Someone asked me if it was worth it to go through a surgery to have a port put in.
Member Posts: 742
I'm sure there will be lots of others that will agree. But my answer is a GIANT YES!! Yesterday's surgery was as simple as they get. The worst part of the whole deal was getting up early to drive 3 hours to the facility and have it done. The pre-op was simple. The worst part of that? Getting stuck in the arm one LAST time for the IV for meds for the surgery. Even that was simple because the girl doing mine was excellent! One stick and done. I had no pain after the surgery yesterday, today I have soreness around where the port sits, but that's it. No pounding or throbbing pain. Another procedure that went far easier than I expected, and I've already had two of these things put in before, of course, that was back in the "old days", 88 and 89.
So if you're worried about having a procedure for a port, don't worry about it, get the port. I was just looking at the schedule for my clinical trial and I'm far happier to have this port than I was even yesterday. It will save lots of sticks.
So if you're worried about having a procedure for a port, don't worry about it, get the port. I was just looking at the schedule for my clinical trial and I'm far happier to have this port than I was even yesterday. It will save lots of sticks.
I’m glad that went well, Greg. No more sticks.0
It took me a long time to fully accept my port because I (still) hate that it shows when I wear certain clothes. But, I have never been sorry I got my port - it has made my life so much better and easier than getting pricked (again and again and again) ... I can only imagine how hard it would be to find a viable vein now if I had NOT gotten a port after all of the multitudes of treatments I have had over the years.
My first oncologist never even suggested a port ... and I have always wondered why he didn't and resented the fact that he didn't because my veins were decimated by the chemo treatments.
Anyway, I join you with a resounding YES!!!! Get a port!!!!!0 -
Absolutely - get the port. I've had mine for five years - on IV sticks at scan time or for routine lab work. Your veins and nerves will thank you.0
I am right there with you. Greg. It does take a little getting used to, especially for sleeping. Mine was on the right side, so I didn't have to worry about the seat belt. I had to close my eyes when I would see the nurses try over and over again to get a vein in other patients. I don't know if I asked to have a port or if I was told I was getting one, but I sure was glad that I had it.0
We were looking at my trial schedule that they are starting to send out to me. After the first treatment I have blood drawn one hour after treatment, 2 hours after treatment and 6 hours after. I have to stay there for 6 hours after treatment for observation. I guess to make sure I don't blow up or something. But that is three sticks right there, plus the treatment, plus bloodwork before treatment, now we are getting up to 6 to 8 sticks during one treatment. And after this first one, I have to go back the next day for bloodwork again and to meet with the research nurse. Since we are almost 3 hours away, they will put us up, partially. I have to pay 60 I believe. But I think I get that back too. There is a lot going on right now and I am not even trying to remember every little thing. Just point me in the direction and tell me what to do, that's where I'm at right now.0
I was so glad to have the port. It went in with light sedation at a same day surgery center. Check-in to check-out less than 2 hours. My doctor really didn't give me a choice about the port because my brand of chemo is not kind to blood vessels. I was always a tough stick before and that is still a concern each time I need blood drawn. It took a little time to get used to having the port on upper right chest and 4 years after chemo is done, I see the scar and little divet where it used to sit and am grateful that I had it for that year of treatment. I was more concerned for the removal which occurred in the surgeon's office while I was awake. He chatted about the upcoming holidays and before I even knew what had happened it was out. Took about 20 minutes. (FYI: carry your port ID card. If you have to go to a different hosp or ER, they can access your information and use it if they have someone trained on that model.) Saved me countless sticks during an ER visit in another state.0
Greg, are you a reader? Because you (and Donna) are going to need something to do all those hours you have to hang around for observation! That is another thing - people do not realize how much of your life is taken up by treatment. As for the port, I think I mentioned I loved mine? I didn't even care if it showed (it rarely did), I was just grateful not to be prodded with a needle so many times. and the surgery to have it put in was a big nothing. I was completely awake and chatted with the techs who were administering to me. Maybe it is more involved with a power port?0
Yes! I loved the port. It made my life so much easier!0
Greg, I'm so glad it went well yesterday. And you aren't the only one who couldn't keep up with that schedule. It's no wonder that you just want to be pointed in the right direction and told what to do. Sheesh!0
I am so happy I got a port. It's been a great boon. btw, mine is a Power Port which is awesome since it can also be used for CT scan fluid.0
Greg, you are moving right along now! So glad things are going well for you! Keep us posted! Always thinking of you and wishing you the best!0
Get the port! It is so much better than the alternative. There will still be sticks into your port but it does not hurt near as much as the sticks in your arm.0
I kept my last port for 15 years after treatment was over. I didn't want to give it up. At that time they hinted that since I'd used both spots in the chest area where they are usually put in that they would have to find another spot, maybe in the leg. Remember, this was 32 years ago, so I didn't want any part of that. When the port was taken out it was taken out in a small clinic exam room. The surgeon for the area had me sitting up on the exam table, he numbed it, pulled it out, stitched me up and said, "call me if you ever have something really wrong with you". Meaning this was nothing. I walked out and drove home. I still have that port too. Donna was going to make something out of it, like a shadow box or something, but we never did.
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