

  • ArleneB
    Is Armitrex a form of chemo or a hormone therapy? I was diagnosed exactly a year ago. Is the radiation for the pain or do they see something on your ribs? I got pneumonia six months ago and broke seven ribs coughing because they are so soft. But I also had four broken vertebrae and a broken hip (twice). I was on Taxol but now only on Tamoxifen.
    June 2013
  • ArleneB
    Cheryl... P.S. I will turn sixty in November.
    June 2013
  • ArleneB
    Is Armitrex a form of chemo or a hormone therapy? I was diagnosed exactly a year ago. Is the radiation for the pain or do they see something on your ribs? I got pneumonia six months ago and broke seven ribs coughing because they are so soft. But I also had four broken vertebrae and a broken hip (twice). I was on Taxol but now only on Tamoxifen.
    June 2013
  • carm
    Hello Cheryl,
    It sounds like you are in capable hands. If I understand you correctly, you have breast cancer with possible mets to the lower spine near the coccyx bone or pelvic bone. I understand that you are on Arimidex and that is an aromitase inhibitor. So that means that most likely you were BRCA2 positive because your cancer is hormone driven. If that is the case then standard chemotherapy wouldn't apply. With an aromatase inhibitor, the drug seeks out the enzyme aromitase because if your body needs estrogen but there is no longer a source, the body will use aromatase to convert or synthesize androgens, a hormone made by the adrenal gland into estrogen. So the drug sits on the aromitase receptor and blocks it from attaching to androgen. As far as the Bomb, I am not sure what you are referring to with the exception of a bomb metastasis. If this is the case then I am aware of it. It is a smart bomb that combines the technology of nanoparticles and anti-cancer-drugs to target blood vessels that supply blood to tumors. But I am not sure if this is what you are referring to. I have seen breast cancer met to the bone and it is not unusual but it clears easily with the right therapy. I hope this clarifies things for you, Carm RN.
    May 2013
  • carm
    Until you can give me additional information I cannot be specific to your case however, many women are diagnosed with metastatic stage IV BC and although it is not is treatable. I don't know what therapy you are taking but I have seen many successes on Xgeva and I hope that you know that with bone pain, Ibuprofin works best. Being that the tumor was so small, it could have metastasized because it was aggressive or because the radiation weakened your bone structure. Radiation tends to cause tiny fractures and I should also note that density irregularities will show up on scans looking like a lesion. As I stated to you earlier, I don't know all the facts but should you be a bit more detailed, I might be able to enlighten you further. Best of luck, Carm RN.
    April 2013
  • barbaraanne
    Hi There,
    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I've been on this site since I was diagnosed around 10/12. I find it very helpful..And it's good sometimes if you just want to vent. I am still in treatment for my breast cancer, I have triple negative b.c Stage 1. Please feel free to exchange any emails w/me, always willing to converse. Be well and God bless you..
    March 2013
  • Ajfunstuff
    The strength your post reveals is so inspiring. You have a LOT of fight in you. You GO GIRL! As we all know, pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. I truly feel for you; doctors miss stuff and diagnostic equipment is imperfect and we can only know so much. Give every day your all and keep your strength up.
    April 2013
  • Twaldrop2004
    I am in the same boat since 2008, keep strong
    March 2013
  • Twaldrop2004
    I am here for you, been thru all of that in 2008. Thank God I am still fighting, feel free to post to me anytime. My numbers have gone up some so I am due for my scan and I am quite nervous of the next treatment. Live each day the best you can and take care of yourself
    March 2013
  • Tami
    Hi, my name is Tami. I was reading your profile and see that you are 54 years old and have Stage IV Breast Cancer with mets to your bones. Me too! I am currently taking Femara (hormone therapy) and Zometa (to strengthen bones). I am happy to say I am in clinicial remission ( meaning the cancer is not active at this time) and doing well. I have have had Stage IV since 2011. Sounds like your cancer is in an area which they can do radiation on, which believe it or not, that is good. My cancer was diagnosed extensively throughout my bones which for me seemed hopeless. Yet here I am a year and half later and in remission. No radiation for me, I have had Chemo, Zometa, and Hormone Treatment. With them catching yours early, I would imagine your prognoses is good. I see you are recently diagnosed, I encourage you to try and stay positive (I know easier said then done sometimes). It all probably seems overwhelming to you now but if you have a good oncologist that you trust, you are in good hands. If you don't like your oncologist, I would suggest getting a second opinion. Or just get a second opinion for peace of mind. I wish you well. God Bless!
    March 2013
  • SueRae1
    Wow you have been through the wringer the last 3 weeks. your head must still be spinning. I am being treated for both stage IV breast and kidney cancer. I just want to let you know that there is a lot of progress being made in the treatment of cancer, and new therapies seem to be approved every week. My kidney cancer was diagnosed in 2009 and is stable, my metastasized breast cancer in May of last year, and it is responding to treatment.

    Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing. This community is here for you.
    March 2013
  • SueW
    Welcome to WhatNext-I am glad you found us, though not under these circumstances. I am part of the TriHealth Cancer Institute (Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North Hospital and Butler County Hospital). Please let me know if I can do anything-connect you to resources in the greater Cincinnati area-I'd like to make your journey easier.
    March 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are glad you found us. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, any questions you may have just post them in the questions tab and everyone will see them there and be able to help you.

    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join.

    Greg P
    3x survivor
    Team WhatNext
    March 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Learn from people who share your diagnosis. You can do this by clicking on the "see more" in the "Who to Follow" box on the right side of this page.

    2) See what other questions people like you have, ask a question or share what you have learned. Here is a link to our questions page:

    3) Keep the WhatNext family up to date on your progress by posting updates. You can do this by clicking the "Share an Update" button on the center of this page.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    We look forward to helping you through your journey. If you have any questions, please refer to our help page or email us.

    Your WhatNext Family
    March 2013