Sorry I've been mia for a few days.
Member Posts: 742
Had a few bad days. This afternoon was better. Hope it continues to improve. I still have a few issues to resolve. Hopefully things will continue to improve. Looks like we'll have a few more days here. I've just today felt well enough to sit up and text.
You do what you have to do, Greg. We are here to support you and Donna. So glad you posted.0
You've been through a wringer, Greg. We all support your rest and recuperation and Donna's being there for you.0
Greg, thank you for taking the energy to write to us. I hope you feel stronger and stronger and go home soon.0
You have had such a rough time. I don't think any of us expected to hear from you today, so this is a bonus for us! I hope you rest and get stronger with each passing hour. And feel better too. Thank you for touching base with us.0
Good to hear from you! Keep getting well, rest and follow doctors orders. We’re all thinking about you both! Going home soon is a great motivation for getting well! Glad you are feeling better today!0
It's good to hear from you.0
Greg, it’s always good to hear from you. You and Donna need to take as much time as needed to recover. Both of you are in my prayers.0
Figured when we didn't hear from you that you were going through some tough &%%-$. Hang in there. Good to know things are starting to turn around for you. You and Donna have both been much in my thoughts. Sure hope they can get you back home soon.0
Many good wishes for both of you. We all know you have been through a lot. I am glad you are feeling a little better, at least well enough to text. Thank you for giving us a little update.0
You and Donna have been in our thoughts and prayers. So very sorry you are going thru a rough time.
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Not surprised at all that you were MIA. You have been going through some rough stuff! Hang in there and don't worry about anything else except taking care of you.0
I’m so sorry to hear this. Thank you for the update. You two take good care. You’re both in my prayers as always.0
now we are down to waiting for my bowels to start working again and me being able to tolerate tube feeding and then can go home. It was a major surgery to put in the feeding tube because of all of the scar tissue. That wasn't expected.0
And give yourself the okay to be mia. Bodies need a time out once in awhile to concentrate on getting better. Your cheering squad has been busy! Hugs!0
Waiting for those bowles to start working again is probably an extra challenge since you've not been able to eat or drink for so long. We are all so sorry to know of your trials and tribulations.
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May you receive the strength to endure all that lies ahead. Prayers ascending. That's all I can do.0
I feel like a little boy waiting to make doop for a prize.0
Sending positive vibes your way
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It is good to see that you feel / felt good enough to post a bit, Greg!!! Hoping you were able to earn the prize and get to go home in the morning! THAT would be a great prize!0
Praying for you, Greg. Hope you have earned your prize by now.0
Thanks for the update! Hang in there! We are sending much support and prayers!0
Glad you are getting closer to home0
Well, I was finally able to deliver, then they put another qualifier on me. I had to be able to take 300 ML of feeding formula in an hour without any problems in an hour. Challenge accepted. I made it right up until 5 minutes from being done and had to make a dash for the bathroom. Still, I passed. Then, you know how the rest goes. You get to go home now, just as soon as we spend 5 hours on paper work to discharge you. Sweetie and I are home in our happy spots, and probably won't leave until next Tuesday when I have to go back for treatment i missed.0
Yay! I’m so glad you’re out of the hospital and back home. I bet that your dogs are also so happy. I hope that you and Donna can relax and can sleep well (no disruptive hospital routines to awaken you).
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So glad you're home! It must feel wonderful. And, what an ordeal.
Now it's time to regain some strength (not to mention weight) and get ready for another round of treatment. This time you'll be really ready, hydrated and all!
My best to you and your wonderful wife for a lovely weekend.0 -
KP, the weight thing is tops right now. I lost another 5# while in the hospital. Now at home I'm back on tube feeding schedule and monitoring my intake. I just finished my first one. I'm down to 184# from my top of 225 before the last diagnosis.0
Thank goodness y’all got to go home! Good luck with weight gain and getting stronger. Being home should help everything! Keep us posted!0
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