Missing Greg

PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
edited 2020 15 in General Cancer
Anybody hear anything about Greg lately?


  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 12
    Greg has been in the hospital for the last week or 10 days. He's been having some issues with his stomach tube and some fluid on one of his lungs. We all miss him.
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    edited 2020 12
    Thank You Jane>I must have missed the part that he's in the hospital.I knew he had issues with the tube and fluid in his lungs.I sure hope he's going to be alright.He's such a nice man.
    JaneA Do you have a direct connection to him or Donna?
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 12
    PaulineJ, I don't. We communicate via email through WhatNext. I hesitate to worry him with an email to answer. Greg and Donna weren't' expecting for him to be admitted to the hospital when they went up last Tuesday for his regular infusion. They may not even have a phone charger.
  • faithfully58
    faithfully58 Member Posts: 27
    edited 2020 12
    Hey all ,just seen this.Haven't checked in but Greg told me to post all that has been going on the last two or three days.He is feeling better :) but has a couple more issues going on since I last posted.His right arm from his elbow to his hand started swelling so they done an ultra sound.He has a blood clot in his neck and some in his lungs.They are giving him medicine to desolve them.And just for more fun he has pneumonia but that is clearing up!He always has to make things more exciting then I like..He has felt better the last couple of days.Not sure how this man keeps going like he does!He truly is Superman!!!!! He and I thank you for your concern! But he has finally gotten a new feeding tube today.We're on day 10 won't be going home until Monday looks like. Much love to all of you thank you!
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    edited 2020 12

    Thank You for the information Donna.
    I hope this song will help you both
    God Bless You and Greg
    Love you both.

  • MLT
    MLT Member Posts: 89
    edited 2020 12
    I have been wondering, too. Prayers for Greg and Donna.
  • MLT
    MLT Member Posts: 89
    edited 2020 12
    I have been wondering, too. Prayers for Greg and Donna.
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 12
    Donna, thanks for letting us know. I knew that he must be having some issues with him being so quiet.
  • junie1
    junie1 Member Posts: 30
    edited 2020 12
    i too was thinking of Greg the other day, because I had not seen a post from him. Thank you for letting us know his situation. I will say a pray for him and his wife. God Bless us all.
  • omaalyce
    omaalyce Member Posts: 48
    edited 2020 12
    Thank you Donna. Keeping you all in my prayers. And yes, I agree that he deserves that Superman title. And you are Super Woman, your love and care is so special and helps Greg so much...please take care of yourself as well.
  • Gabba
    Gabba Member Posts: 22
    edited 2020 12
    Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way...
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 12
    So glad that things are on the upward swing!!!

    I will be keeping you both in my prayers. I know you're both extra-anxious to see home on Monday!!!!

    I agree with omaalyce - you get an award too, Donna. Nothing easy about being a caregiver.
  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2020 12
    Donna - Yes, thank you for the latest update on Greg. Like you, we can't help but love the guy!
  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2020 12
    Pauline J - Thanks for sharing the video. So beautiful. I shared it with all on FB.
  • Rustysmom
    Rustysmom Member Posts: 37
    edited 2020 15
    Thanks for the update, Donna. You two have been on my mind, as well. Continuing to send prayers for a speedy recovery. Gotta love a guy that keeps things exciting. ;-)
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    edited 2020 15
    It seems like it's been a lot longer than what it really is. Greg and Donna are much more a part of my life than I realized.
  • DeanaBeana
    DeanaBeana Member Posts: 10
    edited 2020 15 Answer ✓
    Hello everyone I'm Deana, Greg's sister in law and Donna's sister. Our Superman is still fighting the fight ❤ He is still at Vanderbilt Hospital. I'm here with him tonight. Our brother stayed with him last night to give Sissy a much needed break again. Our goal is to get him back home and in his recliner soon. We thank you all so much for the prayers and well wishes. Please keep them coming. Goodnight and God bless you all!
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    edited 2020 15
    Thank you Deana, you answered a lot of questions for me . May god give you all strength. I know what you mean about the recliner. I'm glad that you reached out to us.

  • Gabba
    Gabba Member Posts: 22
    edited 2020 15
    My wish and prayer is for a soft, comfy recliner for all of you! We love Greg and admire his fight and grit and we admire all his caregivers for the heroes they are.