Arm Update
Member Posts: 763
Okay, so my disclaimer first- this is not cancer related so if you are going to be bent out of shape by reading something non-cancer related- bail out now or you must accept full responsibility for any offense you incur by reading further.
I finally got my referral authorization to see the ortho doctor. My next appointment is Sept. 1. I am being compliant with wearing my brace and I am doing what I should be doing. I did have a little chat with the oncology practice group's new radiation oncologist who I met by chance yesterday. He's very nice. He did say I should probably make my medical oncologist aware of this just in case they need to do any bone scans or he wants to follow up. I did call office. They will just take a look when I am in for appt on Sept 8.
I finally got my referral authorization to see the ortho doctor. My next appointment is Sept. 1. I am being compliant with wearing my brace and I am doing what I should be doing. I did have a little chat with the oncology practice group's new radiation oncologist who I met by chance yesterday. He's very nice. He did say I should probably make my medical oncologist aware of this just in case they need to do any bone scans or he wants to follow up. I did call office. They will just take a look when I am in for appt on Sept 8.
I’m glad you got the referral.0
I can't believe that you have to wait until September 1. That is crazy, in my opinion. I hope you aren't having too much discomfort. At least, you know your next move.0
Everything takes so long now, I'm glad you have an appointment. Hope it all works in your favor.0
It seems to me like this is taking way more time than it should? What is going on at our hospitals? Is is Covid, still? I had a mammogram and ultrasound (to double check the scar tissue in my breast reduction breast) scheduled for Aug. 30. Yesterday I received notice, through my portal that my appointments have been rescheduled to Sept 8. No explanation, just; "Here is your updated calendar."
So, legaljen, I guess we know where WE will be on Sept 8....unless we get re-scheduled? It's not such a big deal for me, but you have to go TWO MORE WEEKS with pain in your arm, and the inconvenience of a brace. Blah....!0 -
The stress & distress when waiting for answers receives too little support. I am sorry you are having such a delay, along with the rest of the WhatNext community I am wishing you the best possible outcome.0
Glad you got an appointment. Around here we can wait for months while the docs play covid catch-up.0
Well, the doctor did say the brace would probably be 6-8 weeks, so I am still nowhere close to being finished even when Sept 1 gets here. I asked if they had an earlier follow up date if I drove to Beaufort- which is 30 miles away. They said the earliest would be August 31 so, one more day should be okay. It is getting a little less painful every day so hopefully by the 1st we will mostly be in "keep it on to keep healing" mode. I just don't want to hear "It's not working. Let's do surgery."
I do think COVID is still mucking up appointments. We have had a huge surge in our area starting late July. From what I understand, ICU is full again. They have converted an entire floor again to only COVID patients and have much more ICU like equipment in those rooms. The ortho doctor said that the hospital is completely overwhelmed again with less critical patients being in hallways and open rooms with just curtains to divide. He said he hasn't seen it this bad since about April of 2020, and it is actually worse now for space and staff issues to attend to patients.
I don't really think this is ever going to be over. I think bad COVID is going to be a part of our lives forever and ever amen. So sad for people who just need basic treatment or other surgeries who may be unable to get them because our entire world has to focus on COVID.
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Disclaimer sarcasm not necessary.0
LOL! so...legaljen includes a disclaimer to warn anyone lest they waste their time reading something they are not interested in reading...and it turns out the disclaimer is offensive. (seriously) and it is making me feel like that disclaimer was, indeed, necessary, considering how many people are ready to find something to bitch about.
I am choosing to laugh at this instead of saying something truly offensive (Like; "Oh bite me, name-of choice.")0 -
Marcie, we are darned if we do and darned if we don't. This world is just getting too ridiculous. The list of offensive words, and things we need to grab our pacifiers to endure, grows exponentially every single day. I wrote a post on Facebook the other day about how terrible it is that the Taliban has killed so many people in the past few days. And FB sent me a warning for using the word "killed" because it is too violent. I have seen no less than 25 news stories about Afghanistan lately where people have been killed trying to escape the Taliban. Facebook is "fact checking" and censoring people for using the words "died" and "killed." Yep- the words "died" and "killed" are too violent. We can't have sensitive eyes reading such a terrible word now, can we? If we can't even use the correct words to describe a situation- we are living in a world too far gone.
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Hi, all! Just got here. legaljen, I’m glad your pain is lessened and that you’ll be seeing the ortho on September 1. Progress!
Facebook is getting ridiculous with its warnings or outright putting “offenders” in FB jail for supposed transgressions. And there’s no way to appeal.
Marcie, I’m proud to say that I found two recent uses of “Bite me!” for people whose response to my Instagram and FB posts called for those two evocative words. And the WN censor is oblivious to “Bite me!” (of course). Thank you, MB!
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It took two months to diagnose a fractured shoulder after a fall in June. So I'm not surprised by the delay at all.0
TerriL, it is sad that people have to wait so long to get a proper diagnosis. It's also incredibly difficult to realize that all of the hurry up and wait may end up causing more problems and forcing surgeries and more invasive treatments than might have been necessary if diagnosed earlier.
I have the fullest confidence that I will get treated and recover. I hate that I may have to endure more invasive treatment due to delays in care, but I have confidence that it will work out.
My bigger issue is with the absolute failure in coordination of care. I tried to get an appointment with my PCM and was told there were no appointments available so I should go to Urgent Care. I was told the central appointment line would notify my doctor about my call. I went to Urgent Care and was referred to an ortho doctor. I immediately called my insurance to ask what was necessary to get the ortho authorization. I was told that since it was referred by the Urgent Care doctor, it would be no problem to get authorization. So the ortho set the appointment and I went in, only to find no authorization. When I called my PCM's nurse, she berated me for going without the authorization and claimed I never tried to call. I have sent her screen shots of the times I tried to call to get in. I was told I was lying about what doctor I was to see, because SHE (the nurse) was mistaken about the doctor's name. She told me there was no doctor by the name I said and I "shouldn't be making up things" because it makes ME "less credible." I had his business card right in front of me. So, the doctor is listed on the hospital's physician practice group website with the name I have. I have his business card which I sent to her, and she still tells me I am wrong and I lied. She said "Well, I don't have any record you tried to call us and you should have called to let us know you went to Urgent Care." How is it my fault that I have proof I called and they didn't give her the message? I did what I was supposed to do and I am being raked over the coals.0 -
Wow, just plain wow. Unprofessional, uncaring. Outrageous.0
I wonder what makes some medically employed people think they have a right to make things even tougher than they already are? We are already fighting pain, anxiety, self consciousness, and along comes someone who has the power to make us feel belittled - and they do. One time I had to check out with a person who decided to make things tough for me by asking all kinds of questions about my insurance coverage which I did not know. She was the person in charge of billing insurance companies so I didn't understand why she wasn't at least somewhat familiar with most insurances? She ended by saying I had to call my insurance company to find these things out, and in pure exasperation I said, "Excuse me, but what's YOUR job?"0
Marcie, I would say she qualified for a "bite me." LOL
And yes, this witch nurse is one of those who insists on making people feel stupid. I have the utmost respect for nurses and for most doctors.0 -
I'm late to this. Jen, this is the whole medical system. I got the run around for UTI treatment. It isn't funny at the time, but rest assured the nurse from hell will get hers. My daughter deals with the same stuff everyday trying to get bills paid.
I love the "bite me". Mr. dropped me off at the Cancer Center. He told me to have a nice time at Chemo. I told him to bite me. I thought the valet guys were going to lose it. Who in the hell has a nice time at Chemo. My 78 y/o child.0
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