Possible skin cancer???

Member Posts: 518
I've been seeing a dermatologist for months regarding lesions on my face that won't heal. Every time I see him he comes up with a new theory and prescribed a new medication. Some of them did finally heal but one, on my cheek, just keeps flairing back up. It itches like crazy, sometimes feels like someone is sticking needles in my face, there's a lump under the skin that is hard and sore and my face feels hot. On my very first visit he took one glance and said, "that's not cancer". Today on, I think, my fourth visit, he took a biopsy. He still doesn't think it's cancer but at least now we'll know for sure. To anyone who has had a skin cancer does any of this sound familiar?
And just to keep things interesting I have my annual mammogram in 2 weeks. Not anticipating anything but ya never know.
And just to keep things interesting I have my annual mammogram in 2 weeks. Not anticipating anything but ya never know.
Sorry to hear this. Oh....what to say...except a second opinion is badly needed, if only to put your mind at ease. A cancer history "should" trigger somewhat more due diligence on doctor's part. Not that it is, but many cases of skin lymphoma are referred to oncology/hematology by dermatologists who essentially give up. As well, many skin malignancies emulate psoriasis or other common skin conditions in appearance. Only the pathologist can say if it is cancer or not. Another thought is that your immune system and marrow were damaged by treatment. For unknown reasons, they can cause an attack on your skin or various parts of your body.
I would push for a second with an oncologist and/or hematologist. On top of everything else that is going on in this crazy world, you need peace of mind!0 -
Bengal, good luck with your mammogram.
I’ve had benign skin lesions that didn’t heal right away, even with medication. Of course, the best reassurance will come from having the biopsy return as negative. I wish you all the best.0 -
Thanks, poguy. You gave me more information on that one paragraph than I've gotten from the dermatologist in months. Right now waiting for pathology report to come back but, by coincidence, I have a follow-up with my oncologist on Wednesday. I will be asking for her opinion on this as well. One benefit of wearing a mask right now: it hides my face!0
Bengal, I have some "thingies" appear suddenly and grow quickly that I was afraid were cancer. But they always turned out to be benign. It's always best to be proactive. Best wishes on that mammogram too. Mine is usually the Wednesday just before Thanksgiving so I just relax and eat all that I want to on Thanksgiving.0
Basal, Squamous, and the dreaded Melanoma are the most common skin cancers.
I've had all three, more times than I can count. Basal is the most common & is easily diagnosed by a competent dermatologist. (At least that's what all of my dermatologists claim!)
Glad you had a biopsy-- aren't they fun???
If, & I certainly hope that it is not positive, you need it removed, a Moh's surgeon is really the best way to go. They are highly skilled, and really necessary, especially for facial cancer surgery.
Hope for the best, & if you need info on Mohs', I have had 5 of them done & can explain the procedure.
Love those masks, Bengal!!!!
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Bengal, I was just dx'd with a heart issue and was facing 5 year mammogram earlier this month. Nerve wracking for sure. Mammogram turned out good and yours most likely will too. . Please ask Onc for a competent Dermo doc as the one you're using sounds a bit too careless to me.
Lorie0 -
This is the last thing that you need with everything else that is going on in the world. Hopefully, your onc will have some thoughts and suggestions regarding your skin. Keep us posted.0
Just had my third mammogram since treatment and it does seem anxiety increases with each year in combination with the stress of what’s going on in the world. I appreciate the fact that for the first five years my medical facility immediately shows images to a radiologist to get a0
Because I have had skin cancer in the past, my dermatologist biopsies anything that looks a little strange. I would rather be safe than sorry. It sounds like you need a new dermatologist.0
I'm glad you finally got a biopsy. Please let us know the outcome. I agree that it might be time to look for another dermatologist.0
I had some biopsies that were benign and not benign-mostly not. I had some sores, one was a small lump in an embarrassing place. I didn't want any cutting down there.
This spring I had 2 allergy test-I was tested for over things. I am allergic to mostly medicines. Anyway, my worst allergy is --nickle--. I remembered that back in the late 1960s and again in the 1970s nickle came from cheap forks and spoons, cheap pans.
