

  • geekling
    Hey, boomer, by the time you read this you will be feeling more like yourself. It is the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Hope you read this soon and are able to enjoy some feasting.
    November 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hey barryboomer! Geekling gave us an update and said you are getting better!! We are all really happy to hear that!!! It will be good to see you posting again ... hopefully soon.
    November 2016
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hey buddy! Hope you are feeling better very soon. And that you are able to enjoy Thanksgiving!
    November 2016
  • happydyad
    Barryboomer, get well soon!!! I've wondered where you were and now, thanks to Geekling, we know you've been under the weather. You are in my thoughts & prayers! Hugs for you! Judy in Ky
    November 2016
  • andreacha
    We've been worried about you. It's been too quiet around here. Thanks to geekling we now know that you've been ill. Just wanted you to know that I've been thinking of you and now praying for a speedy recovery.
    November 2016
  • carlie
    Prayers going up for you now, Barry, and hopeful you will be well soon,
    November 2016
  • Whitey61
    Get well soon Barry, thoughts and prayers your way.
    November 2016
  • Carool
    Hi, Barry! geekling just wrote that you are recovering from sepsis pneumonia. We were all wondering how you are, as you haven't posted recently. I send you healing thoughts from your old hometown, which hasn't been the same since you left! LOL! Get well soon! Hugs, Carol
    November 2016
  • BoiseB
    Hi Barry praying you get well soon. I am looking forward to seeing your pithy posts.
    November 2016
  • Ejourneys
    Sending you kicka$$ healing vibes, Barry! (((Hugs)))
    November 2016
  • banditwalker
    Yes, Barry, what's up? Where are you?
    November 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Hey Barry, just checking in on you, how are you doing?
    November 2016
    November 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Barry, I haven't seen any posts from you lately. Just wanted to let you know that you're missed and that I am thinking of you. Praying you are just busy, but feeling okay.
    October 2016
  • BoiseB
    Just checking in to see how you are; did you suffer much damage from the hurricane
    October 2016
  • Lost333
    November 2014 with stage 4 colon cancer that had already spread to my liver. They gave me approx 2 1/2 yrs to live. I went through my first year of chemo and it helped shrink things down a bit. I had the last 7 months off of chemo because things were staying at a stand still. It has recently started to grow back and now has leaked into my abdominal cavity. I will be starting chemo up again right away. Surgery was never an option for me as it is on both the right and left sides of my liver
    I am a single mother of a 17 year old son who has opted to not want a relationship with me although we still live in the same house. I know it comes from fear as i am the only one he has. He doesn't adjust well to people. He isolates himself, suffers depressed and is very shy. He has chosen to seperate himself from the world. I fear greatly for him for when i am gone. I am afraid he will not survive and not get out of this hardship. Counselors have tried to connect with him but it seems like a losing battle.
    September 2016
  • Carool
    Barry, how did your ultrasound turn out? I remember you were especially worried (but aren't we all, when tests approach?).
    September 2016
  • alanjohn
    I beat stage 4 cancer and then ate normal food for 1 month and saw my weight increase, high blood pressure, and the cancer was back with a vengeance. I beat it again. 7 months clear now, weight down, blood pressure 112/67.

    To beat cancer see: Victory Over Cancer, supplements that will
    stop Stem cancer cells and prevent metastases. Free
    Lysine, green tea extract, curcumin, black pepper, quercetin,
    sulforaphane, ginger, garlic, L-proline, selenium (2 Brazil nuts)/day, honokiol, Essiac tea, Rosemary, thyme. is world's #1 natural health website where I get most of my supplements. is also good.
    The Truth About Cancer has good info.

    modified citrus pectin is helpful in many ways.
    ***Hyperthermia makes all treatments better, I used a Biomat.
    Google dirty dozen and clean 15 foods.
    No red or processed meat.
    No processed food. No cigarettes.
    No snacking between meals.
    No sugar or artificial sweeteners. Stevia and honey are good sweeteners
    ***Youtube: How to make liposomal Vitamin C--6 grams=50 grams IV Vitamin C. Kills cancer, viruses, and more. No side effects
    Coffee enemas help clean your system.
    November 2015
  • alanjohn

