Need to Chill

Lorie Member Posts: 78
edited 2020 19 in General Cancer
A few months ago I had an echogram which showed some heart issues. Been through several tests and my aortic valve needs to be replaced. I've been told it's possible that radiation caused it. The surgeon should be calling tomorrow to tell me whether I need to have open heart surgery or a less invasive procedure called TAVR which they can do with a catheter through the artery. Big difference.

Also have my 5 year appt for mammogram on Thurs.

Have only told one friend how I feel about it Even then, I put on a stronger face. So. I just needed to say it here and say how scared and fragile I feel.


  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited 2020 15
    Wow Lorie, that’s a lot to go through and process. I hope you are able to have these issues resolved in the least invasive, but most effective, way possible. I hope your mammogram goes well and doesn’t reveal anything concerning.
    We are all here to read/listen and try to help you process it all.
  • Molly72
    Molly72 Member Posts: 227
    edited 2020 15
    Occasionally I read here where a bout with cancer leads to other medical issues such as heart problems, arthritis, pulmonary problems and the such.
    So Lorie, many of us here have had similar issues, and sympathize with you. Chin up & face yet another "What's Next"! You will be brave & strong and get thru this. Keep us informed.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 14
    Praying for you, Lorie!! I hope the simpler procedure will work to fix the issue.

    Also praying you get excellent results from the mammogram.
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    edited 2020 15
    Boy O boy-- when it rains it pours. My heart goes out to you, so much at once. It's easy for me to say, one step at a time, and fully focus on that- compartmentalize. Take a deep breath, but you know what? I'm not the one going through all of that.

    I believe in prayer, and I know that it has helped me. So other than saying things- I'm hoping and praying for you.
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited 2020 15
    I am so sorry that you have to deal with all of this during this already difficult time. I hope you find out that your heart issue can be done as non-invasively as possible. Also, good luck with your mammogram. Let us know how it all goes. Take care.
  • MLT
    MLT Member Posts: 89
    edited 2020 14
    Sure hoping you can get the less invasive procedure!! We are here to support you!
  • centered1
    centered1 Member Posts: 23
    edited 2020 14
    praying for peace and an easy solution
  • TerriL
    TerriL Member Posts: 60
    edited 2020 14
    I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. Like going through the cancer and radiation wasn't enough. Praying for an easier procedure. Stay strong, my friend! You can and will get through this.
  • 2943
    2943 Member Posts: 94
    edited 2020 14
    IF ( and it is big if) you need the surgery and they say the invasive, open may want to seek a second opinion. I faced the idea of invasive, open lung surgery so I do understand dread, panic, etc. In my case, immunotherapy took out the reason and we were able to cancel. Believe me my thoracic surgeon knew I did not want it and he was relieved when he could cancel. There is nothing fun about this. We are here for you. You can do this! Hugs!!
  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2020 15
    This coming from a person who had to have heart bypass surgery before they could remove diseased kidney, I pray that you are able to have the least invasive procedure for your condition. I have a strong feeling that you'll Ace the mammogram as well. Thoughts and prayers going your way.
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 394
    edited 2020 15
    As meyati said - when it rains it pours. Feeling scared and fragile? Heck yeah. Who wouldn't? You can do this. You *really* can. One thing at a time (again I'm channeling meyati). Very best wishes for the least invasive and best options possible. Let us know what's what. And good luck on Thursday. Let us know about that, too. Your WhatNext friends will be with you in spirit.
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Lynne-I-Am Member Posts: 89
    edited 2020 15
    Lorie, I too am sorry you are having additional medical problems to overcome but thankful the echocardiogram showed an issue that can be repaired. When you have more clarification about exactly which procedure you are having , I encourage you to open up with chosen friends or/and family members about what you are going through both emotionally and physically - tell it like it is- your true feelings. We are all stronger with strong support. Adding my wishes for a clear mammogram on Thursday and a hug. Also , congratulations 5yr. Survivor.
  • Lorie
    Lorie Member Posts: 78
    edited 2020 19
    Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and good wishes. Mammogram clear. One down and heart surgeon appt Wed.
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    edited 2020 19
    Way to go Lorie. I'm so glad this is behind you. You just had too much going on, and you did well handling it. Good luck for step 2.
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited 2020 19
    @Lorie, that is great news about your mammogram. I know that is a big relief for you. I will keep you in my prayers about your meeting with the heart surgeon. Keep us posted.