
  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi Lisa,
    Stopping by to say hello. Hoping you are doing ok. Please know you are in my thoughts. Sending tons of hugs your way.
    June 2015
  • GolfGirl
    Hi Lisa - thought I'd touch base. It's been a while, hope you are feeling well and just taking a break. Hope to hear from you soon. Bonnie
    January 2015
  • tbyrd
    My onc. did the same thing to me about 2 mos. ago. I got really upset with him, told him that there has to be more options. I told him I wanted another opinion. He acted like it offended him, so my sister who is a nurse has a dr friend who specializes in rare cancers. He told her to get me started on abraxane or toxanal, even though they are in a trials. So I went back to my onco., told him I wanted to try one of these, he was like it's only in trials. I was like, your point is?????? I want to try it, so I did my first dose yesterday, it's one dose x 3 weeks, then off one week for testing. Then he will let me know where we are. I hope you tolerate the 5fu and citsplatin okay, those two wiped me out. Be sure to get lots of rest, they do tend to wipe you out. I know God has this, even if he is using me to help find a cure, I will continue to let him work through me. May God Bless You, and keep you well.
    May 2014
  • tbyrd
    It's not for this type but it has been used in some trials, and did shrink the tumor in past trials. So far the side effects haven't been bad, a little nausea for first 2 days. Now I'm feeling better. I will have another ct scan in 2 weeks and will let you know how it is working on my liver tumor. This is the only tumor left, the other 3 have just disappeared (as the onco. said). I told him I was one strange patient, he believes me now. Take Care, keep me updated. I will keep you in my prayers, we are gonna beat this!!
    May 2014
  • GolfGirl
    Hi Lisa - I think of you often and hope you're doing well. Steve & I drove thru Highland last night - I waved :-). I'm hanging in there, the weekly infusions are getting old, but I know they're necessary. Prayers go out for you everyday. Bonnie
    November 2014
  • ticklingcancer
    Hey There, just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.
    October 2014
  • sue57
    Hi LMM, I hope your spirits are better today and the new meds are working. I just read your other post and wish I could edit my post about the HPV and my last comment. I am sorry that it has not been easy for you to get rid of the cancer. I didn't realize at the time I wrote that the cancer is gone, what you were going through and pray that the new chemo is successful. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    July 2014
  • tbyrd
    My red cell count was below 1, and the cardio. said that's where the pain and sob was coming from. He ran some test and said my heart is in great condition. So I now get a bag of blood and iron with each chemo., I go 8th for a ct scan to make sure that everything is still maintaining. I have been feeling a little better each day, I have finally been able to walk 2 blocks. I haven't been able to do that since Sept.. Sorry about the neuropathy, I had that with the cisplatin. It was rough for a couple of months. I sure gave the ems in my community a work out during that time. Take care, and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
    July 2014
  • ticklingcancer
    Hey My Friend, hope all is well. How is everything going?
    June 2014
  • YazBri
    Hi Lisa!

    I'm so sorry I just now was cleaning out my Spam inbox & saw both your messages! So sorry!! I tried writing my email but I don't think I'm suppose to (?) because I know I wrote it on your wall & I don't see it :(

    I'm doing fine, much better than the last time you talked to me, after they took me off the IV Oaxiplatin treatment, took the picc line out & I've been going back to normal faster than when I had both treatments! I'm going on my 5th Treatment/Oral tablet regimen of Xeloda and all is well - no problems whatsoever!! Only major side effect and the only one I'm experiencing is the extreme Fatigue at late afternoon/night and when I do some exercise like treadmill or hiking. I also went back to work on PT basis & telework from home. I honestly don't know whats to become of all these? I'm just hoping for the best and leaving it in God's hands. Because a month ago, it was really bad, like w/all of us, but now feeling like I'm not even sick, except knowing that I am and hoping for a good outcome when I do my final treatment/pills.

    How are you doing? I haven't even had time to come on here and update, when I got told I could work, busy came fast. But I do think and pray for all I've encountered on here, in person & from hearsay and pray for all of us. Thoughts are with you too!!!

    Let me know how your doing?
    June 2014
  • ticklingcancer
    Hello My Friend, How are you?
    May 2014
  • tbyrd
    I to am a believer, II have turned it over to god. He is showing me what he wants me to do. My kids and I go to counselin', it is helping them lot. The hardest is my grandbaby, who is only 4 mos. old. I have almost finished a walk thru her life for him, at least he will know a little about me and have some pictures. I started with 4 tumors, and now only have one, so god has really done a lot with me. I am lucky to have a motorcycle riding club that I am involved with, they have really been a big support & help. We just done a ride for the kids brain tumor foundation where we raised over 12,000 dollars. I got to meet some wonderful little kids who showed me that life is great, live it day to day.
    May 2014
  • tbyrd
    I am also married with 2 sons, my husband refuses to accept things as they are. So I am struggling some. I have 2 tumors on my liver, they have shrunk a lot. I have been off chemo. now for 2 mos, and just got ct scan. The tumors have grown 1 cm each, so back to chemo. for management. Take care of yourself, and good luck with the rest of your treatment plan.
    May 2014
  • Knitkim

    My name is Kim. We have a common friend. Awesome I might add. Carm""I've been on this journey for ten years. First breast now ovarian Ovarian has come back 5 times. But I have kids husband and a job God has for me. I was teaching when we found he breast then 15 months lat the ovarian. BRCA1 BRCA2. If you have any questions let me know.