I live with my son, who had a ton of non-stick, with the teflon coming off. I threw out all of those pans. He bought me a nice set of stainless steel. I already had glass baking pans and my cast iron skillets. I don't eat anything canned in metal--and spam doesn't taste that good to me anyway. I don't wear watches and other accessories with nickle. In 4 months, those sores went away.
As we get older, we get more skin things, but I would talk to your doctor-whatever if you keep getting those things.
I'll make one more point---get an oncology plastic surgeon for face work. I'm not a fan of MOHS, but those were on Gorlin's Syndrome. Good luck.0 -
I had a very small freckle on my cheek that would get larger in the summer and smaller in the winter. I had a great dermatologist who immediately did a "punch" biopsy to see what was going on. Sure enough, it was early stage melanoma. I had the MOHS surgery and although it was a frightening large incision for such a small freckle, it healed beautifully and I'm probably the only one who even notices it. If you are not getting the answers you need, I'd definitely find another doc since, as we all know, early diagnosis is key!0
I have lesions that started on my arms and have moved to my legs. Caused by Xeloda. Some get really sore and take forever to heal. Big bumps, some itch. Had 1 biopsied, came back as precancerous. When onc saw my legs last week, he took pics and sent to an oncology dermatologist. She confirmed what my dermatologist said. Prescribed another medicine to try.
Hoping you get answers soon. And good luck with your mammogram.0 -
Medicare screws things up and keeps doctors from practicing good medicine. If patients say- NO -Medicare reduces reimbursement to the doctors in the clinic--A patient has to try it to satisfy Medicare--at least it is practiced this way in NM.
MLT, I feel sorry for you this happened by Xeloda. I've had bad effects from these meds I was bullied into taking. I won't go into details, but a great dermatologist sent me to an allergist. They ran 2 tests, but those tests had results for nuts, nickle, lanolin, bacitracin, chile, mycin, black rubber, fragrances, parabins, and so on. about 40 different things. Singular seems to permanently left me with an odd type of eczema that gets small hives with it, angio edema. It gave me hallucinations-which is also listed as a severe side-effect-but wait for it-- olfactory hallucinations-and the world smelled like a gallon of vinegar was poured out next to me. I still get that at times.
I wanted and needed an antibiotic for a sinus infection. Medicare said that I was too old.0 -
Wouldn't a medication that just does it's job, then gets out of the way be great? Sorry to hear so many of you are dealing with all these funky skin issues brought on by medication. As far as my own situation, I appreciate all your comments. I spoke with my oncologist this morning and (skin cancers are not her area of expertise) she basically shrugged it off and said just wait until the biopsy results come back. Which is basically all we can do at this point anyway. So, playing that waiting game again. Oh, the good news, she did report all my blood markers are excellent. I'll take it0
What makes me mad, is that they say you can't quit taking this medicine. It will shock your body and make you sick-like heart damage. I went in 4 days after I started taking that filth. I kept saying the Singular is making me sick- I want to stop taking it. I probably would not have all of these problems.
These things mess up your liver most of the time- urinary system too. Then they say-- La !. yes Tra -la-la you are a diabetic YOU ruined your liver-- LA- you ruined your kidneys-that's proof you are diabetic. The stupid literature says-- for some unknown reason your Bun-Creatinine tests come back bad. It changes--I know why B-C tests get bad-- the kidneys are ambushed and whacked by something--They think that we are too stupid to understand that. The doctors keep covering for the bad drug, because they are scared of being sued. My kidneys did go out of range, but I think they are OK now-I hope---0 -
I love when they want to prescribe a drug to deal with the side effects of a drug you're already taking but that one causes different side effects but, not to worry, there's a drug for those side effects too. I prefer to take as few prescription drugs as I can get away with. Right now I am taking meds for high blood pressure and for my stomach ulcers are. I quit all the AIs because I couldn't stand them. My PCP wanted to put me on a strain for cholesterol. I last 4 days and dropped it like a hot potato. I know these things are supposed to help us but sometimes the side effects are just not acceptable.
