Looks like I may be following in Greg's footsteps
Member Posts: 196
3:30 Wed morning, I got up to go to the bathroom. Glanced down, noticed iodine called fluid gushing from my navel. My PCP told me to go to the ER. I have a hernia (what is with me and hernias!) but there is also a blob. Partially solid, partially liquid. In the hospital Wed to Friday as they fight over whose problem I am. Gyn onc? General surgery? General onc? I kinda told gyn onc off, as I don't like the surgeon that replaced mine. So general onc it is, to remove and test the blob. With an assist from general surgery to fix the hernia. Now, the blob could be a glorified abscess. Or it could be a recurrence. Or it could be a new cancer. That long in the hospital and they are still clueless. They didn't wanna biopsy since the plan is to remove it anyway, and that was the plan from the beginning. Sigh. I have a f/u with the surgeon tomorrow and will know when surgery is then. Will keep y'all update...
Oh, @BuckeyeShelby, how I pray it is just a blob that is not malignant!!!! I am so sorry for what you're going through.
I will be anxiously awaiting an update!!!! And keeping fingers, toes crossed ...0 -
Oh no, I hate to hear this. And believe me this one time you can believe it when someone says, I know how you feel. We hope it's nothing. I've had several trips to the ER or doctor expecting the worst and it was nothing.0
Oh, I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, BuckeyeShelby. I join the others in hoping that it's anything but malignant.0
Sure hope that blob is just an abscess. It is disconcerting when the doctors can't seem to figure things out but once you have the surgery you'll hopefully get the answers. My thoughts will most definitely be with you.0
BuckeyeShelby, I’m hoping the blob is not cancer. Sending you best wishes.0
I did not want to hear this bad news. I will be praying that after surgery (bad in itself), you will have some good news for us.0
Oh, boy, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm adding my very best wishes that it is not malignant. Yes, please keep us posted.0
This is not news that anyone wants to hear. I hope you will be able to get some answers, or at the very least a plan, today at your appointment. Take care.0
Hopefully, it's an abcess or something else easily fixable. We're all here pulling for you.0
I usually only type at you in the mornings at work, so I'll let y'all know what's going on. I don't expect they'll know anything about blobby until it's removed during surgery. But at least I'll know when surgery is. I couldn't face typing at everyone from the hospital, but I'll do so this time if I'm up to it. I'll let y'all know when. I may be able to go back to work at least part time much earlier, since I'll be working from home until at least Oct (my office is moving and they decided not to bring up back to the old place). So work is literally 4 feet from my bed.... Thank you all for your support. I think I really needed it right now.0
We all are right behind you as you enter another chapter on your journey. Hopefully not a serious setback. Surgery is always a harrowing experience for whatever it’s for, but it will get some answers for you that can lead to a solution. Hang in there and let us know what you find out. Wishing you the best and fastest recovery!0
Good luck & we are all with you0
I promised to keep you informed. Tentative surgical date is June 23. The good news is blobby doesn't present as a typical tumor. Onc surgeon thinks it might be the mesh from my previous hernia repair could have inflamed surrounding tissue and/or caused an abscess. That would explain the jump of my CA125 up to 40, as infections can cause increases. Thanks everyone. I really do appreciate your support. PS... you know I was just jealous of Greg getting all the attention...0
Oh, this is good news indeed, BuckeyeShelby! Are you home from the hospital?
Yeah, yeah, spotlight hog... ;-)0 -
Thanks for the update. I am so glad that you have gotten encouraging news. I know that there are some brands of the mesh that can cause problems. I think there is even a law suit against them. I hope you have plenty of things to help you pass the time before the surgery. Since you are competing with Greg, I will expect to see a lot of woodworking projects. LOL0
A cautious yay! But I’m primed for a rousing yay when you let us know for sure. And I, too, look forward to seeing those woodworks!0
A friend of mine had hernia surgery with use of mesh. He had nothing but problems with it and finally had it surgically removed. If I ever have to have hernia surgery I will refuse the mesh. Sure hope you get good news Buckeye.
Side anecdote: the surgeon told my friend he had never done the mesh removal surgery but "I'm game if you are". The two of them decided, what the he--, let's do it. I was in recovery with my friend when the doctor came in post surgery. He was like a little kid who had just hit his first homerun. He was grinning from ear to ear.0 -
@BuckeyeShelby, that sounds like cautiously good news!! Yay!!!!! June 23 would have been my son's birthday - it's a special day and I'm going to be really hoping that you get all fixed up that day ... and that there's no cancer present!!!!!
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LWC, June 23 is my estranged brother's day. We hoped he'd hold out til the next 26th, cause that's grandma's. Now about y'all who want me to do woodworking... Y'all want me to have surgery to reattach body parts, too?! I'm already gonna lose my bellybutton. Ok, that is just WEIRD!0
@BuckeyeShelby - Many good thoughts and special GA prayers on the way for a fast, full recovery.0
So when you got that date of the 23rd, are you like me? You look at that date and count how many weeks it is until then? I have more than once told the girl making the appointment for me that maybe I won't die between then and now. Nobody ever seems to get in a hurry or put a sense of urgency on these things.0
@GregP_WN, the first time I had an appointment several weeks out I was actually a little relieved because I thought 'Well, if they can afford to make this three weeks out, I guess maybe it's not too serious." Then the nurse from the surgeon's office called me back on a Tuesday and said "She wants it done sooner. Your MRI and PET scan are scheduled for Thursday." That's when I got panicky. LOL
Granted, my situation has been pretty mild and I hope it stays that way.
I seem to have a skewed outlook on things.
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Well, the hernia guy isn't available until the 25th, so it's been moved out. My biggest gripe now is I'm having problems sleeping because my stupid navel is still leaking and I keep waking up with a wet nightshirt. I thought I was done dribbling bloody fluid when I had my hysterectomy! And have you ever tried to bandage up your navel....? Yeah, not easy. Ok, I'm done whining, at least for now.0
Shelby, I have found some odd things that we have to do, like that navel bandage. My feeding tube was a learning experience0
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