    Warrior sister Kim
    April 2014
  • GolfGirl
    Hope you had a great trip & you were able to relax & enjoy. I've been praying you get good news today. Keep me posted.
    April 2014
  • GolfGirl
    LMM - Did you feel the earthquake? One big jolt here - I first thought my boyfriend fell out of bed. I'm hanging in there - I did get out this weekend - the weather was gorgeous! Any news for you? Did you have the PET scan yet? Thank you for checking in!
    March 2014
  • GolfGirl
    Thank you for your kind words and prayers. I am sending out good vibes for your upcoming scan. I will be driving by your neck of the woods that day to see my in-laws in Palm Springs. I have a really good feeling!
    February 2014
  • Neecer
    LMM, I also drank lemongrass tea while doing chemo, it helps with nausea and pain but I have also read it causes the cancer cells to split which makes it easier for the chemo to kill them. I don't know if the last part is true but I felt it helps on a couple of levels, it gave me something else to drink, it might help get rid of the cancer and it won't hurt to try it. You can get the lemongrass at most store that carry Oriental foods.
    February 2014
  • GolfGirl
    Hi LMM - I'm doing pretty well. Two steps forward, one step back. Doctor tells me that once I reach 3 months post-chemo I should start feeling better & better. Only 6 more weeks until then. It's been quite a ride - premature menopause, urinary incontinence (hopefully temporary), complete atrophy from the waist down on top of the usual side effects. I can't wait to get off this ride. I hope this finds you doing well and thriving as a survivor!
    February 2014
  • msiam281
    my name is michelle and I live in Southern CA.
    My Mom was recently diagnosed with Anal cancer. We are in the stage of just finding out. There is so much unanswered questions. My Mom lives is Easley, SC. She is seeing her doctor on Wednesday to find out where we go from her. I know they are doing an Urgent CT Scan to determine if the cancer has spread through her cells to other parts of her body. We are not sure what stage cancer and we are not sure her prognoses yet either..... I have so many questions and I'm full of fear and the unknown.... I appreciate you being on this website. I hope we can chat soon. Thank you!
    October 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    Thinking of you...
    October 2013
  • geekling
    Hey there. How are you holding up? No need to reply. Just wanted you to know that folks remember you. Make sure to EAT or, at least, drink fresh juices. You won't know it quite yet but they help.
    September 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    Thinking About You...
    September 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    Hey there friend, just wanted to check in with and see how everything is going.
    May 2013
  • glam
    glam LMM
    Dear Lisa, when I listened to the interview Greg posted today on the site I remember you.....hope you find it as motivational as I thought....God blee we
    August 2013
  • geekling
    OMG. Freaking censors. The XXX is the p or n industry. Why they would take all the laughter out of a good line is beyond me. Apologies if I frightened you but I did not realize how dorky the censor software actually is.
    August 2013
  • geekling
    Hi LMM; Any idea why they want to radiate such a large area?

    As to side effects .. well any opportunities you may have had in the porn industry are pretty much off the table for a while once they are done radiating you. :-)

    Worrying won't help. Use this time to speak to your oncologist and/or the radiologist and a nurse or four about possible concerns you may have and what can be done medically about them. Don't let them put you off. There is nothing wrong with admitting to a doctor that you are frightened and need more information in order to be calm.
    August 2013
  • liznparadise
    Hi, to answer your questions, yes, I had 28 days of radiation with the 2 rounds of chemo, mytomiacin (sp) and 5fu. 7 weeks ago I had a hemorrhoidectomy with biopsy because of symptoms, but the biopsy was benign. Just hemorrhoids. Not fun to go through after the radiation but it is now getting better. I'm just happy to know that the cancer wasn't back. I see either my surgeon or radiation onchologist every 3 months now. Glad you are doing well and thank you for checking in.
    July 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    Hey There Friend, just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you.
    July 2013
  • Lirasgirl33
    Please stop thinking that all the worst is going to happen to you. Be strong (mentally) if not for yourself, do it for your kids and your hubby. They love you and I'm sure it pains them enough to see you in physical pain but even more when you are mentally allowing this disease to infect your whole being. You are still alive and it seems like you are allowing cancer to take over. Have faith Lisa. True, none of us know what "God's plan" is for each of us and for how long we'll be here but just realizing how fragile and precious life is, we should all be taking advantage of each day of life we are given. Whether it's one day, or 30 years, each day is a gift. I'm sorry that the physical side effects have hit you so hard, it really does suck. But again, please stop thinking of yourself as "dying" because you are not dead yet. You are ALIVE so LIVE and don't stop fighting to LIVE. I love you. I'm praying for God to give you peace, understanding, courage and strength during these hard times. God wants to help you, but you need to open your heart and mind and allow him to. Fight back Lisa, show cancer you are not going down without a fight.
    May 2013