Biopsy done.
Member Posts: 196
As scheduled, my daughter brought me to the hospital for the dreaded biopsy. I've just been so nervous about it. I was settled in at 10am as scheduled and for the next two hours I was questioned by several, prodded by many You all know the drill. Blood work, IV, ECG, etc. The doctor was impressed that I brought him the CD if the PET scan. I really would have thought one of the others would have done so in advance. The doctor told me that I would be intubated so that he could go down to an involved lymph node with his camera and snip a few samples for pathology. There were no hiccups during procedure (blood pressure, o2 problems, bleeding) and I was so relieved. He gave me a copy of the preliminary diagnosis, Non-small cell lung cancer. I knew that before but not the type. More info will be learned when pathology sends their results. Of course, I'm worried about the stage and this has been going on since November. They warned me in advance of the horrendous congestion I would incur.
andreacha, thank you for the update. I’m glad the biopsy went through without complications (except for the congestion).
I hope the more detailed information you’ll be getting in the path report will be encouraging. Please keep us posted.0 -
They weren't kidding. It took a while before I could get any of it up. Still have a little but overall, I'm fine. I had gone into AFIB/flutter the day before. My cardiologist wanted me to go to ER and I politely refused. I was not going to have another delay of this biopsy! I hadn't been in AFIB for a year. Fortunately, that only lasted for 20 minutes or so. The flutter was different. I did what my doctor told me in the past and took my PRN med. It took an hour or so and it, too, subsided. Other than the help twice from my home health nurse, I gave myself my Lovenox shots and didn't kill myself. Still taking them for 4 more days and I start back on my Warfarin tonight too and get checked on Tuesday for my INR. I think the doctor was more concerned about my heart than anything else. He called the Cardiologist to get a copy of my last Echo and Stress Test. That delayed us for 45 minutes. But all ended well. I finally got it done. Now I wait for the next step when pathology comes back. Thank you all for sharing my fears with me. I was so glad to see some activity on the site since I last looked. I bet Greg is proud of us all!!0
It’s good to hear from you andreacha. I’m glad to hear that the biopsy went well for the most part. I don’t blame you for being nervous about the procedure. Who wouldn’t be? Looking forward to hearing encouraging news from the pathology report. Sending a hug and very best wishes.0
Have walked that exact biopsy path but without some of your exciting additions. Glad it is in rear view mirror. There haas been so much progress in the treatment of lung cancer. With the genomic testing, they are able to zero in on effective treatments. I finished immunotherapy in Oct. 2019. Held my breath for first year and all was good. Last check Jan and will again in July. Knock on wood... scared the ugly away!!! We are here. Let us know. So hard to wait for results! Hugs!!0
I hate to hear the diagnosis, andreacha, but I am very glad it went without a hitch. Hopefully you can get on an immunotherapy regiment ... like 2943 says, there have been so many advances that it isn't quite as scary a diagnosis as it was just a few years ago. Please let us know how you're doing and know that there are lots of prayers and good wishes coming your way!0
Andreacha, I am so glad that the biopsy is behind you. I hope that you will get a more detailed report in a timely fashion. Having a plan will relieve a lot of stress. You have been down a similar road before, and you can do it again. We are here for you.0
Sorry to hear about the preliminary diagnosis. I know that's not what any of us would want to hear. At least they can start putting together a plan now. Sometimes just knowing what "it" is can lift a lot of the stress. Once we know what "It" is, we can deal with "it." Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way.0
Andreacha, it sounds to me like you took this biopsy like a trooper. Good for you! - it makes things easier on everybody. I am praying now that you can keep your worries and fears at bay and concentrate on what you will need to get through this. If that biopsy is any indication, I would say you are a strong fighter with a positive attitude. We are all on your side, please keep us along with you.0
Thank you all for your much needed support. I can't express how much I appreciate it.0
Andreacha, so glad that’s over with! I know how you feel. The RCC keeps coming after me too and I keep fighting it off. I have a CT chest scan on March 2nd that is for a suspicious spot in my right lung. That’s the one I already had surgery on before. Getting the answers I need is major for me too. I feel like my life is on hold until then. I’m thinking of you and sending hugs for quick treatment and recovery. Keep us posted!0
Teachertina, I hope your CT scan is negative. I know that feeling of everything being on hold until one knows. Please let us know how you are.0
You all have a whole team here waiting with you. You can do it! Hugs!!0
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