

  • geekling
    Sprouts are a little tricky but not sooo bad. Would you like to learn how to grow your own for relative pennies and only minutes per day?
    September 2017
  • geekling
    Im truly so sorry for your lack of medical choice.

    I never aspired to power or money when young. How does one build a life only aspiring to have tools but never thinking about how to use them?

    Of course had I but known that a mere 20 million would deliver me to a ride on the space shuttle, I might have thought differently, but as a young under degreed woman I simply wasnt astronaut material when we were young and such things could not be bought.

    I have faith in you. You have a way to conquer this enemy. Breathe deeply. Dig deeply. Find your inner strength. You have an ally here if you ever decide to call.


    Best wishes
    March 2017
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for supporting others by answering questions, offering advice and positive wishes! It does make a difference for them to see that other people have been there and are doing OK.
    October 2016
  • Larae55
    Read you experiences I'm so sorry.. Glad your here
    September 2016
  • Alainest
    Hello! And I am in the doctor's now and everything is good! No new tumors and what was is still shrinking! I do have meltdowns but they are shorter and less frequent! Now how about you Ms. Lindy are you doing well?
    October 2015
  • Fran106
    HI Lindy, I too am 70 have totally lost my shape (i think due to ER drug?) Some people don't understand but we keep on keeping on, right! good luck to you.
    July 2015
  • apcollier
    Hi Lindy. I see you are in Grapevine. My daughter left MD and went to TX to college and never returned. She now lives in Ft. Worth (Keller). Small world...
    May 2015
  • Kathy1
    Just read your posting on facing treatments alone. Your comments really impressed me. I also have rescue pets that I think really rescued me. Taking care of them and the love they give back keeps me going. I was able to arrange their care if something happens to me. You might want to try your local groups. Best of everything to you!!!
    July 2014
  • MelanieIIB
    Hey Lindy, I read your journey. I am so sorry you have not had good experiences with your doctors and surgeons. I do find you have to be your own advocate and, up to a point, tell the doctors what you want. It sounds like you did that with your medical trial. Hope you are feeling better.
    July 2014
  • Missvampyr
    Thanks Lindy, I hope that everything is going well for you and that should you need chemo again the side effects will not be as severe. I am glad that you didn't take my not getting chemo as a sign of not caring or anything. I know that for me it was the right choice but I also know that its not the right choice for everyone. Everyone just needs to be well informed about their own situations and go from there. I pray all the best for you and I wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR as well. GOD BLESS and Hugs....
    December 2013
  • nkevorkian
    Hi Lindy, Wishing you the very best with your treatment!
    January 2014
  • Judt1940
    I like cake too
    January 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Lindy, I would have changed doctors if mine had told me not to plan 5years ahead. It is the day by day but the looking forward too that extends us. Like your attitude , invite doc to your birthday in five years.
    January 2014
  • Missvampyr
    HI Lindy,

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am doing good here thank you :) I chose after much thought to go the no chemo route because for me it wasn't worth the risk. I talked with my oncologist about side effects it causes and found that it causes neuropathy and could cause heart damage. Since I already had radiation for breast cancer 13 yrs ago plus the fact I was trip neg. that wouldn't be and option for me. I have neuropathy already so the thought of being more crippled by it than I already am didn't sit well with me and as for the heart damage I had open heart surgery 40 yrs ago when I was 11 yrs old, and have been told that I face a 2nd one so I wasn't willing to take the any chances with my heart only to decrease my risk of yet another reoccurrance by 5% more than without chemo. This was a personal decision on my part based on my history and not the right one for everyone. I pray that your doing well and enjoying this Christmas season with your family and friends. May God Bless you and keep you healthy. Hugs....

    December 2013
  • barryboomer
    Hey Lindy....check out The China Study AND this site below.
    Good Luck!

    December 2013
  • barryboomer
    Glad you liked my post.
    December 2013
  • Risa
    Hi Lindy,
    Thanks for your response. What do you mean by guided imagery? I also would like to know being that you are Her2 positive if your Doctor is going to suggest that you go on TDM1?
    August 2013
  • Missvampyr

