Anyone out there?

legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
edited August 2021 in General Cancer
It's pretty quiet these last few days. Just checking in to say hello.


  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited August 2021
    I have been thinking that myself. I did a little looking around but didn’t see any activity. I wanted to post a question but they haven’t been posting lately. legaljen, how did you get this question posted? What’s the secret?
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited August 2021
    Your question is not on the Questions list - at least not when I look at it on my cell phone (don’t know if the device matters or not).
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited August 2021
    I thought similarly. I checked the site yesterday but, as you both know, there were no new questions. It’s very frustrating.

    Bug, I hope you can ask your questions.

    Jen, how’s your arm feeling?

    I’m okay.
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2021
    This is the first digest that I have received this week. For a minute, I thought maybe not getting the digest daily had been addressed and fixed by Colby. I know, how silly of me!
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    edited August 2021
    I have a link in my home page for mdays on cancer.
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited August 2021
    beachbum, hope springs eternal!

    However, I have been getting the Digest each night.
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    I have a link in my home page for days on cancer.
  • ChildOfGod4570
    ChildOfGod4570 Member Posts: 100
    edited August 2021
    Hello. I seem to get daily digests sometimes but some days I don't get them. I am even unsure if this answer will make it to you. As for where I have been, things have been busy here lately, but I look at the digests whenever one comes in. I hope all goes well with every one of you! HUGS and God bless.
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    Same here. I just get the digest some days and not others.
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited August 2021
    For those who have asked how I posted my question, I went to the website on my laptop. Went to the home page. Then I typed in my question in the way I have always done it before- Pick a diagnosis- a title for my question and then typed the question. I don't know of any other way to do it. I do see that my question is not on the questions page- Curious.

    As for my arm, it is not hurting quite as much. I am not having to alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen quite as constantly as before. I have to admit though, I am not quite certain it's healing correctly as I still have quite a bit of difficulty with rotation- palm down to palm up. Maybe it will just take time. At least the pain is mostly gone.
  • Molly72
    Molly72 Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2021
    I don't get any notifications for anything, never heard of a "digest"!

    This is crazy, why bother with this site anymore? We each have enough problems
    in our respective lives without trying to deal with a non-responsive, unhelpful, so-called
    moderator that some here are always making excuses for!
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited August 2021
    If you have issues with the way the site is run, our "moderator" has offered his contact information to us in the past and you are welcome to contact him.

    Because I am the only one I know of who has posted about conversations I have had with him, it is fairly obvious that you are throwing shade at me for "making excuses." I don't know what your problem is with me, but it's put up or shut up time. Either be proactive like a few others have done and contact him with your concerns OR move on to other things.

    I would like for this forum to continue and be a productive place, so I have been trying to keep the lines of communication open. I realize it is to little or no avail, but I am at least making an effort. The site has so much potential.
  • Molly72
    Molly72 Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2021
    I'll shut up Jen-- I've tried too, and to no avail. No one is upset with YOU, as is quite obvious.
    The problem lies with, as I & others have noted is with the absent moderator.
    So be it.
  • MarcieB
    MarcieB Member Posts: 527
    edited August 2021
    Molly, I can't believe you never heard of the digest? Are you signed up to receive notifications? Because I have had a daily digest notification in my email box every morning - until we lost Greg and, of course, you know it has never been the same. If you don't get a digest, how did you know to come here to post on this question? The question is on legaljen's wall, not under QUESTIONS - where it should be. The only way to access it is though the link provided on the digest, unless you are going to everyone's wall to see if they posted anything...which I can't imagine anyone doing.

    So how did you get to this question without the help of a Digest link?