but got tired of the substitutions. Additionally this week , I am wearing my mask when out for walks around the neighborhood. Guess everyone has heard about the California wildfires. Even though the fires are to the South and to the West of where we live the smoke funnels up through the valley making unhealthy levels of air pollution and an orange sun.
Hope everyone is staying safe0
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