Are there any long term survivors here? For 5 10 or 15 years?
Member Posts: 13
Just curious about if any long term survivors were still hanging around here?
Hi CovidCancer. There are lots of us here. I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in October 2012. I was given 4 months. There is a lot of hope.0
I had Melanoma when I was quite young, back in the early 1960's. Then several different cancers came back about 8 or so years ago. As you may have surmised, I lived.0
I started my dance with cancer in 1988, I'm still trying to learn how to two step or tango. On diagnosis #5 right now.0
Way behind Greg here. Diagnosed 2008, three blood cancers and a stem cell transplant later, still here. Friday the 17th will be 5 years from transplant. Original prognosis was "poor" which dropped in 7 months to "extremely poor" and dropped at least three times below that. Rounded off from 1%, I have a zero percent chance of being alive.0
I’m on year 14 since being diagnosed with RCC. After the first 3 years it was in my lung which was half removed and another treatment was last year for the remaining kidney which had a tumor trying to set up camp. Many of us keep on trucking through whatever comes next! New treatments and drugs are still being developed all the time. Buying time gives us a better chance the next go round!0
Diagnosed with later stage ovarian cancer in 2013. I came to WhatNext shortly thereafter .. The survivors and caregivers on the site gave me the extra support and information I needed to see me through the chemo, surgery, more chemo and into remission. This August 9th it will be 7 years since hearing the words “ you have cancer.”0
Diagnosed with metastatic stage 4 lung cancer in 1/13....still chugging is good, right0
I will be an eight year survivor of breast cancer in October.0
I was diagnosed 10 years ago this month.0
I was diagnosed, stage 4 Adenocarcinoma, 10 years ago in June 3, 2010. I had my lower right lobe removed and 4 rounds of chemo (cisplatin and navelbine). I am still living, taking each day as it comes, and very thankful that I am still here.0
Adenocarcinoma stage 2A, upper lobe of left lung, diagnosed in April 2001, chemo in May & June to shrink tumor to make surgery safer due to the exact location, surgery on July 7, 2001. Cancer free just over 19 years.0
My cancer is stage IV fallopian tube cancer (now recurrent) but I'm still here. It will be 7 years for me in October.0
I was diagnosed with stage 2 Ovarian cancer almost 10 years ago. My last chemo treatment was March 17, 2011.0
14 year metastatic colon cancer survivor here.0
I was diagnosed with HER2+ Stage III on December 10, 2013. So far, so good.0
I'm a 14 year survivor of stage 4 lymphoma!0
Great question! Diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer 21 years ago.0
September will be 7 cancer free years for me. And boy, those 7 years have really flown by.0
My husband hit his 5 year mark this year with sclc that was rare and aggressive.0
I was diagnosed with nslc Nov. 2012, Stage 3 then Apr. 2014, stage 4.0
Hi! Six years for me!0
I was diagnosed in January 2009 with school. Surgery, chemo and radiation-still here.0
I was diagnosed with stage IIIB Lung Cancer in February of 2012. I was given a 2% chance of survival by RUSH and Northwestern..I chose the University of Chicago for treatment. Chemo/Rad. Ended up going to RUSH for surgery because NO Hospital would operate. Top left portion of lung removed. I was Cancer free by September 2012..I had ground-glass opacity in my upper right lung which caused pain and of course, is always dangerous because it typically hides Cancer. It took all these years and last year at the scan it was completely clear. I was told at U of C I am considered cured and no longer require an Oncologist visit. Never ever give up.0
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