

  • Dayle
    Thank you!! I don't see the dr for another week and I've been severely depressed. I got day Vinci surgery and was super glued together. Hugs to you dear lady. You have eased my heart.
    July 2018
  • katiefnp
    Geekling brings up some very good personal points. She knows I admire and respect her, but I would like to add a little bit more to her post.
    Because Our fellow What Nexter, Jalemans, shared with us that she had a full hysterectomy, when she had her check up with an NP, it's like looking at the inside of a balloon. At this point, usually no camera is used. Different clinics and hospitals have various equipment, but they basically have to have a light source. The "old fashioned" or adjunctive goose neck that is usually that light they shine "right there" on your vaginal opening. Secondly, the more up-to-date light source to see what's going on up there is a light source that directly slips into/clips into the speculum itself. The speculum is the plastic or metal aperture that is used to keep the vaginal opening, open.
    Third, most clinicians have special optical glasses like magnifier to see within short distances, things like a vaginal space without a cervix/uterus, (fallopian tubes and ovaries) not present.
    So it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Jalemans NP to visualize an abnormality and biopsy it. Uncomplicated biopsies that can be done in the office/clinic are a routine procedure done hundreds and hundreds of times a day in this country.
    Also a great point for which I'm a stickler for that our fellow What Nexter, Geekling brought up, was pay. Let's not have any fraud going on here! We, as the sick and or healing patient/consumer have hefty %'s of health care bills to pay. NP's get billed at 80%.
    If you ever have a question about how you were billed, check your EOB, and/or call the medical office and ask to speak to their manager. That is our right to question anything that appears, as many times as it takes, for us to understand and be comfortable.
    Lastly, sorry this is so long, the biopsy itself is fairly simple to do. It is not MOHS surgery whereby the depth and margins have to be just so. This is a sample of tissue, big enough to put on a slide and look at it under a microscope. Maybe add dye, not sure about that part. That is where ONLY an M.D. Pathologist can diagnosis what it is. ONLY AN M.D. PATHOLOGIST CAN LEGALLY DIAGNOSE SPECIMENS.
    I think that's everything. Ask any questions, please, if I said something contradictory to what you've experienced or been told.
    Thank you, Katie
    March 2018
  • katiefnp
    Dear Jaleman: best of congradulations to you! What a HUGE relief to hear great news vs. the other. Many blessings.
    March 2018
  • kalindria
    Wishing you a healthy, happy, joyous New Year!
    December 2017
  • LiveWithCancer
    Jalemans, what did you learn after your scan?
    March 2017
  • margiegg
    Hi Jalemans thank you for your response I did respond but as I am new to site I do not know where it went. thank you again for input. margiegg
    June 2016
  • judyinflorida
    How are you doing? What is your current status?
    May 2016
  • BoiseB
    It is good to see you posting. How did your surgery go. Praying for a speedy recovery
    May 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    We are anxiously awaiting word on how your surgery went. Keeping you in my prayers.
    May 2016
  • mjs24
    Good luck with your surgery!
    May 2016
  • timetoshare
    I am thinking of you and praying for all. These wonderful people will help you
    April 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, this wouldn't post on the spring question
    WIND-DUST STORMS-BLIZZARDS-FOREST and PRAIRIE WIND SWEPT FIRES (8)-WIND and more WIND. WIND THAT BLOWS TREES DOWN. WIND THAT BLOWS CARS AND TRUCKS OFF OF THE ROAD. They test robots and outer space equipment for MARS here because of the extreme temps.

    This state borders Mexico----One day last week- WE had Snow, ICE from the early morning, WIND that knocked down trees-by 5 PM, here in Albuquerque, we had the patio door open to enjoy the evening. The next, day ice in the morning, an afternoon wind-30 mph and up a pleasant evening. WIND----It's not just North- it is also altitude--Even the state of Chihuahua shares this weather.

    We had one year where the wind blew like the devil EVERY OTHER DAY. Then it snowed across the state on the off days. Then the wind blew the snow off-and blew and blew. The police stopped 2 men that were fighting with axes in a shopping center parking lot. The police asked why? The wind is driving me crazy, The wind was driving my neighbors and fiends crazy.

