How many radiation treatments did you have?
Member Posts: 72
My plan now has 45 to be done, this number has changed twice. Did your number change during your treatments? Added some or took some away?
I had 20 planned and received. No changes0
Not a major change. Originally I was to!d 21 but for some reason radiologist changed it to 22.0
I had 15. No changes with mine either.0
I had 34 just as planned.0
I had 28.The plan changed (lessened from 35) when I went from standard lying on my back to hypofractionated lying on my front.0
I believe that I had 28, and that was what I had been told at the beginning.0
30 treatments for me.. plan was for 30, that's what i got.. no problems.0
I also was scheduled for 30 and that's what I got - no problems for me either.0
I had 20, no changes.0
I had 35 planned and received. The number seemed daunting but I made it through it all.0
16 hypofractionated for me, targeted to just the tumor bed. No changes. This type of protocol can re-irradiate that breast should a recurrence or new primary tumor pop up in another part of the breast; and increases the likelihood of success of a future reconstruction.
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I was prescribed and received 35. Be kind to yourself because as it goes on you can get fatigued.0
I had 33. No changes.0
I also had 33 and no changes. The last three or five (don't remember now) were called "boost" treatments.0
triple negative
stage 1a0 -
35 planned - no changes.0
I really don't remember the exact number, but it seemed like a lot. I just did what I was told, then. I know it lasted 6 weeks. I still have the scars. I was thankful that it was during the winter as I couldn't wear a bra.0
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