Side Effects | Nausea/Vomiting
Still have daily nausea and anxiety Meds don't seem to be helping.
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
5 years to the day colon cancer returned
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
2nd rounds of chemo
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Liver surgery 0ct 2014 it had spread from my colon
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
Cancer first diagnosed Feb 2014
Other Care | Dealing with basal cell carcinoma since 2017.
2 biopsies on my back, 1 on my chest and 1 on my middle ear which required a skin graft after removal. Still having basal cells as of 2020.
Milestones | Other
I was diagnosed Nov 2011, Stage 3, Incurable Non-Hodgkin's Follicular Lymphoma (NHFL). I did 2.5 years chemo Bendamustin & Rituxan every 28 days for six months, Rituxan every other month for 2 years. After last chemo, it took two years for my oncologist to use the word, Remission. Last visit with my oncologist - she told…
Side Effects | Bone thinning (osteoporosis)
I have a chemo fog constipation severe migraines extremely tired sleep a lot depression fear the unknown. Excessively dry mouth hot flashes anxiety.
Loss | Body part/function
Lung damage, skin rash & joint pain from transplant.
Celebration | Birthday
I have celebrated 3 years of my re-birthday! I am 100% donor cells 3 years later.
Side Effects | Bone thinning (osteoporosis)
There are at least ten side effects on the list of side effects. I experienced side effects of chemotherapy, the stem cell transplant (neutropenic), idiopathic thrombocytopenia; weight loss, anemia, dry eyes, mouth sores, constipation, bone pain, osteoporosis from steroids, weakness & inability to walk unassisted. All…
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Diagnosed with a very rare bone cancer; Myeloproliferative Neoplasm that was Myelofibrosis.
Decision Point | Had to decide to have a stem cell transplant or not. Given a 50/50 chance of survi
It was going to be a long arduous recovery and I was warned of it's difficult recovery. It took at least a year to regain my strength but chemo brain stayed with me for about 2 years.
Procedure or Surgery | Other
Stem cell transplant left me incapacitated for about 1 year.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Lost 50 lbs & the ability to walk normally due to weakness in 2016. I had to have chemo for a stem cell transplant.
Side Effects | Weight loss
How do I get my husband to try to eat? He started out at 157 pounds and is now down to 113 pounds. We go to the doctor in a couple days and I'm go to push to get a feeding tube. Does anyone have any advice?
I have metastatic NSCL adenocarcinoma I have ...
I have metastatic NSCL adenocarcinoma I have had Carboplatin Altima and Keytruda it's holding off lung modules but not lympnodes I have a rare EGFR mutation
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Breast cancer stage 1a. Lumpectomy preformed, 6 nodes removed. Waiting for results about radiation/chemo.
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
Our MEK-inhibitor trial has come to an end after about 4 years. BUT, we are about 9 years into the Ovarian Cancer diagnosis, meaning we are doing very well. On our last 2 visits to our trial clinic, two tumors had grown a little and the CA-125 was up. So we had to drop out of the trial. (Pat was the only person left i the…
Side Effects | Diarrhea
Constant after Whipple. Heavily medicated on hydrocodone and elixir of opium to slow down digestion. Losing weight plus chemo issues.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
No bueno.
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Whipple, Northside Hospital staff not well trained for patients after this surgery. Dietician not trained.
Oh No | Cancer has spread/Metastasized
Waiting to hear if I will get my PET Scan. Very frustrating.
Oh No | death
My sister has passed away 09/31/19
Procedure or Surgery | CT scan
Dr.s saw something on my CT scan & admitted me to the hospital. What it is is since I cannot swallow, all the mucus is gathering at my vocal cords & it showed up on the CT scan. Overnight stay for nothing & no formula either. Released, went home & promptly passed out in the floor. Just needed to eat. I am also now full…
Side Effects | Dumping syndrome
I didn't know. When they fed the formula in the hospital, I almost immediately had to go to the bathroom. They eventually sent me to a nutrionist who gave me a recipe to make my own "formula" at home. It did not work to well. I went from 115 lbs to 68 lbs in 6 months. Then I fell & broke my hip. Ortho doc said it was…
Side Effects | Too many to count
1st go round was lack of taste. took about 6 months for that to come back. Some hair loss at nape. 2nd X OH BOY! I had a temporary stoma. Didn't like that at all. It was removed before I left the hospital. Scars everywhere. I have 1 scar from my hip to my knee where they took a strip of meat to put in my throat. A have a…
Radiation | External radiation
Was able to work for the 1st week, then I started foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal. Also nightly gag fest. Thick saliva.
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Surgery went fine, but they did not tell I would never eat again. That was glossed over. I wish they had given me worse case scenario so I would have been better prepared. Also they placed a stoma on top of a blood clot. Kept coughing up blood clots.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Targeted therapy
I've been on Kadzyla infusions every 3 weeks and side effects are minimal for the first 5 infusions. I'm eternally tired but don't know what treatment is to blame - probably all.