

  • welderdan
    Thanks for responding, my entire body, back, and legs mostly makes a violent shudder, quivers, very rapid vibrations that last less than a second, and controls me at that moment.. It happens when I look down. No new drugs at all..This condition became a problem in last two months, 5 months after chemo-rad. My radiology results did note degenerative spine, but VA has not responded to my inguires, I'm will find some answers, Thanks
    May 2013
  • geekling
    I only hope this is relatively in private. I read what you wrote on the wall of the mother who is submitting her 2 year old for treatment. You've said in many posts that you are an oncology nurse but this is the first time I read "end of life".

    I think you were awfully negative. You are much more schooled in possible outcomes than am I but what is the point of giving the child treatment if she is only preparing to die? If there is no hope from western medicine, why not just let her slip away in peace? Children have little understanding of other places because, for them, it is all the same. Heaven is no further than their imagination.

    What is the point of treating the child so cruelly if there is no way known to save her? If there is a way she can be saved, why mention "end of life"?
    May 2013
  • Journey
    Thank you Carm! Your answer to my question about NSCLC and its met., make me feel more hopeful. Many thanks!
    May 2013
  • pinkflowersc
    this is Cheryl again the small llesions they found was with a mri I was having pain dec 2012 and they thought it was my gallbladder and thats when they seen lesions that what starting everything I was having a mammogram watching a fatty fibod and a sonogram found a small tumor small then a cent behind the fibrod that how this all started want to tell you ok I also posted to you in next post more info ok sorry
    May 2013
  • pinkflowersc
    hello its Cheryl I just turned 55 They found small white lesions a size of a cheerio and then they found small tumor in right breast smaller than a centI had biopsy of breast cancer real early and small and a bone biopsy it matches the breast cancer, They told me I got it real early the bomb its stage 4 cause it metasise in my back butt areaThey put me on Armitrex hormone therapy ive had no chemo or radiation. They did a brain scan and blood work for tumor markings get results wed. I really don't know of any one yet who had this happen im healthy I get mammogram checkup and also I had petscan bone scan etc nothing showed what do you nthink my chances are.i just got diognois march 8th. what do you think?I go the tunnel cancer center which suppose to be great my doctor seems real nice ive never heard anyone that caught it early and bomb metastasis have you?
    May 2013
  • sugarbear
    carm -you have answered my dilemmas very thoroughly in the past and i would like to know if i can emaail you and talk to you personally regarding my cancer questions -im in a rock and a hard place and need to make some tough choices very soon as my nodules are coming back quick -i need some advice and feel like youd know which way to go .
    May 2013
  • 2bbcontinued
    News today was not good. Doc said I have uterine cancer that was also in the cervix. Am not a candidate for surgery due to problems with lobectomy. Will probably be trying radiation. Am seeing gyn/onc soon. Am not at a good place in my head right now but know it will pass.
    May 2013
  • emdanuco
    Thank you Carm! Looking forward to more better days. Have a Great Weekend!
    May 2013
  • susan4me
    i am still cofused i thought once the cancer spread to your brain or anywhere else it was considered stage four now your saying if it goes to the brain it is known as brain cancer not lung cancer
    May 2013
  • 2bbcontinued
    Hi Carm, have a concern regarding biopsy on uterine lining. Gyno had done one in office. Went back because situation wasn't improving with medication she had put me on, provera. Said she was getting ready to have PA call for me to come back in. Said she didn't like the pathology report on the biopsy. Wanted to do something and get more material for the pathologist. Put me on Megestrol. Scheduled D & C and hysteroscopy. Had it & am waiting for results. Told me to stay on the Megestrol. The info sheet from pharmacy said it is a drug used to treat breast and uterine cancer. So is all this an indication I probably have uterine or endometrial cancer ? Am confused about all this. Had lung cancer last summer would appreciate your input. Thank you.
    May 2013
  • Debbie-84781
    Ps. Sorry about misspelling your name. Stinking auto correct gets me every time.
    May 2013
  • Debbie-84781
    Cam - I'm scheduled for a colposcopy (spelling) tomorrow. Could you explain what happens during this procedure? I'm just a little nervous about the unknown. Thanks for your help. Shaking In My Shoes Debbie. :)
    May 2013
  • lola08
    Thanks so much for your quick response to my question. I feel caught up in the whirlwind of diagnosis days again - thankfully my node is localized & my CT shows all organs are clear!! My dr. says combining these 2 drugs - Arimidex & Faslodex are the best chance at shrinking this node & "getting back on track"!! I am 4 years out from original dx - what a shock!! Again - thanks & I'm sure I will be asking more questions as I travel this part of my journey!!
    May 2013
  • Eps23
    Thank you for giving us a heads up on Lisa. Well wishes have been sent!
    May 2013
  • Nellie
    Hi Carm!!!
    Just wanted to let you know I got the BRCA test done and it was NEGATIVE, also did the BART and it was negative. My application at cancer1source has been so messed up with getting all my paperwork from the genetist!!! Anyway, I talked with Deb at cancer1source and she said they would try and work with me, however they are out of funds at this time. Insurance covered a majority of the payment, but still have some out of pocket to pay. Thanks for all your help, I APPRECIATE IT!!!!!
    May 2013
  • BoiseB
    Carm, I am sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. But I want to thank you for your explanation. You told me what the Drs, and their PA's could not explain. They are expecting both cancers to come back. You mentioned that Uterine cancer is likely to metastize (sp) to the Liver and Colon. Those are the two locations that my Drs have been watching for the Esophageal. I really thank you for clearing this up.
    May 2013
  • IrishPegOfAR
    Thank you for sending the link about how to manage side effects from Xeloda on my recent question/answer. It was helpful.
    May 2013
  • natte
