Oh No | Cancer has spread/Metastasized
Member Posts: 763
Got radiology/pathology results back on Monday 1/27/2020. Doctor very discouraging/discouraged- seems absolutely stunned that invasive is now in picture. Told me again about larger margins- much larger- but no longer contained In Situ. It has become more invasive. Will schedule me for PET Scan/MRI. I am current waiting for appointments for that. Surgeon says it is much worse than she expected and we are going to have to mastectomy to left breast to be sure. I am mindblown.
Spoke to nurse navigator/coordinator who says pathology indicates its still in ductal system but spreading/invading in same area. No signs yet it has gone anywhere else. Just gearing up and showing it wants to behave like a cancer and is willing to grow. Seems much more encouraged that this is only step from Stage 0 to Stage 1- still good prognosis.
Doctor's demeanor/discussion left me with much different impression.
Have wound check/post surgical follow up on 2/4/2020. Guess will see then what we are looking at.
Spoke to nurse navigator/coordinator who says pathology indicates its still in ductal system but spreading/invading in same area. No signs yet it has gone anywhere else. Just gearing up and showing it wants to behave like a cancer and is willing to grow. Seems much more encouraged that this is only step from Stage 0 to Stage 1- still good prognosis.
Doctor's demeanor/discussion left me with much different impression.
Have wound check/post surgical follow up on 2/4/2020. Guess will see then what we are looking at.
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