

  • IronMom45
    How are you?
    February 2016
  • IronMom45
    Hello how are you? Just been thinking about people on this site and wondering how are doing. Hope you ok!
    December 2015
  • judyinflorida
    Hi Judy,
    You haven't posted in a long time. Is everything ok? Bring us up to date when you can.
    November 2015
  • BoiseB
    Haven't heard from you in a while hope you are doing all right
    September 2015
  • BoiseB
    Judt1940 Checking to see how you are doing. I hope you are doing fine how are your back issues.
    August 2015
  • IronMom45
    How you doing
    June 2015
  • BoiseB
    Hi Judy. How are doing with your back issues. I have been to a follow-up with the neurosurgeon. He said that before he would consider back surgery. I would need to get a breast reduction.
    That might help reduce the pain anyway it is rather necessary due to the osteoporosis. The spine Dr. put me on another PT regimen, as hydrotherapy although pleasant was only making the deterioration slower. He also upped the gabapentin. I am at 1500mg a day now. He will only up it one more time, because I am a very small person (getting smaller all the time.)
    May 2015
  • judyinflorida
    Hi Judy,
    Just wondering how you are doing and wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you.
    The "other" Judy
    May 2015
  • IronMom45
    Just to say hi. Glad to see you are doing ok.
    March 2015
  • GregP_WN

    I'm not sure if I've already asked you about this or not, we are looking for a few people that would like to share their cancer journey story in a little detail for our WhatNexter of the week articles we post. You can see some of them on our blog page here www.whatnext.com/blog and scroll down until you find a WhatNexter of The Week article. If interested we would need you to write us a little biographical piece describing your diagnosis, treatments, and how you're doing. You can look at some of the previous posts for an idea.
    Let me know if interested, and if so email it to greg @ whatnext . com
    Thanks for your input on the site!
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hi how are you? Thank you for the post and support these many months. Know this journey far from over. Hoping scan goes well next month. Today just have the chemo sick feeling as only been 3 days but know it will pass. Again hope you are well and staying warm. Strange weather this year!
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hi Judy hope you are doing well.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Hi thanks for the post. After 6 months of misdiagnosis I had D&C which revealed that I had stage 2 endometrial cancer. I had a total hysterectomy 8 weeks ago. The doctor then found that it had spread to some lymph nodes and endometrial carcinoma that had invaded another area with uterine servos grade 3. So off I go to chemo and then radiation.
    You asked about me. I am 71, have 4 children and live in Tampa Florida.
    I am now waiting for authorization to have a port installed.
    February 2015
  • maewia7
    Thanks for reading my story, I meant it to be kind of funny. Since I have lived here so long, it's probably not as traumatic for me as you would think. I got my surgery and treatment in Bangkok, Thailand where they have great medical care. It means a short plane ride (45 minutes) or a long bus ride (12 hours-no thank you) and there are still some language and cultural barriers, but I am grateful for the good care.
    January 2015
  • BoiseB
    Hi Judy How are you doing with your back issues. I am going to the Spine Dr. for reevaluation to adjust my physical therapy. The neurosurgeon wants to another MRI in May because he thinks there are multiple things going on. He is the same neurosurgeon who treats my oncologist's father. Hope you are doing great
    January 2015
  • L_Meligne
    Hi Judt, I hope you are well...I have read you mention your neuropathy several times. I had very little during chemo, but now that it's over, I'm getting horrible neuropathy pain in my hands and forearms, and loss of feeling in my feet, or jolts in my feet here and there. Do you have any advice, or have you done anything special that helps? I got a trigger point massage last week that helped for a good day, but that's it. I'm a massage therapist and esthetician, with a 20 years of working left if this Cancer doesn't take me!! Its robbing me of the joy of ending chemo!!
    January 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hi happy new year! How you been doing?
    January 2015
  • judyinflorida
    Hi Judy!
    I just had my last radiation treatment (internal) on Monday and I am soooo happy to be done. I feel pretty good, but I'm just really, really tired. I have to pace myself. In a month I will have another CT scan and then meet with the Dr to see if it worked. Crossing my fingers! How are you doing?
    December 2014
  • meyati
    this is what wildbill wrote to AmyJo


    Amy Jo, you've chosen...Yes "You Have Chosen", to use such "loaded" terms as "angry, tired, weak and afraid". Why? If you think that such words describe your present thoughts then I suggest this. Thinking and thoughts are not reality....they are representations of reality that we "choose" to select from our word repertoire and then use. Whatever communicative effect that they may have...is greatly overridden by what some have called the self fulfilling prophecy. I.e. think the thought and....the thought becomes you.
    Now, I don't mean to question what you as controller of your thoughts .... are going through. Such thoughts may seem like honest and accurate representations of what you think and feel. But, be cognizant of the omnipresent effect that such expressions have upon us.
    I suggest to "curse" such words, outloud, and throw them in "XXX's WasteBin" and then....embrace as much as your consciousness can ... the joy and happiness you feel....to feel alive. As an old college buddy told me, ''there's nothing....quite like a deep belly laugh."