    Wow you sure do sound like one tough cookie :) I had never thought of a very fine paint brush, I use one of those poof thingys and am very careful not to put to much pressure so that I don't have to feel the scar. This masectomy scar isn't the only scar on my chest. When I was 11 yrs old I had open heart surgery to partially correct a CHD I had been born with. I never let my heart scar bother me, I wore v neck rights right out of the hospital in fact. I one time told a friend who asked me to put a t shirt on cause my scar grossed her out that if she wanted to swim in my pool she just had to deal with it. My heart scar never bothered me growing up until I was old enough to start dating. On more than one occassion once a guy saw just the very top of my heart scar he would be grossed out and never call again. Eventually I did find some guys who would look past the heart scar and some really wanted to know more about it and I was always happy to tell the story about why I have it. But now a masectomy scar is a totallly different animal, one that I can't bear to deal with. The loss of my breast and the scar thats left really bother me. My surgeon did a good job from what I am understanding. I haven't looked at the scar but he is amazed at how fast I am healing up. The surgeon told me that he had to take more skin than he originally had thought so now the masectomy scar is so close to the heart scar that the heart scar is now hurting. I had 40 rounds of radiation 13 yrs ago and I am also a type 1 diabetic, the surgeon was really expecting that it would take me longer to heal so thats why he is pleased with how fast I am healing. I can't get reconstruction because of the radiation and then add in the fact that I absolutely am TERRIFIED of needles so the thought of more sugery just isn't gonna work for me. When I don't think about my missing breast I can do alright but once I am aware of it again I just want to cry. I know GOD is always with me, my dad told me this when I was just a little kid having my first card cath at age of 5 then he reminded me about it again when I had my 2nd card cath and open heart surgery. Before I went in for the masectomy my dad told mer again to remember what he told me all those years earlier and that does help but its still so hard. I just want to thank you for your encouraging words. I know that I am not the only person going through this but at times it sure does feel like it. I really look forward to following you and your updates it gives me courage thanks :)
    June 2013
  • Risa
    Hi Lindy,
    I took your advice and joined Inspire and found a ton of information about TDM1. Thanks again for your response.Risa
    June 2013
  • Risa
    Thanks for your response Lindy. I appreciate it.
    June 2013
  • maralyn
    my prayers are with you all in the passing of your friend, to be surrounded by people who truly love you is something so special!!! May God Heal Your Hearts
    February 2013
  • PatriciaLinz
    My thoughts and prayers are with you! Sincerely, Patricia Linz
    February 2013
  • maralyn
    i just read your journey, i cry at reading what you have been through,,, i pray you can find an oncologist who is ready and willing to "listen" to your concerns,,, and treat you with the respect you so deserve, i pray Gods healing and strength for you!!!
    February 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Thank you for saying I'm "one hell of a cancer butt kicker"! I actually was an Army officer for about 4 years but have to agree I'm better informed and meaner to cancer than I ever was in the Army! Today I finished chemo and wore dealie-bobs onto which I pasted two stars--the first one said "My last" the second "chemo day!" They brought a smile to many of the other patients (and nurses) there and were very validating for me. How are you doing?
    January 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Lindy: I am Her2 Positive, ER & PR Negative as well. How do you figure that your cancer is terminal? I see you're a Stage 3, but how do they know it's a "chronic illness"? I guess I don't understand as much about BC as I thought.

    I am a stage one, but on that test w/9 points being the worst (forget its name), I was an 8. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. By 1/22 I will have had 18 weeks of chemo=6 cycles of Taxol, Carboplatin & Herceptin. I am hoping this is the end of Breast Cancer for me...and not the end of me. I wish the same for you, also!!!
    December 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Lindy--what is it about mothers & daughters to make moms so MEAN sometimes? My sister & I refer to our brother--the only son--as "the Golden Boy", because mom always treats him like a prince! Grrrrrrr.
    December 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    I love #2 reason on your list, "telling you they'll help = helping! WOW, I've heard that a bunch!
    December 2012
  • princess123
    I am living in florida now. I know what you mean by misplaced Hoosier. I too will be heading to Indiana in december. I haven't spent christmas with my family in 6 years. I wont be there on christmas but between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
    What is your carrot/apple juice for? does it help?
    My family lives in the Mooresville area. send pictures of photo journey. I would love to see them.
    Have a safe trip.
    October 2012
  • geekling
    It has taken me a while to respond in part because I have clumsiness in using this site and in part because I am so proud of you while at the same time would like to point you to greener culinary pastures.

    The word "natural" in food speak and food ads is utterly meaningless. It is simply advertising jargon to draw the attention of a concerned public. Would it be possible for me to get you to try nut butters other than peanut? You could buy a little bottle of almond butter or cashew butter or yadda yadda yadda to see which you like better.

    Once you decide on your preferences I can then I can show you how to make something, a nut butter, at home which is so much better tasting and so much less expensive that you will need to pick up your chin from the floor. The only tool you need is a high speed blender or a food processor. If you are really rural, lol, a strong arm. Can we possibly do this? Best healthy wishes from Kathy aka
    October 2012
  • MarnieC
    Hi Lin! Yep, I'm here too - a lot (too frequently it seems, it looks like BC is rampant!). I loved your description of bronzed vegetation and feeding flocks of hungry birds. Maybe you should write a book! A mindset is a great thing to have, especially if it's a positive one. Thanks for your kind words - sending you some love today.
    September 2012