    I beat stage 4 cancer and then ate normal food for 1 month and saw my weight increase, high blood pressure, and the cancer was back with a vengeance. I beat it again. 8 months clear now, weight down, blood pressure 11267. 70 years old.
    Almost EVERYONE should take Vitamin D3 5000, K2, and Magnesium.
    To beat cancer see, supplements that will stop Stem cancer cells and prevent metastases. FREE INFO
    Lysine, green tea extract, curcumin, black pepper, quercetin,
    sulforaphane, cooked ginger, garlic, L-proline, selenium (4 Brazil nutsday), honokiol, Essiac tea, Rosemary, thyme. is world's #1 natural health website where I get most of my supplements. is also good. has good info. You can learn about Rigvir that can cure late stage cancer. The Hoxsey clinic has
    a 1 day and meds home program.
    modified citrus pectin is helpful in many ways.
    Hyperthermia makes all treatments better, I used a Biomat.
    Google dirty dozen and clean 15 foods.
    No red or processed meat.
    No processed food. No cigarettes.
    No snacking between meals.
    No sugar or artificial sweeteners. Stevia and honey are good sweeteners.
    Youtube How to make liposomal Vitamin C--6 grams=50 grams IV Vitamin C. Kills cancer, viruses, and more. No side effects and a cheap part of a cancer cure.
    According to the National Cancer Institute,10 other studies have shown high-dose vitamin C can help slow the growth of prostate, pancreatic, liver, and colon cancer cells. The institute also recognizes human studies showing IV vitamin C can help improve symptoms associated with cancer and cancer treatment, such as fatigue, nausea, vomiting, pain, and loss of appetite.
    Despite all of these benefits, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved IV high-dose vitamin C for the treatment of cancer or any other disease.

    Share with your friends that get cancer. Half of American men will get cancer. It is the increased toxic burden of the USA now. People should not just blindly trust their Doctor. Don't just be pushed into chemo or radiation . Most Doctors only know what they learned in med school. Nothing about nutrition.

    Coffee enemas help clean your system.
    The following is from
    • Mitochondria, tiny inclusions in your cell, were originally thought to be derived from bacteria. Most cells have several thousand of them comprising 15 to 50 percent of the cell volume. They’re the source of over 90 percent of your body’s energy
    • Your mitochondria have enormous potential to influence your health, specifically cancer, and optimizing mitochondrial metabolism may be at the core of effective cancer treatment
    • Important nutrients and co-factors for mitochondrial function include all B vitamins, magnesium, omega-3 fat, CoQ10, acetyl L-carnitine, D-ribose, and alpha-lipoic acid. EXERCISE is also important for mitochondrial health and function

    How the Ketogenic Diet Weakens Cancer Cells
    July 2016
  • meyati
    It's been several--the summer heat seems to be affecting the minds and souls of some members.
    Someone asked a question about hospital rankings. I made the simple statement that mine wasn't listed. Then I did a Google search on the Newsweek Cancer Hospital rankings- and I listed the NM hospitals by name.

    The one I go to is listed by the Newsweek site as being the best in NM-but no national ranking-- and the Regional Cancer Center that advertises that it's one of the best in the nation-Newsweek does not say anything at all about it-I guess to keep from being sued.

    Sharlie asked me how this is affecting my care. I said that I'm getting a hole in the bone at the cancer/radiation site and my my clinics are ignoring it.

    Sharlie was curious if it was a hole through the flesh--was the hole changing--She volunteered that Flunase use made a hole in her flesh. She had some other ideas and suggestions. Somebody else, marcscohen, said that the jaw bone was being eaten away by an infection- and 3 IV antibiotic courses stopped the infection-stabilized it. Now Marc is getting ready to have the jawbone rebuilt.

    We were told that we shouldn't be posting. I was polite- and asked why I shouldn't be posting-- Somebody that comes here a few times a year said that Sharlie and I needed to talk privately. I said there isn't any private on What next--this person was rude and said
    that we just didn't get it about Whatnext- we didn't stick to the topic.