    I have a lump on the floor / base of my mouth that is not normal the ent is giving me the run around. Two sets of antibiotics and he finally did a Ct of the lump on my neck
    I have lost 20 lbs in 2 months no appetite. No energy this guy is giving me the runarounds
    I an not asking for trouble but he needs to atleast. Do a biospy. This is not what
    I would choose but my instincts are telling me time is of the essence. I am 60 yrs
    o old I hope he listens will let you know! Thanks for listening why do dodgers dismiss
    Women's symptoms especially when you do not look sick.
    January 2013
  • Ladykarla
    Your answer to jazzijenn was so beautiful. Thank you so much. What a help you are to so many people. All of us are blessed to have you on this site.
    April 2013
  • JeanB
    Thank you so much. My surgeon was very busy and couldn't talk to me after surgery until I went back for my 2 week check up. He sent his PA who couldn't really talk to me about my case. Not knowing is very stressful for me. Thank you for offering your support. I will be hitting you up on my questions....I know I will have them.
    April 2013
  • Beeps
    Good morning carm- I see that you are an oncology nurse!
    I was diagnosed with neuro endocrine pancreatic cancer stage IV with liver mats. feb. '12
    I am feeling that my dr. In Atlanta is not well invested in my case. ( I am also a patient at Moffitt- I go there every few months for MRI etc.. To stay listed for clinical trials etc) I get Sandostatin shots here in Atlanta every 21 days. When I mention that stress seems to escalate my discomfort.. The dr. Poo poos me... That's not cancer- back pain, on right side at end of ribs... That's not cancer, tired- not cancer- etc...
    I had an MRI in march- evidently the pancreas tumor was no longer visible- he forgot to tell me until I was there for another visit a couple of weeks after the visit that was supposed to inform me of the MRI results-
    I had an MRI at Moffitt in Dec. - I don't think he ever looked at it? Moffitt told me I'd had a 5% reduction in Dec. MRI results. Atlanta said I was probably just on the table in a slightly different position..."hate to burst your bubble"
    To me, these things, and there are more such incidences, are no longer acceptable... One or two things? Maybe.. But it's really adding up at this point!
    Should this be acceptable? Am I overly sensitive?
    It's almost 8k per visit... I think he should be right on top of all details!
    How does one go about addressing this tactfully?
    Thanks in advance for any advice!
    April 2013
  • BoiseB
    Carm I believe that you are the person who can shed some light on my situation. I recently had a hystorectomy. Pathology showed that I had Uterine cancer and Esophageal cancer had spread to my overies. The gyne oncologist who performed the surgery recomended follow-up internal radiation. However since my oncologist believes that the esphageal cancer wil be back sometime between July and October he is ignoring the uterine cancer. Am I right in feeling this way?
    April 2013
  • shirley4270
    My daughter is 4 months planned:}pregnant and was told after an vaginal exam they found a visable tumor in and outside of the cervix. After mri they said it is 2cm and the sample showed endocarcinoma stage 1B and grade 2. Another more intence exam and sampel was taken with saddle bag numbness and they said they were not totally sure it was this because there was a missing 3rd link when seen under microscope.
    So they put here under and took the tumer and 1cm of the cervix out and checked it and still was not sure, so they did not continue and do a complete hystorectomy. They then took 4 days to examin it and came back with that it was endocarcinoma and that they saw this up and down pattern, and they recomended a complete hystorectomy:( I am concerned due to the uncertanty they have been and would like to know what standard treatment and danger statisticly there is to try and save this planned baby:)
    My daughter is first priority:) of coure, but we are in Norway and I just want to know if they are more advanced or have better treatment in the usa??? We are americans, but are here do to family. This just happened 1 month ago here. And she was sent to Bergen for this. They plan to operate comlete hystorectomy on thursday in Bergen. Is this standard for this stage/grade/type of cancer? Also since they have take all or part away, can this agravate it to spread? I asked about taking another MRI to see if they got it all and they said they couldnt do that because scar tissue after the sergery looks like cancer???? It has taken 1 month since they saw and dignosed this?? They say its very special? It looks and acts like this cancer but they had this missing link after taking out under surgery a larger sample???
    If you can help me with my questions asap I would really appretiate it.....
    Our life has been turned upside down:(
    She is my only child 32 married to a great guy planned pregnancy and then THIS:(
    April 2013
  • mistymaggie
    Great site-Thank you--I have not found the answer to my ? yet but there is sure enough info that I will keep it for future reference--
    April 2013
  • jane-124671
    Mam, good day.. i am a cousin of a patient diagnosed of a cervical cancer. how can i seek help from you guys? my cousin is just 24 y.o and she really need a financial support now for her to start her treatment..
    April 2013
  • pinkflowersc
    Hello im Cheryl I got diagnosis with breast caught real early but it metalize to my bone I had a bone biopsy and it match my breast cancer all this was a finding by accident had mammogram etc . on dec 20 I had pain in my right rib and back thought it was a gall bladder attack did a mri and seen small white lesions a size of a cheerio and the rest is history only a fat fibroid in right breast been watching had mammogram 2 to 4 in a yr nothing then this then decide to sonogram found a small tumor less then a cent . have you ever heard any one being diagnosis and caught it real early and it metalize to my back hip and butt. im devastated some what please respond im on hormone therapy feeling a lot better but I was told stage 4 5 yrs what have you heard on this anything since your a nurse I like your response thank you cheryl
    April 2013
  • kelley_gleason
    Is Miles Solution a prescription?
    April 2013
  • little_fut
    I will try free flow thank you.
    April 2013
  • SueRae1
    I too do WW. I have a monthly and try to get to meetings but it has been difficult to find the time to go. But I am very active online. How do you work the program?
    April 2013
  • Joachima
    Hello carm and welcome to WhatNext
    April 2013