

  • Bengal
    Can we start a new string so we don't have to scroll through 200 comments to get to the most recent! I'm new to all this and not sure about procedures.
    July 2019
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for taking the time to answer questions and offer support to others! It makes a big difference to those who have questions and need information for someone to offer that. A new diagnosis is a scared and lonely place, we can help them by just answering a few questions and offering a shoulder to lean on.

    Thank you again, we hope you're doing well.
    Greg P
    Community Mgr.
    3X Survivor
    August 2019
  • jojosmom
    Its been 15 mths since I had a period. My last one was right after my 1st chemo treatment. I have gained weight, due to leg injury and the hormones I'm guessing. This is so frustrating. I asked my
    oncologist how I could go from post to pre, she doesn't know she said. if she doesn't know then who does?
    May 2014
  • Carool
    ChildOfGod, thank you for your encouraging words and for letting me know your experience. I'm so glad your cancer scare was just that - a scare (and that your kind doctor told you the good news ASAP). I'm trying to be ready for everything, but I know I can't prepare for bad news. Will keep my mind off bad until I know it's bad. Hugs, Carol
    June 2018
  • Carool
    ChildOfGod4570, thank you so much for awarding me Best Answer! Hugs, Carol
    May 2018
  • meyati
    Hi, how are your teeth coming along? I think that you are the correct Child of God-- I've been thinking of you and praying for you--teeth problems really change your life. I'm doing OK with my crown-but I just don't trust it.

    I did a search for politics--almost a 200 comments, and a search pulls up 20 other things that have nothing to do with POLITICS---Oh well
    December 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, so we're crown sisters--- What happened to your tooth?

    They asked me to pick a color, and I don't know why, but I was thinking of pink or blue--not dark coffee stained off white. I told them to pick whatever they wanted, because I was too tired to care.

    i have to admit since the surgery on my face-I sort of perfected a way to not look at myself, so it was a shock to see how dark my teeth are. If nobody likes it, they can look somewhere else..

    Did you have a bad mouth ache-head ache? If you did how long did it last?

    God was really good to me about this. late last night my gum and the roof of my mouth swelled up from infection. I thanked god for that, because I could get antibiotics before the weekend.

    I told the dentist, and she saw some pockets where the infection mostly left. I was happy that she could write me a prescription for an antibiotic mouth wash and some pills. I didn't know if a dentist could do that. Here they are changing rules a lot, so I wasn't sure what she legally could do.

    Then I had to take Stonewall to the vet this afternoon. I'm drained, but I made the almost perfect chicken gumbo yesterday. So I'm slurping a gruel of rice, okra cooked to death, tomatoes, chicken fragments-

    Thanks for letting me know that I'm not alone with the crown---
    November 2016
  • junie1
    I believe the site is :,, they even have a face book page,,
    hope this helps
    June 2016
  • TXHills
    "Medically necessary" can be an insurance term, meaning they will pay for it. But your doctor's office has a responsibility to get back to you and answer your questions. Quickly.
    February 2016
  • Ejourneys
    Hi -- I just saw your post on the "Anyone battling anxiety" thread and see that you're in Ocala. Please check this out:

    RBOI has a BC support group that meets in Ocala (I go to the group in Lecanto, about 30 mi from you).

    I haven't met Amy yet, but I know Wendy and she is fabulous. You don't have to be a patient at RBOI to join the group. Many in the Lecanto group are years past active treatment (the facilitator is about to celebrate her ninth cancerversary). Many of us view the Lecanto center as a very supportive home away from home; I imagine the same goes for the center in Ocala.

    I know that Wendy counsels people who are years out of active treatment on an as-needed basis; she is also a cancer navigator and spends some time in the Ocala center. (I think Amy fulfills that role mainly in Ocala.) I hope you can find the support you need there. Hugs.
    June 2015
  • TXHills
    Thanks so much for the feedback on ways to improve sleep. Having your computer read a boring document to you is genius! I can remember getting up in the middle of the night in college when sleep eluded me, and reading my Biology text book. That put me out every time.
    March 2015
  • TXHills
    Thank you for the feedback on my question. The tummy weight gain is annoying, for sure. I now have a "muffin top" and a poochy, soft belly. Such is life.
    It sounds like you are pretty disciplined in your eating and your exercise. The doctors just don't get what a difference the treatments make in our metabolism. Good for you for not giving up, though. Thanks again!
    March 2015
  • cllinda
    When you said you wear a dog tag, is that like a medic alert tag? I think I should get one too. Any information would be helpful.
    March 2015
  • cak61
    Hi there. Noticed you are from Ocala. Me too. BC over 5 years ago.
    Hope you are doing well.
    August 2014
  • Mouseysmom
    Thank you for your warm welcome neighbor! Right now, my mind id working overtime trying to process this. I am grateful for the love and support I have been shown. I need to beat this for the sake of my two grandchildren.