Yes, metati, I hope your kidneys are OK too.0 -
I feel OK. Oh, Singular causes back pain, probably for kidneys. I think they are OK. The muscles in my ankles and feet are twisted from Statins. One leg shrunk up like a skinny chicken leg, but for some reason they rebuilt. I've been on some 20 hour flights without any leg problems-I think that I was 71. All of my doctors said that I couldn't go. I told them to go to H-ell. My ticket was paid for and my brother was waiting for me. Anyway, I wear tight laced high boots to keep my feet from turning over on its side.0
Am seeing a dermatologist who is also a dermato-pathologist in that she can perform analysis of skin biopsy samples. Since transplant, I have quite a crop of transplant-related keratoses on my right leg. Have tried various medications and all they do is continue to slowly grow. Supposedly, there is a systemic treatment for them, but since I have stage II kidney disease (the cost of living), it is not recommended in my case. Great! Am going to ask about 5fu aka Fluorourasil, as there is a topical variety which is used against skin keratoses. Bottom line: It's always something...0
Hi! I am glad you had a biopsy. I have quite a history with melanoma. My first was actually a hard knot under the skin on the back of my neck. It didn’t hurt at all. I just happened to notice it. Since then I have had a few removed from my back but they always seems to say yep that’s not cancer or yes we better look into that. Over the years I have decided if there is ever any doubt go ahead and get a biopsy. Let us know how it goes0
Thanks all for your input. I do appreciate any and all comments. No word on pathology yet but I should hear sometime next week. Oh, spellchecker strikes again. My last post was meant to read statin for cholesterol NOT strain. Duh .0
Here's something different---- I just found a very strange lump under my skin on my stomach, It had a black center & a raised red area . No pain or itching. I looked up similar photos on line, and it appears to be a bug bite, perhaps a spider!0
Spider bites can be dangerous. if it seems to spread or go deeper- get into a doctor/clinic0
Oh, yeah. Spider bites can be nasty. If it worsens get it checked out asap. Speaking of bites, I go this week coming for a Lyme disease test. "Just to rule it out". My lingering post chemo/ radiation symptoms seem to be intensifying lately and since Lyme disease has many of those same symptoms it could be a possibility. Like I need something else.0
Bon chance Bengal---let us know how it comes out----I think that spider bites are the scariest for fear and anxiety-when it comes to insects, and it sounds like you have very good medical cure.0
Good luck Bengal! You and I seem to run on the same train schedule when it comes to tests! Next week is my 5 yr 3D mammo. there's a nice little clinic minutes away from me that I discovered I could do my big labs and...they do the 3D scans. I've been in once for a thyroid blood draw and felt safe there.
I there learned my oncologist and entire cancer dept moved out of St Joe's hospital right after I had my 6 month check early March. They moved the entire dept into an older clinic what only has drs offices....no urgent, or ED - so no chance of covid air in the elevators. All right in the door, temp, questions - then 20 feet through another door and it opens right into the cancer dept. So my face/face real visit with my beloved oncologist will be the next day after my mammo and labs.
So...I'm doing the high-anxiety, extra lorezapam pre week scananxiety. This is the 5 yr mark with no AIs or Tamoxefen. Triple positive..
Anyway - about your weirdness on your face. Glad you're getting a biopsy. I developed a quarter size...thing on my forearm after chemo. told it was nothing - 'urticaria of unknown origin' - compounded steroid type of cream to rub on forever. Crusty, peeled, never went really down or away. 2nd dermo visit with more concern for my hair that didn't come back (Taxotere) and he said the lesion on my arm sometimes takes a long while to heal. I started using argan oil, and pretty much anything. I'm in MN so winter is hard on all skin so I seriously watched this spot. I was going this year to see the dermotologist again - please do a biopsy? But Covid made me rethink a lot of ideas I had. It's no worse - just...there.
Anyway - much positive everything being sent to you for your upcoming fun stuff! Please post so I know the outcome, I will as well!0 -
Ashera, I had my 5 yr. 2 weeks ago. Same train....no Al's or tamox. I know the anxiety. Turned out clean. Yours can too. Waiting to hear that of yours.0
Thank you Lorie! I'll post next week.0
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