geekling...I personally appreciated your answer to the post on chemo damaged fingernails and how to help improve their appearance...the raspberry tea is particularly nice :-) Have a great day.0September 2016
Geekling, thank you for answering my question on 'ascites' are an amazing fountain of information! I heard of Rubin years ago and read his book while I was hospitalized for Crohn's. I spoke to my doctor about it and he suggested that unless I had access to an orthodox Jewish food source, I'd have difficulty putting Rubin's diet together but, I'll check it out again.0April 2017
geekling, when you have spare time, I'd like to hear how you discovered you had 'mold illness'...the symptoms, how it was diagnosed and the kind of mold, etc. Thanks.0June 2017
geeking, your are a fount of information. Just read your opinion and advice on 'spammers', thanks.0May 2017
hello, geekling. I wanted to thank you for commenting on my post about blood clots. I just can't figure out have to maneuver around this site when it comes to answering folks. I want to let you know I did go for tests which show the original clot never dissolved. They tell me all I can do is stay on Warfarin and live with the fact the clot isn't going to go away. I've had a tough time getting to appointments and tests due to fatigue but now I'm resting up.
I'm wishing you continued goid health, a great day and fine month of May!0May 2016 -
Thanks for the good suggestions of comedy movies. I really appreciate the help0August 2017
I know I haven't been around for a while but what happened? I hope you haven't let anyone get to you. Some people just cant let someone have their say and ignore it. Thought you were thicker skinned than that.
Hope all is good.0September 2018 -
I have missed your wisdom on the site and wanted you to know that. I hope this finds you in good health.0September 2018
I have a patient who is into the homeopathic and holistic experience. She is on a heavy regimen but cannot take her treatments because her platelets are so low. I know by your posts that you have researched natural remedies? Can you suggest something to help this woman with her issue?0July 2018 -
Hi - In answer to your question - if node cancerous prognosis "poor" as I am already receiving aggressive treatment.
Thank you for your thoughtful answers,0June 2018 -
Plants have been used by people for as long as people have been alive? Wow. What a surprise that is.
Thank you!!! I have spent my lifetime wondering how they were sustained and at last I know.
So, one more time, you made arguments for which there is no substantiation. What a surprise. I understand you so much better than I did before.
Please take no offense, but I am laughing hard that you think I started using vinegar as a cleaning agent because of you!!!! WHY you think that is the case, I have no idea.
I have used vinegar for cleaning and as a drain cleaner for many, MANY years - LONG before I was diagnosed with cancer. I also use it as my fabric softener. And, I use it to rinse my dogs after I wash them to be sure there's no soap left. I find that vinegar is a very versatile tool. I have been using it after shampooing my hair too. I put apple cider vinegar on my dog's food sometimes too.
What makes the world go around is people having different interests. It is wonderful that you wish to study and eat herbs and whatever. Not my cuppa, but that's just fine.
You have apparently failed to read some of what I write in your haste to try to tear me down or maybe to "educate" me about things I already know. (For instance, the spiel on carrier oils... really????!!!) I'm not quite sure what "sappy housewife" you believe I am copying recipes from. I do in fact use recipes of others, but they are recipes provided by people who have those certifications about which you scoff (since you don't have one). I often use recipes developed by others when I cook, too. I find no shame in admitting that others know a whole lot more than I do and to use what they have already perfected.
You are so left field. NASA and NAHA don't have the same reputation.Girly, you are grasping hard at those elusive straws but they are escaping you still.
So glad you're feeling better. And that you can expand what you eat. That's wonderful!
Lovely evening to you as well!! You do entertain me!!
Putting this on your page rather than leaving it on the thread because I am nearly certain that no one else is entertained in the least by the fact that you and I are oil and water and see eye-to-eye on nothing. I do hope, though, that they have taken note to read what you write with a more skeptical eye because much is expressed that has no basis at all.0June 2018 -
I'm sorry that AnalCancer Chat did not work for you - you are, of course, correct that it doesn't work for everyone. For many of us it has been a lifeline in our isolation with this uncommon disease. And I hadn't noticed anyone saying that all anal cancers are HPV related, but I don't read all posts. Mine was diagnosed as HPV related, which is why I advocate for the vaccine for pre-teens. Who knows when I acquired my infection - could have been at any time after becoming sexually active, and at this point it is moot.
Good to see you active on this forum, but I wouldn't have been able to put my very personal problems out here, which is why I offer the FB group to other women.
- Sally0June 2018 -
0June 2018
Big sigh, geek. There was nothing in your post for me to take personally. Hearing the same old story about how badly you were treated doesn't offend me in the least. I'm not really quite sure why you even singled me out for the response. And definitely, I don't know what you thought I was going to take personally. Had to be the difference in how you wrote it and how I read it.
Your logic is silly unless every single doctor you've seen has been in small private practice. Perhaps since you've had such incredibly bad luck with doctors - I mean, have you EVER found one worth treating you??? - you should ensure that EVERY one from here on out works at a big hospital or clinic. I mean, then you won't have to worry about whether they're only concerned about overhead and such. Oh, but, sheesh. Apparently, you tried that too. Don't know anything about your Catholic hospital, but do assume it was one of decent size where doctors would be paid salary and wouldn't be concerned with day to day costs or worry about overhead.
