Greg - We're all pulling for you!!
Member Posts: 470
It makes me nervous when we don't hear from our fearless leader for a day or two, especially when we know you are in the hospital and having trouble eating and swallowing. I just want you to know that everyone at WhatNext is pulling for you, praying for you, sending positive thoughts, and hoping we'll see you here again REAL soon.
Prayers for a speedy recovery. What LWC said is absolutely true. We all miss you.0
Thank you, LWC and andreacha, for saying what we all feel. Thinking of you, Greg and Donna.0
Thanks Live, and all of you. It's 10:30 Thursday night and we have had our complimentary cup of ice cream, a shot of pain meds, and I'm ready to see if this night is going to cooperate and be good like the day has. A few spells of 3 hours at a time of sleep would be wonderful. Tomorrow has another attempt at a feeding tube. I think it will happen this time because they've pulled out the big guns. We are going to a full-on OR with all the rides and the description I was given was, "you will have a G-tube when you come out.
So, I'm good with that. They put me on a liquid diet for tray delivery, I was able to eat a cup of tomato soup, some pudding, and drank a little sweet tea, and some milk. Not too bad for not having anything for a week or so.
It's wild how I can go from feeling so crappy one day, to feeling almost back to my "cancer normal" the next. Nothing I can point to, other than that device from hell, the demonic, life-sucking, mood-killing, attitude annihilating nose tube. I give mad props to anyone who has kept one for any long term amount of time.0 -
You hang in there! This is a crazy and some times mean, ugly ride. Your team is right here! Hugs!!!0
Such a gentle warrior you are. Thoughts and prayers for you. Keep strong and God bless.0
Greg, you are in our thoughts and prayers today.0
And to think that a nasogastric tube feeding was a diet fad just a few years ago. Insane!
I wholeheartedly hope the surgery goes well, and that you're able to get the nourishment and sleep you need to stand up to and benefit from your treatment. With so many pitfalls, it's hard to keep focused on the ultimate goal, but I know you're doing it. My very best to you during this awful time.0 -
Greg, I’m so glad your nose is now free. And I hope you’ll have the G-tube today. Sending best wishes.0
Hoping today is a "good" day for you, followed by a some restful and well deserved sleep.0
Thank you so much for updating us! I am so encouraged to know you had a little food. You are taking baby steps back to yourself and I feel sure the longer strides are right around the corner.0
Great way to describe the "N" tube, Greg! Anyone who has had one inserted knows that it is truly demonic, and life-sucking, and other terms that can't be printed here.
I had one for 4 or 5 days and would recommend that all doctors be forced to see what they are really like.
All the best to you, keep up your wonderful attitude, we are with you.0 -
All right, get er done! Hope doctors are on their A game today and have you ready to go home quickly! Get Donna to update us while you rest.0
They took Greg down to holding at 10:00 am.They called at 11:07 they were starting this one.Should be hearing from them before long.0
@faithfully- please keep us posted. We are rooting for you both. I know this is awfully stressful, but you two handle it with such grace.0
@faithfully, thank you for this update. Yes, we’re all rooting for Greg and you.0
They are closing Greg up.Couldn't do laparoscopic through the nose into stomach.So had to make incision in belly.He'll be in recovery for about 30 minutes.Thank you everyone! At least it's finally done.0
Thank goodness that’s over with! You must be very relieved! I can’t imagine your stress level right now Donna! Now to get recovered and strong enough to go home. Did they estimate how long he will need to stay there? Will he still be able to continue being in the trial after all of this?0
Thank you so much for being so prompt in letting us know! You have so much on your plate, I'm sure you have a lot of calls/texts to get out for family.I feel certain he is going to begin feeling a lot better once he's got some good nutrition going for him. I hope you can get some rest now.0
Not much stress !Just another bump in the road.He's been through about everything a person has to deal with.Just a lot more then most! Said this morning won't go home until Monday.Yes will still be in trial,sppose to have the shot he missed this week week.Thank you again everyone0
Thank you. I’m glad the surgery is over and he and you can get some rest. Sending more good wishes.
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@faithfully58, I had to say that your and Greg’s “bump in the road” would be many people’s Mount Everest. But we climb what we must.0
Yes we climb what we must.But sure would be nice to not have to climb such big mountains anymore!0
That’s for sure!0
Sorry the process of getting the feeding tube was so bumpy. Glad it is done and they are keeping an eye on Greg until Monday. Good to have experts available until complications are ruled out. We are are pulling for you Greg and Donna. If our positive thoughts carry any weight, you will be heading home on Monday, smiling with relief.0
Well, it's Monday and I hope you both get to go home today. Nothing like sleeping in your own home even if it's in a recliner. Love and prayers for you both.0
Hope things are going okay and you’re going to be heading home today! Update when you can, lots of us thinking of you both!0
Sorry for not posting!Greg has been pretty much out of it! He's not touched his phone or laptop in a couple of days!He had a fever yesterday so they're trying to get to the bottom of it!He has been able to start getting up and walking to bathroom.They did a CT scan last night about 10:30 seems he has some fluid on a lung.So a few hours ago they done a needle in his back to draw it off.Also do see if any infection.We've had about 15 Dr.'s and doogie Dr.'s as Greg's dad used to call them in since 6:00 this morning.So we're on day 9 and don't know much more yet.So maybe later this afternoon we'll know more.He and I thank you for the concern and prayers and we'll wishes!0
faithfully58, thank you so much. Sending good mojo to Greg and you.0
Thanks Donna. Sorry to hear about fever. I know y’all were so ready to get home. At least you weren’t at home already and then have to go back. Wishing y’all the best . Another day or so to get things straight hopefully will be all it takes to get back home.0
Thanks to everyone. I'm still waiting for the bowels to work and be able to tolerate the feeding formula. Then I can go. We appreciate everyone checking on us. Sweetie went home for the night to get fresh clothes and things we need and a good night's sleep. We didn't plan on this many days here.0
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