
  • rosey
    How are you doing? Rosey :-)
    December 2018
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Hobo. Thanks for your kind words. When I first joined the site, there were so many kind people willing to help or be silly or both. I feel the need to pay their kindness forward. I may need be able to cure their cancer, but maybe I can make them feel better or laugh or be less afraid. Or just commiserate with them about this stinkin' disease. Many hugs to you!
    February 2017
  • IronMom45
    Hello how are you? Been awhile. Hope you well.
    December 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hello. Hope you are doing well. What is new with you? You are my twin in work thoughts so kinda wondering where and what you are doing. Have a good day.
    June 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hi jane, please forgive my ignorance. In your answer to post regarding radiaition and scan you state due to radiation damage couldn't see well. Do you know what kind of damage are they seeing? Thanks and hope you are staying warm there. It's below zero here.
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hi how did blood test go today? looking for some support tonight. Radiologist called and really gave me a hard time for quitting the external. just really bummed me out but I wont go back. Know you and others understand. also told me how less likely it would be i would recover. I resent this greatly. so now still trying to work out about the brachy which wants me to combine with chemo. I want to keep the separate. My body can only take so much lately. Been doing all this since july 10. Thanks.
    December 2014
  • IronMom45
    Perhaps consult with a hematologist? How long are you suppose to be patient? Hip bones being radiated I would think could cause a change in blood stability since large bone takes a hit but I'm not a dr. Is your kidney function ok? So many avenues to look at but for me I can't say much until treatment is over. Maybe google how long it takes blood work to normalize after tx. Calling dr in morning and canceling my pelvic radiation, wish me luck. Luck to you as well.
    December 2014
  • IronMom45
    Thanks for your kind words in regard to the pelvic radiation, after one week off the burning and pain continues. I'm stopping external and will attempt internal and back to chemo. I pray you find increasing wellness everyday.
    November 2014
  • Starlike
    Hi HOBO sorry to hear that you don't have a Y close by. Neither do I only because the program is not at all of the Y's. I have to drive at least 25 mins to get there. Since I'm just all sparkling new out of treatment I'm going to wait at least 1 more month to get a little bit more strength inside of me to get up and running. But I do have a LA Fitness membership but they would want to work me out like I'm getting ready for the Olympics! That's why this cancer workout program at the Y would be an excellent fit for my new needs for my new normal. But will keep you posted.
    October 2014
  • Starlike
    Hi HOBO I am going to post this again for you or anyone else that may be interested. I read in a older post that you stated that you were looking for a personal trainer/program that understands the needs of cancer fighters. I spoke with the director of this program at the YMCA and I am going to start this very soon. Hopefully you can benefit from this.

    I came across a link.....LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a twelve-week, small group program designed for adult cancer survivors. This program fulfills the important need of supporting the increasing number of cancer survivors who find themselves in the transitional period between completing their cancer treatment and the shift to feeling physically and emotionally strong enough to attempt to return to their normal life or their "new normal". The program is conducted outside of medical facilities to emphasize that LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is about health, not disease. And it's FREE!


    October 2014
  • Roses4ever
    Hi HOBO! I was reading a post of yours 10 months ago about nueropothy pain, and I was wondering if you still have it. I finished chemo 7 months ago and I'm still in severe pain. Are there any tips you can give me or any advice. I'm currently on methadone and percaset. I try to walk everyday and at least stretch. My onc is ordering a bone scan for me just because I'm still in pain. I doubt it's bone mets because most my pain is in my wrists, forearms, and shoulders. It seems like bone mets usually starts in the back. Did you ever suspect or do any tests for bone mets? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you!!!!
    September 2014
  • Lisamarie65
    Thank you for your response I know what you mean about being a nut case.I was diagnosed Feb 18 and since then everything has been moving like a freight train.I had a blockage so I spent 8 days in the hospital so they did everything while there.Because of my anxiety they sedate me for all procedures.I am on ativan but its not strong enough my panic attacks still are severe .I'm goingto talk to my Dr Thursday I know I'm freaking out of the unknown of my surgery I will go see him may 28 to see if the tumor has shrunk enough for surgery in june.wishing you the very best Lisa
    May 2014
  • eyewonder2
    Hello out there in sunny California, new ethereal friend!
    April 2014
  • Carriet102
    I take two neurontins in the morning and two at night... Really has helped my neuropathy.....

