
Member Posts: 30
hi all
I live just outside of Memphis,tn. they are now saying that this area will not peak and trend for approximately the next 30 to 60 days. yet your president Donald duck wants to put people back to work asap. he is all about the green money. we need to be still and wait on God. this world is in a holding phase. he is saying be still and know that I am God.
I live just outside of Memphis,tn. they are now saying that this area will not peak and trend for approximately the next 30 to 60 days. yet your president Donald duck wants to put people back to work asap. he is all about the green money. we need to be still and wait on God. this world is in a holding phase. he is saying be still and know that I am God.
As much as I am so over being self quarantined and having no where to go, the last thing I want is for sanctions to be lifted too early. I have no idea what the proper amount of time should be, but we can't go back and forth with all of this. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and we are supposed to hit our peak in the coming week. It is so scary. CASSIEME1, I saw on another post that you are a healthcare provider. Thank you so much for all that you are doing to help people get the care that they need. Take care.0
I agree. We don't want to open up too early and have a repeat in the Fall. We just have to be patient with all that is going on. A good season to pray.0
Nobody knows how this is going to play out or how long it's going to take. Trump for sure doesn't know but the only thing he's worried about is the numbers. He has to look good so that is what he will do no matter what the experts tell him. Now this morning I see that he is going to fire Dr. Fouchi because he said something on TV that didn't make trump look good. Whatever it takes is what it should take, but he won't do it. I believe, I'm no expert either, but, I think that if we come out too soon we will have another round of this. The experts are saying that's what will happen and just like my expert doctors, I will take the word of the experts in pandemics and health.0
thank you for the responses, thanks beachbum58170
I think he is going to rush to put people back to work too soon. It is all about the numbers for him right now. If this happens all of the experts say that we will have another outbreak of this. Some countries have already been through this and it's happening there.0
With no vaccine and no confirmed treatment, it will be a mistake to "open" up the country too soon. We are not supposed to peak in GA until April 23 - but that only means that you're half-way through the number of cases as people will continue to be diagnosed in declining numbers. There's too much politics in all of this.
Regardless of what Trump says or how he coerces some people to agree with him, we will continue to stay at home until this situation stabilizes in GA. There is a growing "hot spot" in Southwestern Georgia that began with a funeral on February 29 - before the first diagnosed case in GA.
There is still not enough testing.0 -
They are hoping we will peak w/in the next couple weeks (Thank you, Gov Dewine). Still, I can't imagine things reopening before maybe June. Plus there is a big chance of a 2nd wave. If I'm remembering correctly, the 2nd wave of the Spanish Flu was much more deadly than the first. I'm working from home and will continue to do so.0
CASSIEME1, he’s definitely not MY president! I’ve always hated him. He’s the Psychopath in Chief, as far as I’m concerned. Actually, Trump is working on being a dictator here. I can’t stand Bernie, either. I’m now a Biden fan.
Trump has no ability to feel empathy, remorse, guilt. He has no conscience. He doesn’t care if people die. He cares about Trump and (maybe) Ivanka, but only because she’s his favorite daughter. He is the worst possible person to be in charge now. Thank goodness we still have Dr. Fauci and the great governors of various states.
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Throatless, yes, Trump is tweeting that Dr. Fauci should be fired. Just as you said. Trump has blood on his hands and will have much more before this is over. However, his supporters will blame the Democrats (or President Obama or anyone else who is a decent leader), but will never blame Trump.0
so true. istill don't see why he was not impeached with all his lies and rock throwing hand hiding satanic butt0
He’s doing what the Republicans want (and what Putin wants). And the Republicans are no longer what Republicans were. I was never a Republican, but they never used to trample on our Constitution. Now they do and laugh in our faces.0
Cassieme, Trump WAS Impeached by The House. He just wasn’t removed by the Senate. I guess no coincidence what the majority’s are in the House & Senate. I saw a meme of DT with caption: Hero of the stupid. I have never thought of either party as more or less intelligent than the other until now. How any rational, critical thinking person can support him is beyond me.0
I agree wholeheartedly with Jane A about "reopening" the country. Jane was correct about the huge hot spots in GA. The people contracted it and many died so quickly. Many of those affected were older and had underlying issues. I live in North GA about an hour and a half from Atlanta (on a good day) and we have been more fortunate. Cases started to appear here 2 weeks ago. We have 6 where I live, 11 in the next town to the North, and 8 in the next town to the South. We have hiking trails here that are very popular and every day there are many people hiking and there is no social distancing. Our Gov. Kent hasn't closed the trails or State Parks and that concerns me. He just said on TV that we are way behind in testing and that is now the priority.
