

  • seekthealth
    I would like to know if you consider that chemo was an important factor in your ilness and why. -
    April 2016
  • Russ
    Hi Beeps, I have not heard from you in a long time, or have not seen your name until recently on Anjanette's wall. How have you been feeling...hopefully not too bad. Anything new with your scans? When you feel up to it...give me a shout.
    My best to you...Russ
    June 2015
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Beeps, to post a photo, click on the pinboard tab at the top of the page, then click on the "post a photo or video" link, it's the blue bar at the top left corner of that page. Then click the "upload a photo button. Then you will choose the photo from your computer that you want to post. After the photo is loaded you can click in the text box and say something about the picture, when you're done, then click the orange "share this" button and it gets posted. Be patient, it will take a few minutes for the picture to show. After a few minutes you can refresh your screen or go to the pinboard link at the top of the page and click it, to refresh the page and your picture will appear. Let me know if you have any troubles.
    April 2015
  • NETsurvivor
    How are you? How are you feeling?
    August 2014
  • Stpete
    How are you doing?
    June 2014
  • downtown
    Thanks Beeps! I go for an EUS in nYC, in 2 weeks to try to biopsy the "lesion" that looks like a pnet in head of pancreas.Very nervous. I am wondering why yours on the tail would be inoperable? Did you get a second opinion? Woltering's group in New Orleans is supposed to be fantastic for "inoperable " NET surgeries. If mine can finally be confirmed as a pnet, I will be looking into whether a Whipple is possible....I read that Dr. Hodul at Moffitt is good with panc. NET surgeries. Did you see her when there?
    April 2014
  • glacier
    Anyone on here going to M.D. Anderson in Houston, Texas for treatment of pancreatic cancer
    November 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    Beeps, I'm so glad your infection is on the mend...I will be praying for you and hoping for continued good news! Donna
    October 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    Hi Beeps! I am so happy to hear from you! I was just looking at a previous post from you earlier today...ESP WOO! What is the test or procedure you mentioned...MRSA....I can't believe I've never had one or at least I don't remember (I still use "chemo brain" in lieu of old age LOL). Funny enuf I broke a tooth last week. Of course it sounds innocent but it's part of a permanent bridge so the whole thing has to be redone. So why call it permanent?! Permanently broke in more ways than one! I'm so glad you have your son...heaven sent for sure. Please tell me how you are doing. I'd like to hear from you on that. I really feel so much better thanks to you and "my" other what nexter friends. I was feeling so alone and asking for support helped me get out of that terrible rut. Thank you for thinking of me and please, let me know how you are doing. Lots of love and prayers to you, Donna
    October 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    I thought I saw a post from you about bad?
    October 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    Hi I forgot to ask you who your team is at M.D. ANDERSON? My oncologist is Dr Overman and my surgeon was Dr. Katz. Awesome team! I am praying for you, my friend! Donna
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Beeps, well, I saw my onc. today. Long story short, we have a plan. Surgery on my left lung on Oct. 25th ( our 33rd wedding anniversary! ) Chemo after that and lots of praying. I really am grateful that I have this chance. It really is a blessing and I do know it.
    Oh how I miss Moffitt ! it's such a beautiful place, so uplifting and so safe feeling. I always got such a kick out of the valet parking, like you were at a luxury hotel ! The beautiful grounds, the young, healthy, energetic college kids running around getting the cars. THE PALM TREES !!! All the nurses, Dr.'s and volunteers are so special. I used to go crazy on the days the therapy dogs were there. I used to cry as I hugged each one of them, and I swear they hugged me back !
    Do you know any of these people..Pam Dimond,Tiffany Valone,Nancy Roehnelt,Blanca Delgado or Tai Hutchinson ?
    My surgeon was Dr. Mokenge Malafa ( MY HERO ! )
    What kind of treatment will you be getting ? I wish you the very best of luck. I know you will be enjoying the beach and i hope you have the best time. Good luck , I'll be thinking of you driving along Magnolia Drive !!! Feel well and have some relaxing beach walks, Zoe
    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Just stopping by to say hi. How is your weekend?
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Beeps...thanks for your reply. I guess that's all I can do is pray that I will be ok and my family will have me around a lot longer. I like your sticker idea, I'm going to do that. LET GO AND LET GOD, right ? I hope you are feeling well. You're still in my prayers.
    Take care, Beeps. Zoe
    September 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Hi Beeps,

    Thanks for your question re the "best cancer hospitals". There are some very fine hospitals that treat cancer that aren't on the list that I gave you. One of them is where I'm currently going which is Maimonides Medical Center. Their docs are as highly credentialed as the ones at Memorial Sloan Kettering. The difference being between them and Sloan where I started receiving treatment (i.e., having my mastectomy, tissue expander, hospitalization for 2 bouts of cellulitis, etc.) is that there's much more research going on at Sloan and probably more clinical trials. I will say that being hospitalized at Sloan Kettering is amazing in that if you buzz the call button, a nurse is by your bedside in less than 60 secs and is very cheerful. This is not true of where I'm currently being treated.