    April 2014
  • SueRae1
    Just saw you will be seeing an acupuncturist. I have been seeing one for almost 6 months. I have found it very helpful in dealing with the both the physical and emotional side effects. I hope you have a great experience.
    March 2014
  • Judt1940
    Just want to know how you are doing ?
    March 2014
  • zoe
    zoe HOBO
    Hi Jane...Thanks for your post. I hope things are going well for you and you are getting lots of sunshine. I'm still on chemo until May and it's been going smoothly so far. Emotionally I am a wreck. I made an appt. with a therapist so we'll see if that helps. I won't be on here for a little while,but wanted you to know that I'm ok and I hope you are too. I think of you often and ,of course, you're still in my prayers. Take good care. Zoe
    March 2014
  • sherrya
    Hi Hobo, I know the feeling, hope you start feeling stronger soon. I finished chemo in September, believe it is now in my lymph nodes, going in for a biopsy. Seems like a repeat of 2013.
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    There is plenty of protein in all the nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables. I also take whey protein powder in the morning.
    I feel Great but still worried everyday. I may have a node removed from my groin which can be done in the office....I'll find out in 2 months. All the other nodes I can FEEL are about the same size except the one in the groin. Vegans only concern is B 12.....
    Did you ever see a weak elephant or hippo...lol...?
    Vegans.......I don't eat ANY flesh food. Read the book The China Study and you won't either....no fish now either. Did you check out Chris Beat cancer site and his facebook page.....Great Stuff.
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    If you are looking for something you can do for YOURSELF at home nutritionally at home check out my profile site.
    We need to do something to make our immune system function better. Check it out....
    Good Luck!
    February 2014
  • Judt1940
    No,no we don't need this. Will be here praying, when say thinking of you that's praying, hoping for best.
    January 2014
  • Judt1940
    My curse is neuropathy. I've fallen countless times my bones were already in bad shape and had neuropathy going into treatments. Lucky haven't broken a hip. A break scares me. I want to continue to live in my home alone. Can't use buttons to dress myself. Feet having electrical shocks. I always take a cane when leave house. I was on gabapentin before but increasing doses made my feet swell. I have no faith in this improving much since chemo is over but will see.
    January 2014
  • Judt1940
    Screensaver damage in feet? My feet are really bothering me. Big toes especially. So hoping with chemo over for now will strt to get relief.
    January 2014
  • Raptor1
    He has only had one chemo treatment on the 25 of December then got so sick he wound up in the hospital for 2 days. Now that he can eat again, we are trying to get him stronger to continue the chemo, we have a physical therapist appt. now because he is so week, laying in bed all day is not helping, imo, but what do I know, I just am tired of having to do everything and have no one to talk to during the day if he is in bed all day. I miss my husband.
    January 2014
  • lavieestbelle
    Thank you so much! That is really nice of you.
    I like what you said about birds and sunshine. I once met a boy who told me about the beach life in Australia and that got me thinking on my workholic life. My mother's illness is a sudden change in my life. I am doing a PhD but as I am taking care of her at home, I do not have much time to finish my tasks. When she was diagnosed, I was during my internship abroad. I guess I have blamed myself a thousand times that I had not noticed something was seriously wrong with her so that I could take her to the doctor's sooner. She works in a university and has a tough charactor. She was working too hard that she has left no time to take care of her health. You see, sometimes things just fly in my mind. I was introduced to a therapist a few months ago because I feel pain on my shoulders and my doctor believes it is psychological. I was suggested to anti-depressors but I refused. I do not want to get my head messed up by the medication. I have papers to write and decisions to make... I have to keep my head clear even that means pain. I do feel incredibly selfish to have this kind of thoughts... but as you said, I have to be strong, for my mum. I read some novels and try to write something down over time. A few days ago, I listened to some songs I used to like and I felt immediately "recharged". Today we have done the blood work, ECG and the positioning as we are about to get the radiotherapy. The doctor said that we do not have to do more tests because we have already done a few within a month. I guess he will discuss with others for a treatment plan, we will see that tomorrow. We did chemo with the gynecological deparment in a hospital, we have changed the care team, now we are with radiotherapists and oncolgists, they are actually much nicer! Anyway, good luck to us and good luck to you too! Please know that I do appreciate your kindness.
    PS my mum loves Tom and Jerry the cartoon and we watch it everyday before sleep!

    January 2014
  • lavieestbelle
    Hello!While viewing your posts, I have noticed that we also had 6 rounds of chemo and about to have 25 rads. Excuse me that I use "we" because I am caregiver and the patient is my mum who do not speak English very well... anyway, do you happen to know if the radiation therapy you had is a 3D conformal or intensity modurated one? And did you have any side effects? Thank you and best wishes to you!
    January 2014
  • MMarie
    Hi Hobo
    Don't you LOVE catalogs? What was the XXX? Thanks for your help. MMarie
    January 2014
  • Kori
    Now they want to put her in to transitional care at the nursing home so she has the time to learn how to flush her own PICC line. Insurance will cover that but wont cover letting her go to clinic across the street to get flushed once a day. I keep saying that she shouldn't have to be forced to do her on flushing if she's not comfortable with the pressure of being responsible for her own medical maintenance. I'm the trouble maker in everyone's eyes because I keep insisting that we need to find a better option. What ever happened to treating the patient with dignity & respect? I have yet to find a medical professional that has any empathy with the situation and our request. One nurse actually accused me of personally attacking her because I said for her to stop saying :" flushing a PICC line is easy & anyone, even an 80 year old can do it."I told her that her opinions were subjective and to stop. I told them that they need to get a patient advocate involved. My sister & her husband were embarrassed & told me to apologize and if I wasn't going to nice, then I had to leave. They are being steamrolled; it is so ridiculous.
    January 2014
  • Kori
    Any advice to get my sister on the road to eating again or dealing w PICC line flushing options is greatly appreciated.
    January 2014
  • MaryEdythe
    Medicaid turned away the non-cancer bladder surgery, called it elective surgery since I have lived with the partial blockage for 63 years. Have been in the hospital, spinal stenosis, using a wheelchair, will have physical therapy. Radiation is finished. I'm packing and moving to assisted living. I'll post this. I'm sorry I was away.
    December 2013