I read where 100,000 tests kits were sent to Toronto from China and all had to be discarded because of mold. Such a waste. Jane, I'm glad to see you survived our wicked rounds of tornadoes last night. 7 dead, 23 injured and 2 missing at last count. God Bless them all.0 -
Washington State peaked about a week ago. Governor Inslee said that just because it looked like we might have peaked we are in no way ready to open for business on May 1st. Washington State is ground zero so we had to do everything. There was not a general order to shut down until everything was de facto shut down. And by the was there is now codified order to stay at home. All is very vague.
There are numbers out there that can help us solve this. They are at the University of Washington. And I don't believe the Trump has them in his head. The numbers that will solve the health crisis are not "ratings" "Ratings won't solve the economic crisis either.
@Carool Trump has destroyed the Republican Party. He is on track to destroy the United States and he had taken on the World Health Organization. With the help of the coronavirus he could destroy the world as we know it.0 -
Thank you, Dawsonsmom, for reminding us that Trump was actually impeached. I always forget that a president is considered impeached once the House has voted so (at least that’s what I think).0
It's so incredibly horrifying to me that people are politicizing this virus no matter which side of the aisle they profess to support. Anyone who is politicizing this deserves to be voted out- democrats and republicans.
People, NONE of them care about us. None of them give a rat's butt if we live or die. It's all just a matter of whether we fall on the side of the number they want to report. And there are so many people on this site who have serious health issues and it won't matter if you die as a result of your cancer or whatever. Until this current situation is over, if you so much as blow your nose, your death will be listed as COVID death.
There is enough fear and apprehension going around without pointing fingers at anyone.0 -
I will not be swayed by "bothsidesism." We all know who ignored his national security & health advisers for months--and he wasn't on the blue side of the aisle. By putting his "ratings" and his "beautiful" economy (i.e., the stock market, everything else be hanged) HE politicized the virus, irretrievably at that. Politics caused this, politics will have to save us.
As to his own health? We're stuck with him until he succumbs to his dementia like his 94.
I'm no Buddhist, but I so desperately want to believe in karma...
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Oh, and my husband is a cardiologist, who sees Covid patients at a hellhole of a hospital every other weekend. I have three risk factors (age, asthma, hypertension) besides having survived cancer. So if anyone has the right to point fingers...0
All due respect, I have to say I am disappointed to see politics discussed on this site. So many of these responses are laced with hate and sarcasm and if there is one thing I learned from having cancer it is; life is too short and too precious to waste our time, love, and energy on things that will pass away.0
I have to disagree that no politicians care about us. Andrew Cuomo clearly has been alarmed about all the cases and deaths in NYC and has been the one person so many people turn to for the truth. Additionally, it is very personal for him with his brother, Chris, currently fighting this virus. And, yes, this will pass but unfortunately, the “passing away” will be all the pts who have and will die from this virus. This has become politicized by the poor handling of it by the current administration. Does anyone remember politicization of H1N1 or SARS.....nope, b/c the president and administration got in front of it by listening to the health experts. This became political by the President with all his blaming others for his poor management.0
And discussing this HERE will help, how? I come here to find, and sometimes give, encouragement for coping with a very real, life threatening situation that we all have been touched by. I come to ask questions from all of you who have actually been through this and can give me insight based on real experience. Does anyone here have real experience working inside the government right now? And if you do, why would you want to share it on a site that was created for cancer patients? If I want to drench myself in all this back and forth negativity I will just turn on the news. Frankly, I would rather listen to good music while I paint. If you all want to spend your time bashing people you don't know, feel free, I'll be in my studio, grateful for another cancer-free day.0
This covid19 virus is “very real and life threatening” and cancer pts are at greater risk, so this is exactly the place it needs to be discussed. It is elected officials that act on putting stay at home orders that protect us, attempt to get PPE, etc. Remember how this was handled and how you were put at risk when you go to the polls in Nov.0
