Hackers on whatnext
Member Posts: 38
Anyone else seen this? Last 3 replies to post.
I didn’t look at the topic, as I never had a port. But WN would get these and some of us (I’m one) would see them and alert Greg, and he’d remove them. I wonder who’s monitoring this site now.0
Carool, banditwalker pointed it out to me. I had not replied to nor followed that question either so didn't see those replies. I clicked on "Contact Us" a few minutes ago and reported it.0
Bug, thank you! Good to know where to go!0
Well, I’m not sure if that’s the right place to go but I thought I’d try.0
How ridiculous. You know, it almost makes me laugh - here we are, some of us fighting pain, all of us tuned in to the emotional support we might need...and here comes some weirdo who thinks what we really need is porn? Please! Just when I begin to think there is hope for humanity, something like this happens. Good grief. :-(0
And speaking of ridiculous...who would have thought that a word that begins with P and rhymes with *corn* would get the triple X treatment from our ever present censors? Exactly WHERE are these censors when those creepy hackers show up? Hmmmm???0
MarcieB, so agree re the censors! Laughing emoji!0
I hadn't seen this either, banditwalker. I am sure that it is something that is set-up to go everywhere by the hackers. It does make me really mad. I wish someone would tell us what is happening with this site. I remember when I signed up almost 7 years ago, I got a welcome message from Greg and someone named Dave. Does anyone know anything about Dave? I am sure that we can keep things going to a certain degree by ourselves, but it would be nice to know what the powers that be have in mind.0
I got severely hacked /robbed Nov.23 online0
You know, I have forgotten the attendant question now, but about a month ago ... give or take ... there was a question that had over 100 answers with nothing but website links on there. The question was years old with maybe under 30 answers were on the up and up; the rest were clearly hacks. It flooded my in box for days before I realized it wouldn't stop. That's when I unfollowed the question. I do wonder who is overseeing this site in Greg's absence? HUGS and God bless.0
We all miss Greg so much! Until something like this happens, we don't even realize how much he protected us, in addition to his ever present support and concern.0
I had not seen them either, but this is disturbing. I know Greg is going to be a tough act to follow. Did a message to Contact Us get any response?0
Dltmoll, I have not received a response from the "Contact Us" people yet.0
This happens a lot but Greg always took care of it...at one time there were hundreds of spammers...tech support needs to clean this up somehow.0
Would Donna know how to remove that mess? I know she would hate that being on here . I didn’t open it to look at the content but from what y’all are saying it is bad!0
Sorry to hear this but I didn't do anything on the site.Greg done it all! Maybe Dave or whomever is doing it will get it fixed.I talked to Dave after Greg passed away but we didn't talk about WhatNext sorry! Not sure what his plans are?0
I've just messaged David, and he's getting right on this for us.0
Thanks, JaneA
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Thank you, Donna and JaneA!0
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