Really was jealous of Greg

BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
edited July 2020 in General Cancer
Got off the phone with my surgeon a bit ago. Blobby the mass is a recurrence of the endometrial cancer. Da mn it! Still processing. I'm off to make follow ups with my surgeons and call my chemo guy. You've heard of Love in the Time of Cholera? Now we have Cancer in the Time of Pandemic.


  • CovidCancer
    CovidCancer Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2020
    Well, that took a left turn. Hopefully it will be a smooth and easy treatment process!
  • Kp2018
    Kp2018 Member Posts: 105
    edited July 2020
    Oh, that's so disappointing! Actually devastating. I'm so sorry, BuckeyeShelby. Such a hard thing to process. My heart goes out to you.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited July 2020
    Oh no!!! I am so, so, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry to read this, @BuckeyeShelby. In fact, I can't help it, but my eyes got teary when I read it.

    I hope it does not offend you for me to pray for you ... I won't if it does ... in the meantime, I'm holding you in my thoughts and crossing fingers and toes.

    Big hugs.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited July 2020
    How's the wound healing? I wish I was closer to be able to help, if you needed any. it sounds like you have your hands full about right now.
  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2020
    LWC, of course I appreciate your prayers. Good energy is good energy, whether it's raised in a circle or the act of praying. The way I like to look at it is those of us who are of the light all ultimately are heading for the same place, to be with the divine, we just take different paths to get there.

    I really can't see the wound. It's under black foam with the wound vac. Home health comes to deal with it.

    Thanks for well wishes, CC and KP. Never expected to be starting this battle in the middle of a pandemic.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited July 2020
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited July 2020
    Well, that just sucks, again, I continue to say that "cancer sucks". There are harsher words to say about it, but for here that's about as strong as I can get here. I hope you're team comes up with a great treatment plan.
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited July 2020
    @BuckeyeShelby, well I am so sorry to see this news. I wish it had been better news for you dear. At least now you know and can kick things into action. Just follow Greg's lead in being proactive and taking care of yourself as much as you can. As LWC said, I would like to offer prayers for you. A few prayers and well wishes certainly never hurt anyone.
    You know we are all here if you need to process "out loud."
    I have my first oncology follow-up in person appointment next week. Then I have another follow up with my surgeon the following week just to make sure I am healing well. I think I am. It's hard to believe I am now almost 8 months into this journey. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a little apprehensive.
    Again Shelby, I will be praying for you a LOT. Keep us posted as you feel up to it.
  • banditwalker
    banditwalker Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2020
    Oh my, so sorry to hear this. You are a real light on whatnext and I hope we can help you in the same way.
  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2020
    You guys are great! That's why I'm still here, paying forward for the early days when I needed lots of handholding. Now, let's hold each others' hands!
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited July 2020
    Sigh. I'm so sorry to hear this. This really sucks. Hang in there, BuckeyeShelby. We're here for you. BTW, I really like what you said about good energy, the light, the divine, etc. Well said.
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited July 2020
    Dang it, I am very sorry that you are facing this again. We're all here cheering you on.
  • HOBO
    HOBO Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    It has been a bit since I have checked in. Sorry to see this post. When I first checked in in 2013 you were always such a friendly and welcoming voice. Hate to see a recurrence. That is the fear we always carry. I have good feelings about you thriving soon. This is just another bump in the road. You seem to handle everything with such grace. Sending good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
  • HotRodTodd
    HotRodTodd Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    I have watched your posts through the years too Shelby, I think we started around the same time years ago. I too am facing a recurrence and while my cancer is a different type, I'm sure we are probably sharing many of the same emotions right now. I would list a bunch of mine but the censor here would probably blow a fuse. I wish you the very best in getting through yours again!
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2020
    @BuckeyeShelby, I am so sorry this is the news you were given. I have been praying for you, and I will continue to do so. Know that all of us are here for you. Keep us posted. I hope your team will be able to get a plan together ASAP. As others have said, it really does suck.
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2020
    @HotRodTodd, I am also sorry that you are having to deal with a recurrence. I hope that your doctors are able to put a plan together to get you started on treatments. I will remember you in my prayers, as well.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited July 2020
    Oh this is devastating. I will keep you in my prayers. I will place your name in my prayer group. My church has gone virtual but I can still place your name with the group. I pray that you will get the most excellent care.
    TOUGHERTHANIT Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2020
    I'm so sorry. I can't imagine going that many years happy that you've beaten it and then have it come back. I hope you kick it's butt this time for good!
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited July 2020
    BuckeyeShelby, how are you doing?
  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2020
    I managed to drop my wound vac on myself, hit my drain, knocked the scab off it, and started oozing. In short, I'm an idiot. I did call my home health hotline, and since it wasn't bleeding she told me just let my nurse know tomorrow. Otherwise, not bad today. Sigh...
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited July 2020
    @BuckeyeShelby - you're not an idiot ... but OUCH!!! I'm glad it wasn't bleeding and I hope by now the nurse has been there to check on it and get everything back to how it needs to be.

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Lynne-I-Am Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2020
    I am tremendously saddened to read about your recurrence. Blobby has apparently forgotten who it’s dealing with. You have been a cornerstone to this site. I believe you were part of the welcoming committee when I first joined the WhatNext community in 2013. Through the years you have advised, cheered, and sympathized with numerous WhatNexters, myself included. I say time to roll up your sleeves and give Bloppy another lesson in survival and kick it’s xxx to the curb. Sending a hug and dump trucks of support.
  • Jayne
    Jayne Member Posts: 134
    edited July 2020
    BuckeyeShelby - so very sorry to hear about the recurrence. Wound vacs are such a pain, I hope that resolves soon for you. Sending warm thoughts your way from NC.
  • schweetieangel
    schweetieangel Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2020
    Oh no.. I'm so sorry to hear this. Sounds like you are in good hands with your team of doctors. Always hard to hear of a diagnoses. Stay strong and remember there are so many people here to lean on.