    The following year, I moved in with friends in Hawaii. I returned to NM the end of May-- The wind began blowing-it was an unusual spring- no wind until I came back.
    April 2016
  • myronbob
    hi , there . thanks for the hello . just going to sloanne kettering every two weeks for to small [ 1.3 cm ] mets in liver . hopefully a second resection . the HAI liver pump is a breeze . hope you're hanging in . love an update . talk sooon . bob
    March 2016
  • tampa83
    Thanks for your response.
    April 2015
  • TXHills
    Thank you for your feedback to my question. The weight gain is very frustrating, I agree. And our metabolism seems changed and more sluggish, so the weight control strategies we've used in the past don't work as well, if at all.
    If you have any tips or ideas that have worked for you, even short term, please feel free to share them, so I can provide as much help to my readers as possible.
    March 2015
  • GregP_WN

    I'm not sure if I've already asked you about this or not, we are looking for a few people that would like to share their cancer journey story in a little detail for our WhatNexter of the week articles we post. You can see some of them on our blog page here www.whatnext.com/blog and scroll down until you find a WhatNexter of The Week article. If interested we would need you to write us a little biographical piece describing your diagnosis, treatments, and how you're doing. You can look at some of the previous posts for an idea.
    Let me know if interested, and if so email it to greg @ whatnext . com
    Thanks for your input on the site!
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks for your comment!
    February 2015
  • chaffinch
    Hi Jalemans, I am writing to you to see if you a member of the acor.org listserve for lms patients/caregivers? The acor.org lms listserve members share information specific to lms and of course have undergone the same treatments. It provides invaluable lms information and I hope you join us. Please let me know your decision so I won't worry about you.
    February 2015
  • meyati
    Under federal law, you can call the imagining center and demand a copy of your radiology report. I've been doing it for years. My my HMO now follows guidelines and posts all results for labs and imaging under tests. I was getting reports that my head was set at the wrong angle, they couldn't tell anything. all sorts of weird. I went in and met the clinic director. I asked why the reports weren't sign-was the reading radiologist ashamed?-who ordered the set of the angle of my head? Why this, and why that.

    The cancer was inside my nose and mouth. When I went in for the scan, they realized that I didn't have a pre-cancer on the end of my nose- and I was nervous-the lab corrected medical records-where a clerk clicked on the wrong box. My surgeon sent them records, my radiology oncologists sent them records with the order, I filled out paper work that I had cancer inside of my nose, I told them that I had cancer inside my nose. They tuned all of that out, until I went in. Also some companies sell the scan results. I pay for that, but I get them.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks for you help.
    February 2015
  • Janet12
    Thank you! After reading your post, I feel so much better and I do have a better understanding of all of this. I suppose the waiting part is the hardest and also going from Dr to Dr...I will update as soon as I know.
    February 2015
  • Kasha
    Jalemans, sounds like you dealt with some incompetent people too. It's so scary. There are so many great Drs and nurses out there, but it is so difficult to have to accept things like this. Sounds like you are doing well though. Thanks for sharing
    January 2015
  • Judt1940
    Gosh, Jalemans, you've had a rough year. Thinking of you and your midget. Happy New Year. Judy
    December 2014
  • Judt1940
    My oncologist was also my surgeon. If you have healed from surgery no need to see surgeon.
    October 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hello, thank you for your answer regarding mouth sores. Appreciate the input.
    October 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hope it went well yesterday!
    October 2014
  • Carool
    Jaleman, good luck and good report for your biopsies tomorrow. Hugs, Carol
    October 2014
  • IbelieveinGod
    Prayers I don't know much about your cancer but prayers always work for me
    October 2014
  • virg112012
    Get a second opinion from a major cancer center. You have to be proactive on your treatment, ask questions and get answers do not be afraid is your life. May God be with you.
    September 2014
  • Phoenix76
    I posted a picture for you on Pinboard. ((Hugs))
    September 2014