Get Well Wishes for Greg

Member Posts: 225
edited January 2020 in General Cancer
Let's all post a get well message for Greg. Wishing Greg a successful surgery and a speedy and comfortable recovery


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  • Member Posts: 329
    edited January 2020 Answer ✓

    So be it! For those averse to prayer, you may avert your gaze...

    Lord, you knew Greg from all eternity and by the power of Your Holy Spirit, he was brought to life. He has shown the value of life to each of us; the value of perseverance in his struggle for the gift of life. By his self-sacrifice, he has strengthened many along this path, providing them with both hope and comfort. May his wonderful and charitable heart be rewarded as that strength, hope and comfort are returned to him as he faces the next stage of his life. May he never feel alone as indeed, he is not alone. Let him never feel abandoned and may Your love and the love of each of us come to rest upon him and dwell within his heart.

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited January 2020
    May you have a talented surgeon, kind nurses, a comfortable hospital, decent insurance, and be assured that all of us here have your back.
  • Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2020
    A wonderful and charitable heart *indeed*! And, yes, we do have your back, Greg. We will all be there with you in spirit. Hugs to you and Donna.
  • Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2020
    Greg, I hope and pray that all goes smoothly for you and that you have a quick recovery. We are here for you, and please let Donna know that we are here for her as well.
  • Member Posts: 742
    edited January 2020
    Thanks Boise, and thanks to everyone for the get well wishes, I hope they have a little healing power.
  • Member Posts: 196
    edited January 2020
    May the powers of the universe fill your surgical team w/confidence and guide your surgeon's hand in perfectly taking out what needs to go and leaving everything else. May healing light surround you and comfort both you and Donna through this process. May all outcomes be 200% better than expected. So mote it be.
  • Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2020
    Greg, I'm with Po. God's already there..preparing everyone who will be involved in this part of your journey. My prayer is for peace for you and Sweetie. We look forward to hearing from you often. Now and after this scary procedure we need you and your inspiration. You are the glue that holds us together. Thank you for showing us how to share by example. God bless.
  • Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2020
    Holding you in our hearts and wishing you a speedy recovery
  • Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2020
    My thoughts and prayers are with you Greg and with your beautiful wife ~ I know your positive attitude will get you through this challenging time. May God give you strength, peace and guide your doctors hands during your surgery and throughout your recovery. I am so grateful for what you do helping and guiding others along their cancer journeys.
  • Member Posts: 470
    edited January 2020
    I have been praying and will continue to pray for you, Greg, as you go through this one more time!!
  • Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2020
    Keeping you in my thoughts. Hoping for a good surgical outcome and speedy recovery, Greg!!
  • Member Posts: 518
    edited January 2020
    It goes without saying but I'll say it again anyway. Behind you strong, positive thoughts flowing southward, keep focusing forward Greg AND Donna. If anybody can whip this thing I'd put my money on the two of you!
  • Member Posts: 787
    edited January 2020
    Greg, I’ll join the gang here by saying I’m thinking of you and will be on January 28. I send you and Donna healing wishes.
  • Member Posts: 335
    edited January 2020
    All of us and many people that you don't know have you in our prayers.
  • Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020
    Greg, I will be with you in thought on the 28th and have been thinking of you steadily since your announcement that this xxx disease is back. During my six years on the site you have been the captain of this ship, helping all of us through our own survivorship journeys. Sending both you and your wife tons and more tons of support and wishes for a successful surgery and recovery.
  • Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2020
    Greg, thoughts and prayers to you that surgery will be successful and back at it again..God Bless...Whitey.
  • Member Posts: 196
    edited January 2020
    Greg, as you can see, you have so much support from your friends at WhatNext. You have always been there for us when we needed advice and support. I hate that this has happened to you, I truly do. My prayers will be with you and Donna on the 28th and through your recuperation. We love you both.
  • Member Posts: 742
    edited January 2020
    I am ready to get that squirrel out of my neck! It's growing and each day brings a little more pain and a little more difficulty with swallowing. It has worn out its welcome. Thank you all so much, your good wishes and positive thoughts are touching. Sometimes you go through the motions in doing your job hoping that you are making a difference but not really knowing until people start to give a little feedback, like this. I sincerely appreciate it. We are headed to Nashville later today to spend the night since I have to be there at the crack of dawn's rooster crowing. It's that or get up at 3 AM tomorrow and I think not. I will have someone post a report once I'm out of the OR and on my way to mending. Keep those vibes coming!
  • Member Posts: 787
    edited January 2020
    Greg, apology for saying the obvious: You have made an immense difference in the lives of everyone on WN, and you will continue to help so many people. Sending you and Donna more healing vibes. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.
  • Member Posts: 134
    edited January 2020
    Praying for a successful operation tomorrow, a fast recovery and plenty of TLC as you work through this.
  • Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2020
    Praying for a speedy recovery. Stay positive. You got this!!
    Let your great team of drs take care of you. Your In my thoughts as you deal with this once again.


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