    When the oncologist appeared at a medical apt and told me I had Throat Cancer, well, I freaked. and expected to have a short life. I had my teeth pulled, waiting for chemo/rad. That was such a horrible mistake....but while recovering from that pain, I began researching HPV+ SCC. And now some four years later, the C seems to have retreated back into the shadows.
    Aside from lots of nutritional and exercise changes, laughter yoga/therapy was great. At first, I had to pretend and force it....but the sound of those early attempts at forced laughter...make me laugh more and now I can laugh like an actor. And, it shakes the internal organs and gets the body/mind moving again.
    Good Luck think the thought....and the thought becomes you.
    December 2014
  • meyati
    WB had posted a short one on another question that just didn't come to the point. I think that he's trying really hard to be noticed, respected, belong, etc. I think that most of us are trying to sound relaxed, friendly, encouraging. People get in the habit of speaking and writing a certain way. We also get in the habit of listening in a certain way. AmyJo was saying -good-bye to us. I imagine that she was crying from the pain. I cried, when I read it. Then a Newbie that wants to connect, and doesn't know the language ended up preaching to her.
    I was on 2 phone surveys. I was asked what I dislike the most. I told both that I hate being told what to do. I explained that I was inside an inner room in a large building for cancer support. My face is the site, and some of the members kept telling me that I need to wear a hat all of the time. We all have something that ticks us off-but being bossed around-just about bullied-wears thin after awhile. I keep telling myself that they have cancer/chemo brain, they mean well, they are appalled by what they see. My face looks fine now. Well almost fine.
    December 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hi. looking for some support tonight. Radiologist called and really gave me a hard time for quitting the external. just really bummed me out but I wont go back. Know you understand. also told me how less likely it would be i would recover. I resent this greatly. so now still trying to work out about the brachy which wants me to combine with chemo. I want to keep the separate. My body can only take so much lately. Been doing all this since july 10. Thanks.
    December 2014
  • BoiseB
    Hi Judt1940. Sorry I haven't got back to you about my noncancer journey. I have been to the second opinion Dr. Boy did she work me over. Then she ordered an MRI and refered me to the neurosurgeon. He was very thorough He not only beat me up. He asked a lot of questions including ones about radiation. Not my treatment but the high doses of radiation I recieved as a child. He felt that there are a lot of things going on. So he wants to do another MRI in six months. And see what happens. In the meantime I did get a new walker it has three wheels and NO SEAT so when I go for walks I wont be tempted to sit down.
    I hope you are doing well.
    December 2014
  • IronMom45
    We have conversed several times and always appreciate you. I just can't do the external radiation as having such severe burning by day 5. What would day 25 be? Read several people who started like mine and ended badly. I don't want that as doesn't change my survival stats by one bit. I will try brachy and do more chemo. Guess just wanted familiar person to say hey I hear ya. Thanks.
    November 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hello. Hope you are well today. Thank you for your encouragement through this wild journey. Just finished chemo 3 and am going to start radiation then brachy soon. brachy has me freaked out a bit but will take one day at a time. Enjoy your day.
    October 2014
  • ivyJ
    Hi Judt1940, I have been so busy. It keeps my mind from thinking about the cancer. I made earrings, I revised a song I wrote, I bought a tablet and love the brain challenging software I've loaded on it....also I like some stupid talking dog free downloads, gave clothes and shoes to those who needed them ( I was given beautiful clothes and shoes by two businesswomen who were moving out of the complex) and other activities. I hope you are feeling as well as can be expected. I think I told you that my new tumor stopped growing. My cancer has not advanced. I swear by the Graviola that I take. It is antitumorous. May God bless you with no pain. Ivy J
    October 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hi, love reading you post please never believe because of your age we feel separated from you in any way. cancer is cancer and your courageous outlook and experience most helpful. Appreciate your comments and the way you reach out to all of us. You made my day calling me "young" the other day. :)
    October 2014
  • IronMom45
    Thanks for sharing the details of your life just love hearing how people make it to where they are in life. I've lived overseas and back again. No shots for WBC as worried would have those side effects as well as seem to have so many side effects all ready. Thanks again for sharing.
    October 2014
  • meyati
    Hi-I'm Irish-that's why I kick walls to reduce stress and frustration, but I know many other people aren't Irish, and talking and meds can help them. Then what about the people that don't have anybody to talk to? You know that Freud said that the Irish are impervious to psych counseling.That's one thing he got right. I don't if that's because we're really dumb or really genius.

    Last year I tried to see a 'counselor', because the good ones do a complete physical. I had strep for 5 months. Nobody would run a five dollar strep test. I finally sat and screamed and spit in my hand to show that I didn't have a dry mouth. The PCP ran a test and I went home with antibiotics. Then I've been having thyroid trouble for several years-and that seems to be getting in order.

    October 2014
  • IronMom45
    hello, Im not sure if you received my answer to your questions as I seen i somehow posted twice and deleted one but maybe deleted both by accident as dont see the answer now. I have stage III grade 3C. Had 3 tumors removed, two from uterus and one into cervix. metz to left ovary and pelvic lymph. Thank you for the welcome. Hope you are doing well. sorry if this is repeated info. Im still learning how to use the site.
    October 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hello, thank you for your questions. I had 3 tumors at time of hysterectomy, all carcinoma. one into the cervix, also uterine cancer cells on left ovary "cyst" first thought just a cyst, found upon exploratory lap when removed 51 pelvic/aortic lymph nodes also in pelvic lymph nodes. I dont put a stage or a grade as I have not shared that publicly with family/friends related to my 12 years old daughter earshot. She is smart enough to hear people talk and know the stages of cancer go to 4. too often people non affected by cancer or not educated will only identify with a stage and make up their minds about the prognosis. However it is easy enough to identify within literature to those of us affected/educated such as yourself. please forgive me for not answering on stage/grade but its a place I am not at yet personally. Maybe in future. Thank you in advance for understanding. Thank you again for your well wishes and interest.
    October 2014