Has anyone been in contact with Donna Pierce?
Member Posts: 787
Hi! Just wanted to know how Donna is doing.
I have not.0
Bug, thank you.0
I think of her often and wonder how she is doing. When my Sister passed away my niece gave me her Kindle. She knew that her Mom and I loved to download books to our Kindles. Like me, she had a 250+ books archived. One day I charged up her Kindle so I could see what she had on hers when I went to bed. (I read every night before falling asleep). When I went to bed that night, I started perusing her archived books and what did I find on the second page? "Cancer You Will Not Get Me!!....) by our beloved Greg Pierce. The book was about his three earlier diagnoses, starting when he was twenty-eight. He and Donna, "his sweet wife", had only been married 8 years. Reading his words was like having him back again. I had told her about how great WhatNext was, what we talk about, and our great Moderator, Greg Pierce, who was a Cancer patient himself. She never told me that she had downloaded his book. I had never read it before, and it gave me a deeply comprehensive look into all that Greg had experienced in his journey before I "met" him in our community. Many of you may have read it by now. It was beautifully written and exemplified the Greg we knew and loved. If any of you are in contact with Donna, please be sure to let us know how she is.
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I am not in touch with her either. I think of her all the time and hope that she is doing well.0
I thought it was so kind of her to post her *Christmas Tree Tribute* during the season. I have a feeling she checks in here every once in a while, but I do not blame her if she stops pretty soon. My first husband died of cancer - he was only 49, but much of our years together revolved around cancer in some form or another - schedules, reading material, hopes/dreads...all of it. After he died I lingered in the space he and I had created - our friends, his interest, the places we went together. but, there came a time when I knew I had to move ahead by myself. I think of him every day - every day, still. He is in a very special place in my heart and always will be, but he would be the first to tell me to move on and be happy. I did, and I want that for Donna too. As we know, Greg would, as well.0
Thank you, @andreacha and @beachbum5817, for your response.
@andreacha, I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for what you said about your sister and Greg’s book.0 -
@MarcieB, thank you. I’m sorry your first husband died, and that so much of your time together was spent in dealing with his cancer. As you said, a loved one would want the survivors to go on and have loving and fulfilling lives after the loved one died. Doing so is a tribute to the lives they’d had together.0
I haven’t seen or heard anything about Donna on here either. I hope she’s doing well and will let us know how she is doing. I’m sure she has some days that are better than others at this point. It still feels so raw for us to have lost Greg. I can only imagine how it is for her.0
Teachertina, thank you.0
Hey there ! I have to admit I don't get on here everyday but will pop in from time to time!Can't let what my precious Greg cared so much about go.I'm getting by day by day.Most days are still so hard without him!But i have a wonderful brother and sister who are my rocks.And other family as well.This was a hard week as the 8th would have been mine and Greg's 41st wedding anniversary.Thankful for the precious memories we did make!He was in my life for 51 years.More years then most people get in a lifetime!My aunt and sister came and had lunch and spent the day with me.!My precious nephew which Greg and I had big hand in helping raise him.Sent me tulips and told me when Greg was in the hospital. He told his Uncle G that he would send me tulips on our anniversary every year.His Uncle G was a big influence on him! Love this young man! He lives is Knoxville so don't see him but ever couple months he comes in..But he was here the week I brought Greg home so him and his family were a big comfort with his passing! As most of you know some days are harder then others.But trying my best to get through them.Just a big hole in my heart with him gone!!I will try to make my days better because that's what he would want.So much love to all of you.I will never just disappear from this site!0
Donna, thank you! And I’m so glad you have such a supportive family. Your nephew sounds like such a fine and caring young man.
And thank you to everyone who replied.0 -
So good to hear from you Donna! We think of you often and know how much you are missing Greg. We miss him too in many ways. I’m sure too that he would want you to find ways to have joy in your life. All the great memories of loved ones lost have helped me over time to even out the days. You have been so fortunate to have had him in your life for so many years. Keep in touch. Sending hugs your way!0
Donna, it's so nice to hear from you. Fifty-one years - wow. I think you were both lucky to have found each other. Your nephew sounds like a fine young man and I'm so glad you have him and your family around you. Warm hugs to you.0
Donna, I was so excited to see your post. I think of you every time that I get on the site. Losing your spouse or partner is one of the hardest things that we go through. You are so right in saying that you have to take it day by day. I don't think that time really makes it better, but you do get somewhat settled into a new normal. I am glad that you have family close by. Check in whenever you can. Take care.0
Donna, thanks for checking in! I can only imagine how difficult it is to lose someone who was so full of life and love ... and who was a part of your life for so long. I know you are absolutely right that Greg would want you to be happy and I also know how difficult that can be. I'm so very glad you have supportive family nearby (and afar) ... and you have us here, too, of course. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.0
Donna, it was so great to see your post. Knowing what you are going through we all appreciate hearing from you. Personally, I'll never forget Greg's "Sweetie". Keep in touch when you are up to it.0
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