I think there is way too much side taking going on throughout the country and it's become a huge problem not only with trying to get ahead of Covid19 but with every aspect of political life right now in this country . But in this particular instance I think I have to side with MarcieB. We, as cancer patients, have a high stake in this and have to be very concerned about the virus and all efforts being taken to try to stem the tide before it overwhelms us. This forum should be, as she suggested, a place to look for answers, find comfort and support. Yes, we can express our anger, our disapproval, our opinions but not with such vitriol and outright hatred as some of the posts I'm seeing. What Next is not the place for that. Personally, I do not think Mr Trump has handled this crisis well but here is not the place to air my opinions on that. There are other forums out there for that. I am more concerned with how we, in this club nobody wants to belong to, are handling it and offering support to those who need it. If I have been guilty of going off the tracks a little myself, we're all very stressed and not a little afraid, then please accept my apologies.
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Since there are folks who feel strongly on both sides of this, perhaps the best we can all do is to read and respond to questions that are meaningful to us and skip over others. That allows for opportunity of expression without censure of anyone. How we experience support is an individual thing.0
Well, of course. There is always the ole, "You can change the channel!!!" response. The truth is, I came here this morning to post a question about dealing with the necropsy that happens with Taxol...and I got myself caught up in this? Of course questions about the problems that arise as the result of this virus are, indeed, relevant. I am 11 months out of treatment and discussed my situation with my oncologist at University of Michigan and she told me my past treatment does not put me in a higher risk category (but, my age DOES - lol! - I knew that part). Of course, those going through treatment like chemo are very vulnerable and I can imagine very scared. I hope those people come here and voice their fears and ask their questions so we can share what we know that might help. Calling people ugly names or fussing about woulda/coulda/shoulda is not going to help anything or anybody. Like you said, Dawsonmom, we can express those opinions at the ballot box in Nov.0
MarcieB-- We wouldn't be in such a mess with so many sick & dead if Trump had dealt with this problem when he was first told about the virus in January. He did nothing but blame Democrats and the "fake news" for the spread of the virus.
If you believe that his actions are rational, that is your right.
It is also the right of those who believe that the man has gone off his rocker to say so when it affects our health and well-being.
So this IS a place to protest and kvetch.
P.S. We are almost neighbors in MI--- know any place to buy T.P.!!!!
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@MarcieB Does your music tell you how to sanitize your grocery deliveries? Does your music tell you how many cases are in your state and where they are? These are facts that are vital to us. As statistically we are the ones who are going to die. The statics say that the mortality rate is only 1% But in my state 92% of the deaths have been people over the age of 60. I will surely die if I get the virus. I need to watch the news and make informed decisions and follow guidelines. I don't want the stay at home order to be lifted prematurely. I lost some friends on FB because of this attitude. They stated that I was selfish because I was not willing to die so the economy could be restarted. Now I would say that politically I don't agree with everything Governor Inslee does but he has done an amazing job of handling the crisis.
I believe I was the first WhatNexter to post a question about Covid-19. And yes it was political.
Unfortunately, the facts we need to know to survive have become embedded in politics. At this time a political figure is threatening to force unsafe practices on us.0 -
I still maintain that this is not the place to protest and kvetch about politics because this particular subject riles people up. As has been pointed out - there are strong feelings on both sides so ugly remarks and name calling never has a positive effect - a thistle seed can never produce a rose. I came here because I needed understanding from people who have been down this particular road. When I lost my only child I sought a group who also buried their children because they would know better than anyone else what I was going through. They did. And they helped me. I was hoping to get that kind of support from this group, not a political debate. But, if that is what everyone agrees on I guess I will be the one to *change the channel.* I hope you all stay well.0
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