Darn. I thought I had a great solution for you.0June 2018 -
geekling, thank you for your good wishes. I haven't posted only because I don't get more tests and then see the radiologist until 1:00 or 1:30 - can't remember which - today (Tuesday). I'll be sure to let everyone know once I know. Hugs, Carol0June 2018
Oh Geekling..... I must tell you an experience I had with medical "SCRIBES" after seeing this on one of your recent posts.
I was having my 6 month check up at the dermatologist. I was told that there was a new procedure in place involving scribes, ok? Well, I though that the scribe would be a professional type young lady as I always had full body checkups. Well, dumb me. The 2 scribes were young "Dudes", unprofessional, giggling, whispering & acting like a couple of frat boys. The dr., who was brand new was also an total ass & when I asked what was going on, they all started to shape up. I was horrified at this behavior & told the office manager that she had just lost a patient. I wrote up this incident on an internet medical report/review site & found a nice new dermatologist.
Just the words "medical scribe" gives me the creeps!0June 2018 -
Hmm, I thought he was somewhat handsome, not knock-you-over handsome, but not too bad!
I have had 3 friends commit suicide. All guys. One was in really bad physical pain & probably could not recover. He was an athlete in his younger days.
Another had a serious bi-polar mental disorder.
The other was an alcoholic who drank himself to death, but I really don't think he meant to kill himself. I knew him too well, and he would have been too scared to do it. It was an accident.
So bless 'em all where ever they may be!0June 2018 -
Check out my website, there's a whole page of rear-end jokes!0September 2012
Thank you Geek, yes I'm seeing Endocrinologist, just had brain MRI this week to look at Pituitary Gland, , the Keytruda I have been on for past 2 yrs is wearing on me now, no plans to stop it yet, they have the Adrenal insufficiency under control with Prednisone, , no fatigue, the symptom I was getting was low blood sugar levels below 70..I was at one point 30, that's coma territory, has been in normal range since put on the steroids they say " all good things come to an end" ...I fight on...thx for checking on me..John0June 2018
You make such rude comments for a peacemaker, geekling. I try to not read your posts at all because they are often so mean but have been interested in this post and have at least skimmed some of what you have said.
In your last post, you write: "The only actually sensible comment about the article, to my amazement, was the comment by LWC who found it pitiful from start to finish."
Would it have meant just as much to say, "The only actually sensible comment about the article was the comment by LWC who found it pitiful from start to finish." Well, yes, i think so.
(Nevermind all of the others who posted on this thread and could have their feelings hurt by your dismissal of their comments.)
You said, "It is the article which has little value; not you & not me & not LWC either."
Would not it have meant the same to say: "It is the article which has little value; not you & not me & not LWC." Or leave me out of it entirely. That would have been the best idea.
You do your little digs at every opportunity. It does get old for me ... but i also do try to not read what you write the majority of the time. The fact is that what you have to say to or about me is of little consequence to me. I consider the source and go on, if I even read it to start with.
But, when you post vile comments in the same post as you are trying to generate sympathy for yourself and calling yourself a peacemaker ... Sheesh. I know you believe yourself to be smarter and more intuitive than most of the rest of us, but I am sorry to tell you that is an inflated sense of self.
There are obviously some people here who appreciate and understand you. On occasion you post very useful information in a friendly helpful way.
So sorry you are feeling so sad and downtrodden tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be a new day and you will once more feel happier.0May 2018 -
Your story is fascinating--had no idea you too are Jewish (or so I gather from your experience in temple).
I grew up in Brownsville, a Brooklyn neighborhood where back in the '50s-60s if you were Jewish you were either Orthodox or nearly secular (as was my family). Either way, girls were not given much of a religious education: the Orthodox girls learned rudimentary Hebrew and how to keep a Kosher home; we basically had the Passover Haggadah (we got one free with each can of Maxwell House) and (pre-Engel vs. Vitale) the daily scripture reading (OT, KJV) over our grade school P.A. system. In neither case did girls get to be Bat Mitzvah: Orthodox girls weren't allowed to study, much less read from, Torah and those of us who couldn't afford to join the Reform temples in more affluent neighborhoods never got the chance.
My husband, though raised Catholic, came from a semi-mixed marriage (his dad was Episcopalian but converted) and went to public school. (NYC public schools, at least in the outer boroughs, were still pretty good back then). But he was not enamored of the weekly catechism classes for which Catholic kids were allowed to leave school a couple of hours early each week. (Jewish boys didn't get to be so lucky--back there & then they had to attend Hebrew school every weekday after a full day of public school).
So when our son was two, my husband said he should be exposed to one religion or the other--but that the nuns and their wooden rulers weren't getting within ten feet of him. So we joined our local temple, and he went to Sunday school until his Bar Mitzvah. I joined an adult "Anshe Mitzvah" course, at the end of which we had our group Bar/Bat Mitzvah. I was 38.
I was very, very lucky to have a competent, caring and pragmatic medical care team. But if any of my docs were to be as clueless and disrespectful of my observations as yours apparently would (and if my treatments had the same awful effects), I too would look elsewhere for treatment--and perhaps seek another path, especially if at some pont, allowpathic medicine were to throw up its hands and say to me "I got nothing."0April 2018 -
Nccn is free they have downloadable booklets for various forms of cancer0April 2018
Did you get my test email message?
I think I sent it to correct address..... geekling at yahoo0April 2018 -
I had the hysterectomy in 2014 and all was removed but reoccurrence last November0March 2018
JUst placed an order for the Magnesium body Salve
Loved talking to the company--- very sweet & a Wonderful accent!!0March 2018