Welcome to the site! We are sorry for your diagnosis but happy that you found us. WhatNext is a community made up of people currently fighting cancer, survivors who have finished treatments, and their family and friends. There are always people around that are willing to share their own experiences with you and answer your questions.
So what's your biggest issue that you're facing right now? Just go to the Questions page here>> www.whatnext.com/questions and post it, then others will give you some feedback.
Post your favorite quotes, treatment or survivor pics on the Pinboard here>> www.whatnext.com/pinboard and be sure to check our blog page every couple of days for new articles about the most common issues that cancer patients and survivors face each day.
Let us know if you need any help navigating the site by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the top of any page.
We hope you're doing as well as you can be!
WhatNext Community/Social Media Mgr.
3X Survivor
2019 15