    II just read a great book called "The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer" by Siddhartha Mukherjee. Dr. Mukherjee is an Oncologist at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in NYC (another great medical center and place to be treated that isn't on that top Cancer hospitals list). In his book, that details the history of cancer and its' treatment, he does name the development of treatments, research and various institutions. The list I mentioned does come up there and elsewhere. However, there's no mention of Columbia Pres. where he works, which is really a superlative hospital as well. Neither (in NYC) is there mention of NYU Langone Med Center, Beth Israel (where a friend of mine, another BC patient, was successfully treated), Lenox Hill Hospital, or Mt. Sinai Medical Center (another great hospital)

    I'm not familiar with the hospital you mention (I've heard of it), but since it's particular to your area, you're much more familiar with it. It too may be a very fine hospital, but those 5 (plus the Cleveland Clinic and The Mayo Clinic) are considered the cream of the crop of Cancer hospitals in terms of both patient care and research (underline research) and possibly clinical trials.

    Again, my point is that there are probably hospitals that are just as good in terms of treatment and patient care and highly credentialed physicians that are just not doing the research that these 5 (to 7) institutions are doing.

    Thanks for calling a very valid point to my attention. If I can do anything else for you, please let me know.

    Best wishes,

    September 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    How heartwarming to receive your message. I will stay in contact.
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Beeps... hope you're having a good day. I was pretty much bummed most of the day.I guess that's to be expected as I only saw the surgeon the day before yesterday so my head is still spinning. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan to do something to get myself out of this funk. I think I'll go for a walk for one thing since the weather is so beautiful right now. You said that NY state is beautiful and you are right but I hate,hate, hate cold weather,even though I was born and raised in Pa. We have only been here in NY since Dec. 2011. We were living in southwest FL. when I got sick.I stayed for chemo,radiation and surgery at Moffitt in Tampa. We were lucky to sell our house quickly and we moved here to be near my younger daughter. We have another daughter who,sad to say, lives in Indiana. Maybe my prayers will be answered and she will move here so we can all be together. It's funny I ended up here, the place I always said I'd never want to live. It's amazing how differently you feel once you get sick. Now I'm happy to live anywhere!
    It's really a shame you had to give up your job. It sounds like you loved being in that world and I'm sure it brought you a lot of joy for many years.Is there anything you can do now that could somehow keep you involved in some way? It must be so much a part of who you are.
    I sure hope you get to get away with your husband for a little bit,it would be so good for you both.I should plan something too while I still feel up to it. God knows,we all could use a break from this madness.
    One more thing....I'm happy to hear that you have your two little Bichons ! They are such beautiful dogs ,and SO smart.I know they must bring you such comfort. I had to put my dog ( Pitbull mix) down four years ago and still can't look at her picture without crying ,I miss her so much. I don't want to get another dog right now,so I just go around mauling eveyone else's dog to get my fix !!! Ok Beeps ,thanks for listening, take care and stay well. Zoe
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Beeps, I want you to know that you have been in my prayers since I got on this site and I'm going to keep you there. I hope today is one of your good days. It's so hard to be strong, I know you know that all too well. Do you have a lot of family and friends that support you ? I have a very hard time seeing my husband so scared and worried about me.I'm pretty good at keeping up a good front for my 2 daughters and my mom,but my poor husband sees me during my meltdowns. What kind of things do you do to take your mind off things? Any hobbies? Any pets ? My cat is always there when I need her to cheer me up.
    My surgery is Sept.16th at Albany Med. I heard it's a good place and the # 1 trauma center in upstate NY.
    Please take good care of yourself,Beeps.You're in my thoughts and prayers. Zoe
    August 2013
  • jenpwrs
    Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I hope that you are having a good day.
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Beeps... Your right, it could be way worse. I am going to give myself a break from all this cancer XXXX. I'm going to try as hard as I can to do things that give me peace,walking,cooking,spending more time with my daughter and husband and enjoying my home and especially my cat ! Thanks for thinking of me.Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thank you so much Beeps,that was beautiful.
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Beeps...Just thinking of you.I hope you're doing well. Zoe
    June 2013
  • Danavb
    Thank you Beeps, I hope in 3 months it will all be over with operation and all. My mother died from this cancer in 2005, she was diagnosed and died within 3 months.
    May 2013
  • cearnsha
    Hello Beeps, my chemo stopped working so I'm looking into palliative care and possibly a new chemo. What is your experience with palliative and hospice care?
    May 2013
  • lepetite
    thank you so much for the information, you have made my day! I also think that leaning on faith and God is what its about! I will keep you in my prayers, God Bless!
    May 2013
  • cuemac
    Good morning Beeps. I live in Gwinnett and receive treatments at Gwinnett Medical Cancer and Oncology Centers (seperately). I, too, share some of your concerns with my doctors. In particulary with my radiation oncologist. This site along with PANCAN has really helped me in asking questions and knowing what to look for and expect. I wish I could be of more help to you but I'm still early in treatments and there's so much that I am still learning. A lot of this is overwhelming and sometimes depressing. I try to remain positive and pray each day for healing and for the doctors. PANCAN can be very helpful. I pray that you find the direction needed and some peace. If there is anything else that you need and I am able to help or assist; I will be there.
    April 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are glad you found us. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, any questions you may have just post them in the questions tab and everyone will see them there and be able to help you.

    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join.

    Greg P
    3x survivor
    Team WhatNext
    April 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Learn from people who share your diagnosis. You can do this by clicking on the "see more" in the "Who to Follow" box on the right side of this page.

    2) See what other questions people like you have, ask a question or share what you have learned. Here is a link to our questions page:

    3) Keep the WhatNext family up to date on your progress by posting updates. You can do this by clicking the "Share an Update" button on the center of this page.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    We look forward to helping you through your journey. If you have any questions, please refer to our help page or email us.

    Your WhatNext Family
    April 2013