

  • GregP_WN
    Good luck in your surgery coming up. I hope everything goes a smoothly as it can!
    February 2019
  • Jayne
    Hi, abrub, can you tell me what type of chemo you were on following HIPEC? I have a dear friend going through this now and he just had his HIPEC done a few weeks ago. Doc wants to put him on chemo mid-April, but he (my friend) did not know what kind. I think he is overwhelmed as is his wife since they are not asking any questions. I just wanted to understand what types of chemo they are recommending for him so I can try to be of some help. Of course, every patient is different so I won't assume he will be receiving the same as you, I just wanted to get an idea. Thank you and I admire your positive attitude and endurance!
    April 2018
  • Stephdnj
    My mother-in-law had an emergency appendectomy yesterday and the surgeon said it burst three weeks ago and that the liquid was like jelly and could be cancer that was exposed to the wall of the abdomen. I waa up all night researching and yiur name kept coming up on this biard. Do you know how I can find a cancer specialist in the southern nj philadelphia area for this? Thank you
    March 2018
  • fastdog
    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, and mostly for being a pioneer in making a place for us "rare cancer" people here on What Next. You have been through so much and are kicking cancer's butt on a daily basis.
    January 2013
  • stellak10
    Hello are u familiar with gallbladder cancer?
    May 2017
  • lrmilford
    Hi Abrub - you were one of the first to welcome me to this grou when my husband was first diagnosed in August of 2014 and your posts have helped so often. Hope all is going well the new treatment.
    March 2017
  • Lorie
    I tried to post this on your question but for some reason I could not so I'm putting it here

    Don't think they were trying to be unsupportive. If they care about you and haven't been through anything themselves, I think it's only natural for them to say that.

    Ejourneys journal and support ideas are great suggestions for places to let you express yourself and have the discussions you are looking for. Lorie
    November 2016
  • 751036540
    Hello abrub
    I was reading about your allergic reaction to the clue
    I also have a lot of itching from those adhesives, so please share what you and your Dr. Did to resolve it.
    April 2016
  • ponzlaw
    bravo. i was dx with mucinous adenocarcinome about a month ago.. Had appendix out at Sloan. Doc says no metastisis. Clear margins. 3.5 cm He wants to do right hemicolectomy to check nodes. Also in same appendix operation removed a small kidney tumor all contained. Doc is Nash.Scared of operation annd the whole thing. Any words of advice or comfort appreciated. Thank you and continued good health.
    November 2015
  • DaveWaz

    I hope this post finds you well. I just saw a note from @dolphingirl. She just joined and has Appendix cancer and is going through the discovery phase. I thought you might be able to help.

    Wishing you the best.

    May 2015
  • zubsha
    February 2015
  • patchez0
    You sound like an amazing person...hope your continue your journey many years as a survivor
    January 2015
  • njflower
    Dear Abrub, thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am so glad to hear that you are doing well with EPIC treatment in MSK. I feel very fortunate that I am able to connect you.

    My diagnosis is low grade appendcieal mucinous. I am very interested in how did the 2 contacts do in MSK. Do they also have appendix cancer? Did they have HIPEC or EPIC? Who is the doctor treating them? My doctor in MSK is Dr. Nash.

    Under MSK's research study, patients are randomly selected to either receive HIPEC or EPIC after the CRS surgery. I would prefer to have HIPEC since it is now a standard protocol to treat appendcieal cancer in other hospital. I am debating whether I should go with another hospital for HIPEC. However I do think that MSK could provide more comprehensive care during and after the operations. As you say, the recovery will be tough.

    Hence I am interested to learn from you about your recovery process and what support and care you got from your doctor and the hospital as well as to get feedback from 2 people who participated the research study in MSK.

