Time for a check up
Member Posts: 742
I haven't been back to the doctor since one week after I got out of the hospital. I had a surgery scheduled for April 1 but it got canceled. I set up a check-up appointment to look at my neck to be sure there's nothing bad going on. I have pain on one side of my throat when I swallow, and on the other side, it hurts when I push on it. But, my whole neck is still swollen and tender. I am hoping this is just a part of the healing. We will see Friday. Sweetie and I will leave our hole in the ground and venture off to the big city. Hopefully, no coughing/sneezing/snotty nose people won't be near us.
I hope you will be able to make it to your appointment and that all is well. Be safe.0
Hope everyone is mindful and that your current situation is nothing worrisome.0
Prayers that it's nothing more than you already know0
Travel safe, be safe within the facility and best of luck that the pain you are having is just part of the healing process. Thoughts and prayers will be with you and Donna! Let us know when you are safely ensconced back in your in your den.0
Prayers that your current problems are to be expected and that nothing is wrong. And you and "Sweetie" stay safe in that big, bad city!0
I hope they don't cancel your appointment and that you stay safe from COVID-19 infected folks!! Good luck, Greg!!!0
Good luck on Friday. I am glad that they gave you an appointment, so you can find out just what is happening. Let us know how you make out. Take care.0
Good luck on Friday! I was due for my 3 year followup colonoscopy on March 19th which I moved to April and now June.0
Thank you all! Donna has made her a couple of face masks, since you can't find one anywhere high or low, (but there are plenty you know, because they have sent MILLIONS of them out to the states) So she will be covered, I have a filter in my stoma and will also have a mask on, and my stoma covered too. I'm sure we'll be fine. On one hand, I think there couldn't be any safer place against the virus than this hospital and its clinics. On the other hand, I think this is where all the sick people go so it's like diving into a virus pool. So, we can't do anything about it but go to the appointment and head home. I'm going to miss stopping at Cracker Barrel on the way home. We were discussing maybe stopping and picking up supper at their call in curb service at least.0
I think that you'll be fine going to Vanderbilt. They will take lots of precautions. Take-out from Cracker Barrel is the way to go. Hoping that your issues are part of the healing process.
It's been 5 years since my "biggie" surgery, and I still have one tender spot. I attribute to nerve damage during the surgery. Hopefully, that is the reason for your discomfort.
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You're so very at risk for the virus, but also so vulnerable for another bout of IT. Caught between a rock and a hard place. Jeez. My heart goes out to you! You're being prayed over....0
Greg. If it hurts when you do that, then DON'T DO THAT! Good luck w/your appt.0
I will be praying for you on Friday. Please be safe.0
Good luck, Greg and Donna. Looking forward to hearing how it goes.0
Good luck Greg,I’ve been thinking of you. I hope you make your appointment and get a good report.0
Interesting, I thought that I had already reported about my appointment Friday. Because of my history, when I have an issue like this the first thing that's pulled out of the toolbox is the CT Scan. So, that's what happened again. I had a scan, and was supposed to hear from them today, (Monday), but NOOOOOOoooo, no call. So I will message them tomorrow. They usually answer those within a couple of hours. The lest side of my throat is probably muscle/nerve issues. The right side has a red irritated spot inside my throat that she was able to see with a mirror. It is a little worrisome. But she doesn't think it's likely to be the big bad wolf knocking on the door again. But....that's what they said before the surgery in Feb.
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