

  • cbanks
    Hi Nellie. I was diagnosed spring 2012 and started tamoxifen in September. I was on a antidepressant prior to cancer taking here and there. Primary doctor prescribed lorazepam. With the stress of diagnoses, surgery and rads I did take as needed. my tamoxifen experience has changed and the hot flashes are much more tolerable today. No aches but appetite has increased. Today I feel great, trying to get control of my weight and have antidepressant with me if I free anxiety coming. I actually feel lucky that I am a cancer patient with tamoxifen as a treatment option. I will continue to take it as long as my oncologist recommends. It actually makes me feel good that by taking the med it helps prevent cancer recurrence. Not 100 percent but helps. We have many decisions to make during our journey. Thanks for sharing.
    November 2013
  • Loafer
    Woohoo!!! Congrats on finishing the journey, Nellie! Very happy for you. Move on and don't look back!!!
    January 2013
  • Gabba
    Hi Nellie, I read your post to lovinglife regarding feelings of guilt when calling yourself a survivor...I used to feel that way because I saw so many who had to undergo chemo while I did not (based on oncotype testing) so I thought my journey was less impactful than theirs. Then I began to think about how I felt that day I got the diagnosis, and how I felt when I had to call my husband at work to come home, how I felt when I had to call my grown children to tell them the news, the nerves of meeting with my surgeon, oncologist, radiation oncologist, genetic counsellor, etc. The feelings and emotions are similar for ALL of us...treatments vary greatly but emotions do and I are survivors in every sense of the word. I hope you are doing well and take good care of yourself. God bless!
    April 2013
  • Paw
    Awe that is so nice of you to send me a bottle of Nioxon if I can't find it. I will of course send you the money. I will let you know if I find it at one of the places you suggested. Thanks again.
    December 2012
  • SusanK
    Hooray!!!! Treatments are over. It's a wonderful feeling, what an accomplishment. Most of us feel that exhilaration but once in a while, a little doubt creeps in. Am I really finished? Did those treatments really work? Push those thoughts out of the way, and keep moving forward. Enjoy everything, even the little great that piece of pie tastes, how wonderful to breathe in the fresh air outside and walk around, steady on your feet and confident in your stride. It will take a few months, most likely, for you to feel truly well, but you'll get there. Stay strong!
    January 2013
  • Paw
    Thanks for the info. I live in Chicago, IL. Unfortunately, there isn't a store in Chicago.
    December 2012
  • Paw
    Hi again. I'm looking on the Beauty Brands website but I can't seem to find Nioxon. If you don't mind, can you help me find it tomorrow. I want you to enjoy this wonderful Christmas Day. Thanks.
    December 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Nellie, I know your glad to have that port out. After I got mine out it did feel better but I kept my second one for 15 years after that treatment because I didn't want to let it go.

    Hope your doing well now.
    December 2012
  • Loafer
    Hi Nellie - must be nice to have the port finally out! i never got one for only four treatments - which has been fine by me. How are you doing with rads? Any side effects or just a sunburn? Is the fatigue similar to chemo or different. Thanks for your support!!
    December 2012
  • Loafer
    My onc and surgeon both advised of 50 cutoff. Also read it when researching my insurance coverage through united health care. Good luck to you!!
    December 2012
  • Loafer
    I just saw your post about BRCA testing. I was over 50 which is the cutoff ( not 45 from what I've read) got it covered by insurance because my onc wrote a compelling case. I also am triple negative which helped. My results were negative - which is a great relief! Hope your appeal works. Hang in there and hugs!
    December 2012
  • Loafer
    You go girl! Give us an update on rads. Has to be better than chemo.
    November 2012
  • carm
    Well lets wait until they call me back and see what they have to offer you. Don't need a hug, I would rather know you have peace of mind, that is what is best for you. I am doing nothing that I don't normally do for the patients I counsel, and if this pans out then it is a good source of information I can use to help other women in similar situations. I will contact you when they return my call, Carm.
    October 2012
  • carm
    Nellie, found out that will only assist in paying for chemo not testing but you should still keep their number or info if you need help with that as well, Carm.-
    October 2012
  • carm
    So I spoke with a representative from Myriad who told me that there is a foundation that they work with that helps pay for testing for people who cannot afford the testing, or do not meet the criteria for their financial program. The organization is called the cancer resource foundation and their website is I called them and I am awaiting a call back from them. From what the Myriad representative told me, this foundation helps assist in payment of BRCA testing when patients can't, and it is the foundation that Myriad refers patients to for assistance. I am hopeful that this could be a viable source. I will contact you once they return my call, Carm.
    October 2012
  • carm
    Nellie, have you seen the new program from cancer care at that helps pay up to 10,000 to patients who need assistance. I am sending you the link and also I think you should also go to giveforward.comand start a page to help with finances. It is free to join and I have many patients who do it cause philantrophists check out the site to donate money for tax write offs. Im going to keep searching to for ways to help pay for the genetic testing but I thought I would send this so far for you to check it out, Carm.
    October 2012
  • carm
    Nellie, Just clarifying that you have had the BRCA testing but now just need to pay for it, is that correct or do you need the testing done? Carm.
    October 2012
  • carm
    Nellie, oops I see you are not an OVCA patient but breast, still the test would apply. Carm.
    October 2012
  • carm
    I guess i should ask if it is you or your oncologist who is requesting the BRCA test? If it is the oncologist, they can do a peer to peer review to discuss their reason for requesting the test. Especially in light of the fact that you are an OVCA patient it is normal to see BRCAs done in those cases. However, if you are requesting the test alone, then the insurance company would probably deny it. Carm.
    October 2012
  • diovino
    How are you doing with WBC counts? Stay positive
    October 2012
  • Loafer
    Thanks Nellie! I haven't had anything prescribed in advance. Just told I would get the nulesta shot the day after. What does the dexamethasone do for you? A little nervous I'm not getting a port either since I don't like needles and bruise easily. Very glad this phase is almost behind you! Thanks for the positive energy and support!! Ginny
    October 2012
  • Loafer
    Hi Nellie - hope you don't mind if I follow you. Our diagnosis sounds very similar and I will be starting the same chemo treatment as you on Thursday (c&t). Very nervous for first treatment and the side effects. I also am trying to get scheduled for the Brac testing. Sending hugs and positive energy! Ginny
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Nellie, sorry your not feeling well. That is a common problem with the white blood count dropping out like that.

    If you will repost this question and this time click the "ask network" tab at the top of the text box you will get some response from the users here. As an update it only goes to those who are following you.

    Try it again and let everyone help you.

    Thanks for being here!

    Greg P
    3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    October 2012
  • teddyfuzz
    Hi Nellie. Your situation looks similar to mine. I hope you are doing well through all of this (ya well as can be expected). When is your next chemo scheduled? I'll be sending good thoughts your way:)
    September 2012