    June 2014
  • LMM
    Aruba, congratulations on your seventh year. I too am a stage IV and so desperately pray for a miracle such as yours.
    May 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Thanks for sharing your journey.Hope all the best for you in your future , you have certainly been through a lot. Diagnosed with IIIC ovarian cancer six months ago and am now in remission , but it has only been three weeks, am still adjusting to not seeing the chemo nurses every week or two. My journey has been less complicated til now,so think I will remember all the trials you have been through next time I start to feel sorry for myself. Really glad you are doing so well.
    March 2014
  • Migrant
    Hi Alice, thank you very much for the response. I would very much want to communicate with you through email or even by phone. We have so many questions and appreciate the time that you're putting in this site. I'm sure it will help a lot of other's in the same situation as us. We hope that we can share the lessons that we learn to others too.
    March 2014
  • Migrant
    Hi Alice, it's me again may I know how long was the gap between The end of your EPIC and the start of your systemic chemo? My husband is going to start his systemic chemo on the 20th but he feels he's not strong enough to start Systemic.
    March 2014
  • Migrant
    We too love Dr. Paty, he goes through details explaining things to you, answers email promptly he gives you his full attention there were times when the lab report was not good he called us himself explaining why we had to go back for further tests.
    March 2014
  • Migrant
    Hi Abrub thank you for the reply. My husband participated in the Icarus clinical trial and was chosen to go through EPIC. His regimen consists of one cycle of EPIC and they're about to start treating him with systemic chemo. May I know how you fared when you went through it?
    The bloating in his stomach was caused by ascites. He went through paracentesis to drain the fluid, they just drained some fluid again today when they removed his EPIC port. They attribute the ascites to the trauma caused by the surgery which lasted almost 13 hours to remove the tumors in his body.
    March 2014
  • wifeoffighter
    I understand what you are saying about getting an appendix specialist, but if your oncologist says they have treated appendix cancer before and you are being offered the opportunity to see if you can get HIPEC is it really necessary to get someone that is on the PMP PALS list?
    March 2014
  • Migrant
    Hi Abrub I have been following your post. You were instrumental in helping us decide on the hospital where my husband had his debulking surgery last January 28. He also had EPIC, we left the hospital 15 days instead of 8 days as my husband developed CDiff. He's now home with a bloated tummy which is causing him a lot of discomfort. May I know if you too had this side effect from EPIC?
    February 2014
  • Gisselle
    Hi abrub, How long did you have to stay in and or near the hospital? How many months or years from treatment did you feel "normal". Is it possible to regain appetite after removal of omentum? I'm sorry I do not know how to use the email exchange.
    November 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Good afternoon ! Could you stop by this new WhatNexter's page and see if you can offer any help. Her husband was just dx'd Stage IV Colorectal and this is his second time. Thanks!

    November 2013
  • zoe
    Hi neighbor ! Thanks anyway. I think I may end up at Sloan.I'll try to get there for a 2nd opinion anyway. Thanks for getting back to me. Stay well, Zoe
    August 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Alright, you one "upped" me---or maybe not?
    July 2013
  • tpullen621
    I'm not sure when you last spoke to my dad (by the way, he goes on and on about how much you have helped him, thank you!). He is currently in surgery (right now!) getting HIPEC. He had a CT Scan last week and the Dr said he didn't see anything so hopefully all goes well!!
    June 2013
  • TaraMac
    Thank you for sharing your experiences. I'm so glad that everything worked out for the good. Continue to stay healthy & keep us posted. Be Blessed
    May 2013
  • penny364
    I really appreciate your answer to my question about non-narcotic medications. I've made a note of your suggestions and will take them to my surgeon when we discuss pain management, Hope your rotator cuff surgery went well and you're on the mend now. You've had a long journey!
    May 2013
  • penny364
    Thanks so much for the advice about lumpectomy bras. I'm sure it will be helpful when I have surgery next month. I just read your journey and have to compliment your great attitude. What a lengthy ordeal you've had. I wish you all the best from here on out!
    April 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Abrub, do you know anything about the valve part of this question? Can you help her by chance?

    March 2013