    I said that this winter somebody asked about the policy of sticking to the subject-- I said -No- and Greg said no---both said to be nice to and about people. I also added that it's best to avoid religon and politics.

    Several WNs spoke up and told the member that there isn't any private here---That we often get to other topics---They praised Sharlie for helping me. I will add that Sharlie spoke up to this complainer before the others found the complaint.

    I don't know if the complainer went to Sharlie's wall and bothered Sharlie. Then some of our fervent-dedicated super religious people have been on the prowl-and telling people how breathe and how many plies of toilet paper to use--

    I think that Sharlie has been going through a rough time, and she was talking to me to get her mind off of things. Anyway-she helped me a lot-- It helped me to focus on questions that I need to ask the doctors, and what to say to describe what's going on.

    MD Anderson is rated #1 in the nation- but MD refused to care for me--no doctor there would take me as a patient---I would ruin the doctor's and MD's cancer rating. Besides a cancer on the face can be ugly-scares the other patients.

    I see my ENT tomorrow. I know that he's taken care of other patients with this type--mostly around the ear.

    Anyway---it's one thing to say-- I'll pray for you-- I find comfort in my faith-I'm trusting God-Buddha--Yewa--the Great Spirit---but it's another thing to tell people that they are doomed forever and go on about it.

    Enough said- Don't you think?
    August 2016
  • prabu
    Hi Barry,

    I saw from your journey you are not taking any chemo or radiation but more into lifestyle changing, anti cancer diet and supplements. What supplements do you recommend the most for cancer?

    July 2016
  • Mimmi
    I take D3 10000 per day, K2, Alpha -Lipoic Acid, NAC, Omega 3, Pro-Biotics 100 billion, Vit B supplements, Vit E supplement, Pure ginger and curcumin in green juices daily. I eat a very low acidic diet..mainly alcaline foods..I have maybe a grass fed steak once every two months..Fresh fish once every two weeks..
    July 2016
  • Mimmi
    Hi there... Thank you for re[lying. How are you feeling. Im 67 and was diagnosed last summer-2015. Now in remission but need hip replacement due to arthritis in hip joint...What is the difference between DLBCL and your Lymphoma? Yours is also B-cell but Nodal Marginal( What is that? ) Are you ok now? I see you were stage IV as well...So was I..Im now in remission but achy from th chemo. Many says its normal on other forums....jeeeezzzz
    June 2016
  • geekling
    Hi ho! Did you by chance mean artemisinin? Also a resting BP of 115/70 is perfect. Why dont you look into graviola? How did you decide how much artemisinin to take? Hope you had a nice Fathers Day.
    June 2016
  • Carool
    Barry, I know I've been critical of your info, especially recently, but I hope you know that I wish you everything good, health-wise and otherwise. It's so good to hear your good news! I know how relieved you and your loved ones, and we at WN, are! Raising my glass (of great beer) to everyone's health!
    May 2016
  • tampa83
    I thought this is a "support" forum. You are entitled to your thoughts and beliefs. I just think this is not the place to voice your negativity and defeatism.
    I truly believe that a person's state of mind has a lot to do with their healing.

    January 2016
  • Lynne-I-Am
    HI barryboomer, just dropped in because I have not seen any input from you lately and was concerned. I see you had an " oh no moment" several days ago, and am sorry for any additional problems your facing. Hope to see you posting again soon. You are missed.
    March 2016
  • Carool
    Barry, thank you for my "Best Answer" award! I didn't think my answer was any better than the others, but what do I know? I'll put my award on my mantle, next to another award that Meyati gave me recently (Smunshi gave me one years ago) - once I have a mantle! Hugs, Brooklyn Man
    April 2016
  • meyati
    Hi Barry- you of all people know that doctors and clinics manipulate the data to make them look good to the FEDS, state, and 3rd parties. To (h)ell with the patient.

    I'm at the point of thinking of having a drink every night for pain. I'm not even dying from cancer. I read the AMA daily news, the news for Anesthesiology, and GI. Basically they are now talking about pallilitive patients becoming addicted.

    It's a sick system.
    May 2016
  • gonewest
    Missing your posts and checking on you. Love.
    April 2016