

  • debbie3
    Hi thanks for the offer of help it really is appreciated. I know that I should have the adjuvant treatment proposed. I just am struggling with having the chemo - everything about it scares me. I know others have gone through it - I just don't think I can I just feel it's too much for me to cope with .
    January 2015
  • lujos
    Hi Debbie, saw your comment to Debbie3, and you are also the same diagnosis as me. Can you share those stats from your oncologist as to survival improvement with each treatment chosen, please? I'm not considering stopping, but sure could use some encouragement about now!
    January 2015
  • Sidney12
    Thx Debbie for taking the time to respond. My veins are bad so needles always pose a problem. Inseting the port scares me. I don't know what to expect, how they do it, etc... I definely ask for numbing cream. Why suffer if I don't have to. Good luck to you and thx again.
    August 2013
  • SueW
    Welcome to WhatNext-I am glad you found us, though not under these circumstances. I am part of the TriHealth Cancer Institute (Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North Hospital and Butler County Hospital). Please let me know if I can do anything-connect you to resources in the greater Cincinnati area-I'd like to make your journey easier.

    August 2013
  • carm
    Please let me know how you fared with the colposcopy today, you are on my mind, Carm.
    May 2013
  • CarolLHRN
    Hi Debbie,
    Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. You can't be positive 100% of the time. It's OK to just sometimes say this really stinks and I feel like crap. Everyone has those days. It's a day to take care of you. Spoil yourself with a nap and junk TV and a favorite food. Everyone needs a time out once in a while.

    Things will get better. I know they will. I know you probably don't want to hear tips right now but I took Claritin before my Neulasta shots and it really helped with all the bone pain. If you tried it already, sorry :-(

    I remember when I finished chemo everyone wanted to go out and celebrate. I just wanted to stay in. It's not only physically exhausting but mentally too. I thought it was going to be such a big deal, and it was, but not at all how I imagined. Just felt too yucky to realize the milestone. A week from now when you are starting to feel better, you will realize how far you have come.

    Hang in there. We are all sending positive thoughts your way. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

    November 2012
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    November 2012