Side Effects | Lymphedema
From the beginning lymphedema is a very challenging side effect for me.
Side Effects | Diarrhea
When taking the carbo/pem/bev intravenous chemotherapy and later a targeted therapy called Crizontinib, diarrhea was terrible for me.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Immediately while hospitalized I had a carbo/pem/bev intravenous chemotherapy. Around the third cycle I started turning black and blue on the palms of my hands. I became too weak to continue working full-time.
Procedure or Surgery | Video assisted thoracic surgery
In short, I was a superwoman prior to surgery. Started going down by the head quickly after surgery and chemo.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Switching to another cocktail: Abraxane and Avastin. 4 more rounds. Day 1, Day 8, Day 15 and Day 28 (new Day 1)
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Begins Again. Carboplatin and Avastin. Only 3 rounds completed as an allergy to Carboplatin develops. Day 1, Day 8, DAy 15 and Day 28 (becomes the new Day 1)
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Hormone therapy
Prescribed Letrozole as my previous tumors had markers that indicated the treatment would be successful. And it was...for about 7 months.
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
September 2018, I was told the cancer had returned again. And again to my liver.
Side Effects | Nausea/Vomiting
The nausea got to be too much and I quit taking Zejula in May 2018.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Maintenance or consolidation chemotherapy
Excited to be able to take Zejula. But wow, did it make me nauseous, even after dose reducing down to 100mg.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Gemzar and Carboplatin: 6 rounds received. Day 1, Day 8 and Day 21 (new Day 1).
Procedure or Surgery | Debulking surgery
Laparoscopy, laparotomy, cytoreduction, R0 disease; metastases--perihepatic, peripancreatic, perihilar; lesion greater curvature stomach; cholecystectomy.
Decision Point | New Chemotherapy or Surgery?
The chemotherapy stopped being effective in January of 2017. I had to decide whether to go the surgical or new chemotherapy route. I ended up selecting the Surgery.
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery - Delays chemotherapy.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Doxil and Avastin: 7 rounds received. Day 1, Day 8 and then Day 21 (new Day 1).
Celebration | Finished treatment
July 2015
Procedure or Surgery | Second look surgery after chemotherapy
Ileostomy Reversal and 2nd look - No Evidence of Disease!
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Carboplatin and Paclitaxel, traditional infusion and done intraperitoneally.
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Carrying my briefcase and a book bag to work one wintery day I stopped short of breath and a throb near my heart. A few minutes later, standing in front of the secretary, she says, "You're wheezing...go to the hospital." Two weeks later, after a ton of tests while being hospitalized, I was diagnosed with stage IV ALK…
Procedure or Surgery | Primary tumor debulking
Surgery on items as follows: laparoscopy converted to laparotomy, total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, en bloc rectosigmoid resection with end-to-end anastomosis, pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomy, omentectomy, splenectomy, full-thickness diaphragm resection, right appendectomy, precardial tumor…
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Diagnosed in February 2015, and to think I thought I was just having an issue with my appendix.
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
In Oct of 2018. It was found on a routine mamo. i just knew when i got the call to go back something was wrong.
Celebration | N. E. D.
one yr out, there is no evidence of disease
Celebration | Finished treatment
just happy to have the daily radiation visits over
Side Effects | Fatigue (tiredness)
this i think is related to radiation and just the diagnosis it self and meds as well
Side Effects | Breast tenderness or growth
from radiation
Side Effects | Hot flashes
from tamoxifen
Side Effects | Nausea/Vomiting
during radiation
Procedure or Surgery | Sentinel lymph node biopsy
developed a seroma and lymphedema of the right breast
Procedure or Surgery | Lumpectomy
the surgery was as expected! i developed a seroma at the removal site