I'm baackkk!!!

Member Posts: 196
I guess I'm guilty of taking a leave of absence from the group. I've logged on several times to see what was going on but didn't comment at all. I think this pandemic has finally gotten to me. I have no idea why as when there was no pandemic, I didn't go out very much. I guess just knowing that I can't is what upsets me. Our local county run senior shuttle is very restricted on its runs now. You can go to your Primary only to pick up a written prescription, but you can't have an appointment with him/her. They will take you to the bank, pharmacy, Post Office, and dialysis. They did say they could take me to my Cardiologist. The way the Covid cases are going up so quickly I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't shut down service again. I look around my house and wonder who has been living here! To me it is a mess. I sure don't have a Holiday spirit this year. Have we had any direction about our family here? Like all of you I miss Greg very much. I think of Donna and hope she is ok.
Welcome back! Hopefully we can cheer you up a bit! Remember how we all need each other here!0
Hi, andreacha! I am shaking my head over the silly rules on your senior shuffle. They will take you to a doctor to pick up a written prescription, but not for an exam? Geez, your doctor can CALL IN a prescription - no need to pick it up in person. Does the shuttle actually wait for you to come back with the written note? If not, I think I would just tell them I had to pick up a prescription on the day of my exam.
I hear you about the holidays. I, too, am scaling back on the decorating. Are you alone in your house? I have found the British Baking Show - Holiday Edition, has helped me a lot. Those droll British crack me up. I love that they laugh at themselves and say the cutest things, like, " Oh, bother! This is a bit of a mess, id-n't it?"0 -
Good to hear from you! Yeah, we're all still bummed.0
Thank you Teachertina, MarcieB and po18guy. To answer your question Marcie B, yes, the shuttle waits while you pick up the prescription. In this state a prescription for any type of opioid cannot be sent over like the others. It must be handwritten and carried to the pharmacy by the patient. Yes, I am alone and will have to find the British Baking Show for something new to watch.
What I could not fit into 120 characters in my post is the fact that I finally did what I've advised many here who were not pleased with their Oncologist. I got a second opinion and decided to change doctors. For years I've only been on maintenance oral chemo, 25mgs, one week on - one week off. Many times, I couldn't resume it because of my blood work. He had me getting blood drawn weekly. Towards the end of going there it was like the proverbial cattle call. He was always short-staffed. I left there in February.
The new Oncologist felt that the small dose was hurting me rather than helping me. He reviewed my entire file going back to 2006. He suggested that I stop it and see what happens. I was nervous but agreed. My first set of scans were ok. I missed the next set because of Covid and the lack of someone to take me. My last set in November showed new masses in my lungs and only kidney. I saw him mid-month November and he was concerned as was I. I saw the results before he did. They were on my computer an hour after I left the hospital. My PET scan is scheduled for the15th and I'll see him on the 22nd. What a Christmas present! That's when I will know what comes next.
It's ironic but I've had an 8mm "something" in one lung for years. Thus, always a CT each time along with my MRIs. This last time I had a few "whatever's" in both lungs and the 8mm didn't change. It is probably scar tissue. And the area on my kidney is the exact place that prompted my starting the oral chemo because it couldn't be operated on. I'm thinking the next step might be immunotherapy but haven't been told that yet. So, this in addition to the pandemic is what made me spiral into a depression. My Primary ordered me a med for it, and I feel better.
This will certainly be a different type of Christmas holiday this year. I pray that you all stay safe and healthy. Thanks for the support.
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Hi andreacha , welcome baackkk! I have been in a bit of a funk too along with other WhatNexters. Have a small artificial Christmas Tree this year decorated with miniature ornaments. I miss being able to go out and do any Xmas shopping, seeing the stores decorated and hearing the Christmas music playing . Shopping online is just not the same. Trying to get into the holiday spirit is very tough during a pandemic. My husband and I have been binge watching Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movies and that does help , along with a cup of hot chocolate or a toddy for the body. I hope next year is a better one for all of us. I too miss Greg very much. Good to hear from you, stay in touch. Sending you oodles of good vibes .0
Hi, andreacha! Good to see you! I hope you get reassuring info from your PET and your new oncologist has a good treatment plan. And congratulations on getting a new oncologist. I know how hard it is (for me) to actually switch doctors, even when I am dissatisfied with a doctor.
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Welcome back, Andreacha. I have missed seeing your posts and comments. I am sorry that you are having to go through this. Not that any time is a good time, but it is especially hard at this time of year. I am glad that you were able to find a new doctor that you like. Keep us posted on how you are doing. This is get better one day. Take care.0
I feel ya. I just got out of the hospital for the 4th time this year. Staph injection. Had a blood blister the size of a softball on my shin. it was...epic. Now I have 2 more blisters on the back of my leg, and a dr's appt onThursday.... Anyway...welcome back. You've been missed1 Hope things continue to go ok and that you stay away from that nasty "corny virus".0
Yaaaa! So glad you're back!!0
andreacha, I just read your update. I am sorry they found new spots. I will be praying for you.
BuckeyeShelby, I'm sad to see that you were back in the hospital again. Staph infections can be treacherous. My mom had one and it was a mess! I had to go over there every day to give her an IV for a month or so. What's causing the blisters, do you know?0 -
I think the first one was because my skin is so dry because I haven't been able to take a bath due to surgical wound. I think I had an itch, as nd scratched really dry skin...0
I understand the "funk" everyone is in. I am feeling it too. Thankfully I have been able to work almost the whole year, save the few weeks I was in post-surgical recovery. Our office is small and spread out so we have been working in the office.
I went over and decorated our office the day after Thanksgiving. I came in the following Monday and my boss had taken it all down, saying he didn't feel the Christmas spirit this year. That made me so sad. That was the whole point of putting it up.
Yes, the senior shuttle rules do seem odd. You can pick up a prescription but not have an appointment. Very odd indeed.
Andreacha, we are glad you are back.
Let's all stick together and try to make the best of this season.
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Thank you Andreacha I'm doing ok.Some days are harder then others! But i try to think of all the good times Greg and I had .And all the wonderful memories we made!We had 51 years of time spent together so thankful for those years. Lots of people don't get that much time. I will get through this as painful as it is.He and I appreciate all of you being there for each other.That would make him happy
Much love to all of you.....and wish you all good health!And Hopefully a smooth cancer journey if their is such a thing!!
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Happy New Year, Donna. I can only imagine your next chapter might be hard, but I hope you find joy as well.0
Happy New Year, Donna. I think of you often and hope that you are doing ok. I know from experience that it is not easy. You were blessed to have Greg in your life for 51 years. It does get easier, but for me, the loss is there everyday. Take care.0
BuckeyeShelby, how are things going with you? I hope you were able to enjoy the holidays.0
The cat and I had good holidays. And new years eve was great as my Buckeyes won the semi game and are heading to the championship next week, Covid allowing. How 'bout you?0
My holidays were good. It all went quickly. As a PSU alum, I was not as thrilled about your Buckeyes win. LOL However I am glad that the BIG10 is going to be represented in the game for the National Title.0
Better us than TTUN... (That team up north).0
TTUN...? You wouldn't happen to be referring to the great Wolverines, would you? Hmmmm? ;-)0
Who haven't beaten us in HOW long? Hey, I lived thru the John Cooper years, so I feel your pain... LOL0
....their time is coming...;-)0
Before or after Harbaugh leaves for the NFL? I almost feel sorry for him. Brady Hoke at least had the excuse of not being a Michigan man. I'm surprised Harbaugh hasn't clicked.0
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