    August 2014
  • Lilolelady
    child of God. I am nearly 73 years old, no menopause, etc.etc. etc etc but .going through 6 rounds chemo max. Oncologist says my body couldn't tolerate any more. Moods WERE just different from any had experienced before in my 72 years. Have had very little discomfort, just a week and half of not very niceness. Has passed. Now am having intermittent stabs of pain in ankle and knee. will ask Oncologist about it. thanks for your response. I feel very positive and comforted by my Lord. Have also been under "guidance" of arcountrygirl, a very very positive person.
    August 2014
  • Ladykarla
    I agree with your thought of moving closer to your family. This might have been your wake up call to make this decision.
    June 2014
  • SueRae1
    Great news about your PET scans. Hugs and healing vibes. I also gained weight during treatment. The meds really mess up your metabolism - With more targeted treatment and medications to manage nausea, loss of appetite, etc. means no rapid loss weight - which is good, we need all our strength to help our body heal and work with the chemo.

    Continue to eat as healthy and as clean as you can this will help you lose the weight once you stop treatment.

    You may also want to speak to your team about this, though they may not consider it an issue.
    May 2014
  • MMarie
    ChildOf God4570

    Mine says:
    Breast Cancer
    LEFT No stick No BP

    I'd rather wear one than not, even though no one told me I should or had to.

    As mama would say, "Rather safe than sorry."
    March 2014
  • KLC
    Saw your post on Tiffany's wall. . .my bracelet says:
    Left Arm - No Needles - No BP. As MMarie says below - better safe than sorry - good lessons from all our mothers ! ! !
    March 2014
  • cllinda
    I wanted to say good luck to you. Cancer is hard to deal with, but once you get through it, you need to eat right, exercise more, and do what you love to do.
    Eating a lot of veggies can help, but some should be organic, because of pesticides. We are buying organic potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and onions because they are supposed to be better for you now that you are a survivor.
    Also, we now use filtered water in cooking or drinking. We have a Brita pitcher that we use for cooking, coffee making, and other things and I drink bottled water.
    Check to see if your hospital or cancer center has a Transitions group. My hospital had a program for newly finished survivors that touched on healthy exercise, healthy eating, emotions, and other things. Once you get done with treatments, you may be in a state of "What do I do next?" This group was so good for me. It's something to inquire about, anyway.
    Good luck, and if you need anything, let me know. I was also Stage 2b, Her2 Positive. And I'm about a year and a half survivor.
    March 2014
  • Ydnar2xer
    Shame on your doc for saying you'd be a poor candidate for reconstruction after rads! I had 7 weeks of radiation 5/days a week in 2003 when I had DCIS...and then, after my bilateral mastectomy after getting IDC in 2012, had a DIEP flap reconstruction last November. My breast that had radiation in 2003 did GREAT with reconstruction! TRUE--my PS says IMPLANTS won't work well after radiation---but that doesn't eliminate the efficacy of DIEP!
    January 2014
  • max2111
    Thank you for posting your answer to my question "How long for hair?"

    I was wondering what shampoo and hair products you used that seemed to accelerate hair growth?

    Thanks a million $$$$$

    Melissa :o)
    October 2013
  • Gabba
    Just checking in ... Try to have a nice weekend.
    September 2013
  • Cellkiller

    For you in this new challenge
    Loving Father, I come before you trusting in your goodness, kindness
    and the power of your healing love as I lift up to you my sickness.
    Heal me, Lord, of my cancer of the breast
    Lord, you know all things, you can do all things and I know you love me very much.
    Only you know what is best for me and what I need in terms of healing.
    As I sit before you now lay your hands upon me, touch me,
    heal me and bring me wholeness of body, mind, emotions and spirit.
    Let the grace of your divine love and power flow to me right now to reach the
    inner recesses of my being and spread to the different parts of my body.
    Take away any pain or feeling of discomfort.
    Correct any malfunctioning of my bodily organs and tissues.
    Melt with the heat of your healing love all abnormal and cancerous growths.
    Arrest the further spreading of those sick cells and create in me new and healthy cells.
    As you root out all these hurts, fill that void with your spirit of love, peace
    and understanding, acceptance, meekness and tenderness, kindness, concern and generosity.
    As I completely surrender to you my cancer sickness, deliver me from dwelling on self-pity, fears, anxieties,
    on hopelessness and all negative thoughts, and give me
    the grace to offer all my pains and sufferings for other suffering people like me,
    especially those sick with cancer, with no one to support them and pray for them.
    Help me to see the blessings out of each trial to realize each victory from every tear,
    to see your guiding hand and feel your loving presence in everything that is
    happening to me, confident that you are totally in control.
    And then, dearest Lord, after I have been healed may my life be a witness to your love,
    peace and healing power for others and bring glory, honor and praise to you.
    All these I pray in the name of Jesus,
    Lord God Almighty
    Blessings CELLKILLER
    September 2013
  • Gabba
    I am sorry to hear that you are facing chemo again...I will pray for you.
    September 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    June 2013